University of Technology Sydney

Alphabetical list of streams

Numerical list of streams

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W


12cp Software Engineering Studio STM91186
18cp Software Engineering Studio STM91187


24cp Core subjects (Sustainable Energy Technologies) STM91827
24cp Core subjects (Sustainable Practice) STM91825
2D Context STM91640
2D Context STM91429


30cp Software Engineering Studio STM91188
36cp Software Engineering Studio STM91189
3D Context STM91430
3D Context STM91641


42cp Core subjects (Forensic Science) BCrim BForSc STM91630


66cp Core subjects (Sustainable Energy) STM91826


Accounting Research stream STM91744
Accounting stream STM90210
Accounting stream STM90704
Acute Care STM91504
Acute Care Nursing core STM91784
Adult Literacy and Numeracy STM91525
Advanced Manufacturing STM91594
Advanced Manufacturing Stream STM91596
Advanced Medication Management stream STM91389
Advanced Nursing STM91401
Advanced Nursing core STM91849
Advanced Nursing core STM91397
Advanced Nursing core subjects STM91436
Advertising stream STM91124
Anaesthetics and Post Anaesthetic Care Unit STM91398
Anaesthetics and Post Anaesthetic Care Unit STM91505
Architectural Studies for Interior Architects STM91546
Architectural Studies for Landscape Architects STM91547
Architecture Research STM91545
Artificial Intelligence core STM91743


Bio-Instrumentation stream STM91423
Bio-Instrumentation stream STM91420
Bio-Instrumentation stream STM91417
Biology STM91248
Biology STM91606
Biology stream STM91137
Biology/Chemistry STM91617
Biology/Earth and Environmental Sciences STM91619
Biology/Physics STM91622
Biomedical Engineering core STM90869
Biomedical Engineering stream STM90884
Biomedical Engineering stream STM90898
Biotechnology Stream STM91869
Biotechnology Stream STM91865
Business STM91565
Business STM91884
Business Analytics STM91728
Business Analytics (Level 2) STM91454
Business Analytics (Level 3) STM91455
Business Core STM91735
Business Information Systems stream STM90969
Business Information Systems stream STM90963
Business Services Analytics stream (Business Analytics) STM91348
Business Studies STM91599
Business Studies STM91607
Business Studies/Economics STM91251
Business Studies/Economics STM91611
Business Studies/Economics subjects (SecEd) STM90781
Business Studies/Legal Studies STM91612


Capstone STM91726
Capstone stream STM91709
Chemical Science Stream STM91591
Chemistry STM91603
Chemistry STM91900
Chemistry STM91249
Chemistry stream STM91135
Chemistry stream STM91863
Chemistry stream STM91005
Chemistry/Earth and Environmental Sciences STM91620
Chemistry/Physics STM91618
Chemistry/Physics and Mathematics STM91901
Child and Family Health core STM91791
China: International Studies stream STM91314
China: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90016
Choice A Environmental Sciences STM91766
Chronic and Complex Care STM91506
Civil and Environmental Engineering specialist stream STM90848
Civil and Environmental stream STM90671
Civil Engineering core STM90870
Civil Engineering stream STM90885
Civil Engineering stream STM90899
Communication core STM91104
Communication Literacies STM91639
Communication Literacies stream STM91672
Communication Literacies stream STM91648
Complex Systems core STM91377
Complex Systems stream STM91378
Computer Control Engineering core STM90874
Computer Control Engineering stream STM90903
Computer Control Engineering stream STM90889
Computing Science Core stream STM91765
Control Studios stream STM91306
Control thread BE Electrical Engineering STM90699
Core STM91755
Core STM91754
Core STM91750
Core STM91749
Core STM91753
Core STM91829
Core (Cybersecurity) STM91576
Core (Law) STM90832
Core (Life Sciences) STM91491
Core (Migration Law and Practice) STM91220
Core (Physical Sciences - Chemistry and Physics) STM91490
Core (Physical Sciences - Mathematics) STM91492
Core Business subjects (BEconMtech) STM91705
Core disciplinary subjects (Environmental Biology) STM91514
Core Disciplinary Subjects (Marine Biology) STM91568
Core disciplinary subjects (Mathematics) STM91631
Core Honours subjects (Computing Science) STM91172
Core stream STM90742
Core stream (Artificial Intelligence) STM91715
Core stream (IT) STM90968
Core stream (Legal Studies PG) STM91210
Core stream (Media, Industry and Practice) STM91564
Core stream (Media, Industry and Practice) STM91295
Core stream (MIT) STM90962
Core stream (Pharmacy International) STM91302
Core stream (Pharmacy) STM90755
Core Studios stream STM91387
Core Studios stream STM91404
Core subjects STM90863
Core subjects STM91729
Core Subjects STM91544
Core subjects STM90695
Core subjects STM90841
Core subjects STM90345
Core subjects STM91830
Core Subjects STM91539
Core subjects STM90864
Core subjects STM91722
Core Subjects STM91833
Core subjects STM91845
Core subjects STM91635
Core subjects STM91552
Core subjects STM90792
Core subjects STM90815
Core subjects STM91501
Core subjects STM90356
Core subjects STM91500
Core subjects STM91724
Core subjects STM91843
Core Subjects STM91551
Core subjects STM91578
Core Subjects STM91598
Core subjects STM90106
Core subjects STM91789
Core subjects STM91790
Core subjects STM91840
Core subjects (Accounting) STM90285
Core subjects (Advanced Manufacturing) STM91595
Core Subjects (Animation Production) STM91638
Core Subjects (Animation) STM91428
Core subjects (Applied Policy) STM91196
Core subjects (B Management BCII) STM91810
Core subjects (Biotechnology) STM91711
Core subjects (Biotechnology) STM91191
Core subjects (Biotechnology) STM91192
Core subjects (BIS) STM90974
Core subjects (Business) STM90273
Core subjects (Business) STM90108
Core subjects (Business) STM90850
Core subjects (Clinical Exercise Physiology) STM91819
Core subjects (Clinical Psychology) STM91016
Core subjects (Computing Science) STM91173
Core subjects (Construction Management) STM91269
Core subjects (Construction Management) STM91268
Core subjects (Construction) STM90373
Core subjects (Creative Intelligence and Innovation) STM90839
Core subjects (Creative Intelligence and Strategic Innovation PG) STM91379
Core subjects (Creative Intelligence and Strategic Innovation PG) STM91382
Core subjects (Creative Writing) STM90816
Core subjects (Criminology) STM91629
Core subjects (Data Analytics) STM90976
Core subjects (Economics) STM91017
Core subjects (Education) STM91340
Core subjects (Education) STM91339
Core subjects (Engineering Management) STM90866
Core subjects (Engineering) STM90272
Core subjects (Engineering) STM90107
Core Subjects (Enrolled Nurse) STM91475
Core subjects (Enterprise Software Development) STM90978
Core subjects (Environmental Engineering Management) STM91156
Core Subjects (Event Management) STM91687
Core Subjects (Fashion and Textiles) STM91426
Core subjects (Finance) STM91154
Core subjects (Finance) STM91597
Core Subjects (Financial Planning) STM91581
Core subjects (Forensic Science Law) STM91181
Core subjects (Forensic Science) STM91292
Core subjects (Forensic Science) STM91293
Core subjects (Forensic Science) STM91180
Core subjects (Forensic Science) STM91291
Core subjects (Forensic Science) STM91294
Core subjects (Games Development) STM91759
Core Subjects (GC SSCM) STM91787
Core subjects (GCAAF) STM91889
Core Subjects (GCBICT) STM91675
Core subjects (GCEBP) STM91730
Core Subjects (GCEventM) STM91690
Core subjects (GCFinance) STM91892
Core Subjects (GCHRM) STM91698
Core Subjects (GCManagement) STM91679
Core Subjects (GCMarketing) STM91848
Core Subjects (GCNFPSEM) STM91694
Core Subjects (GCOSCM) STM91796
Core Subjects (GCSDDASC) STM91794
Core Subjects (GCSPL) STM91795
Core Subjects (GCSportM) STM91686
Core Subjects (GD SSCM) STM91788
Core Subjects (GDEventM) STM91689
Core subjects (GDFinance) STM91681
Core subjects (GDFinance) STM91891
Core Subjects (GDHRM) STM91697
Core Subjects (GDManagement) STM91678
Core Subjects (GDMarketing) STM91847
Core Subjects (GDMarketing) STM91700
Core Subjects (GDNFPSEM) STM91693
Core Subjects (GDSportM) STM91685
Core Subjects (Genetic Counselling Skills) STM91858
Core subjects (Genetic Counselling) STM91274
Core subjects (Genetic Counselling) STM91275
Core subjects (Good Manufacturing Practice) STM91014
Core Subjects (Grad Cert Arch) STM91637
Core Subjects (Grad Cert Data Science) STM91461
Core Subjects (Grad Dip Arch) STM91636
Core subjects (Health Services Management) STM90763
Core Subjects (Honours) STM91642
Core Subjects (Honours) STM91643
Core Subjects (Honours) STM91898
Core subjects (Information Systems) STM91773
Core subjects (Information Technology) STM90651
Core subjects (Interior Architecture) STM90725
Core subjects (Interior Architecture) STM91203
Core subjects (Internetworking) STM90975
Core subjects (JD) STM90831
Core Subjects (Landscape Architecture Studies 1) STM91569
Core Subjects (Landscape Architecture Studies 2) STM91570
Core subjects (Landscape Architecture Studies) Grad Cert STM91518
Core subjects (Landscape PG) STM91194
Core subjects (Landscape Studies) Grad Cert STM91517
Core subjects (Landscape UG) STM91202
Core subjects (Legal Studies) STM90835
Core subjects (Level 2) STM91841
Core Subjects (Level 3) STM91842
Core subjects (Local Government) STM90795
Core Subjects (M Quantitative Finance and Data Science) STM91462
Core Subjects (M Quantitative Finance) STM91515
Core subjects (Management) STM90928
Core subjects (MApp Pol) STM91542
Core subjects (Mathematics for Secondary Education) STM91457
Core Subjects (Mathematics) STM91543
Core subjects (Medical Biotechnology PG) STM91854
Core subjects (Medical Biotechnology PG) STM91853
Core subjects (Medical Research and Development Management) STM91818
Core subjects (Medical Science Innovation) STM91814
Core subjects (Medical Science Leadership) STM91815
Core Subjects (Medical Science) STM91714
Core subjects (Medicinal Chemistry) STM90995
Core Subjects (MEventM Extension) STM91688
Core subjects (MFinanceExt) STM91680
Core Subjects (MHRM Extension) STM91782
Core Subjects (MHRM Extension) STM91781
Core Subjects (MHRM Extension) STM91695
Core Subjects (MHRM) STM91696
Core Subjects (MManagement Extension) STM91676
Core Subjects (MManagement) STM91677
Core Subjects (MMarketing) STM91846
Core Subjects (MMarketing) STM91699
Core Subjects (MNFPSEM Extension) STM91692
Core Subjects (MNFPSEM) STM91691
Core subjects (MProf Accounting) STM91674
Core Subjects (MSCM) STM91792
Core Subjects (MSportM Extension) STM91684
Core Subjects (MSportM) STM91682
Core subjects (Multimedia) STM90977
Core subjects (Orthoptics) STM91015
Core subjects (PG Architecture) STM90794
Core subjects (PG Legal Studies) STM90834
Core Subjects (Photography) STM91431
Core subjects (Physics and Nanotechnology) STM90683
Core subjects (Physiotherapy) STM91190
Core subjects (Planning PG) STM90502
Core Subjects (Product Design) STM91425
Core subjects (Project Management) STM91844
Core subjects (Property Development and Investment) STM91852
Core subjects (Property Development and Investment) STM91162
Core subjects (Property Development and Planning) STM91384
Core subjects (Property Development and Project Management) STM91161
Core subjects (Property Development PG) STM91265
Core subjects (Property Development PG) STM91264
Core subjects (Property Economics) STM90820
Core subjects (Psychology) STM91811
Core subjects (Public Engagement in Medical Science) STM91816
Core subjects (Public Health Advanced) STM91432
Core subjects (Public Health) STM91049
Core subjects (Public Health) STM91433
Core subjects (Public Health) STM91048
Core Subjects (Quantitative Finance) STM91463
Core subjects (Real Estate Investment PG) STM90960
Core Subjects (Real Estate Investment PG) MRealEstateInv STM91851
Core subjects (Science Leadership) STM91817
Core subjects (Science PG) STM91283
Core subjects (Speech Pathology) STM91289
Core subjects (Speech Pathology) STM91290
Core subjects (Speech Pathology) STM91288
Core subjects (Sport and Exercise Management) STM91835
Core subjects (Sport and Exercise Management) STM90829
Core subjects (Sport and Exercise Management) STM91834
Core subjects (Sport and Exercise Science) STM90825
Core Subjects (SSCM Extension) STM91785
Core Subjects (SSCM) STM91786
Core subjects (Strategic Communication) STM91277
Core subjects (Strategic Communication) STM91276
Core subjects (Sustainable Leadership) STM91822
Core subjects (Sustainable Leadership) STM91828
Core subjects (UG Architecture) STM91342
Core subjects (Urban Design) STM91626
Core subjects (Urban Planning) STM91623
Core Subjects (Visual Communication) STM91427
Core subjects A (Interaction Design) STM91221
Core subjects B (Interaction Design) STM91222
Core subjects GradCertBehavEcon STM91760
Core subjects MBA STM91458
Core Subjects MFinance STM91890
Core Subjects MFinAnlys STM91683
Corporate and Marketing Communication stream STM91279
Corporate Transformation Stream STM91553
Corporate Transformation Stream STM91559
Corporate Transformation Studios STM91557
Creative Arts STM91467
Creative Arts specialisation STM91332
Critical Care STM91507
Critical Care STM91399
Critical Care stream STM91574
Cyber Security core subjects STM91234
Cyber Security Engineering core STM91237
Cyber Security Engineering stream STM91238
Cyber Security Engineering stream STM91239
Cyber Security stream STM91236
Cyber Security stream STM91235
Cybersecurity STM91449
Cybersecurity core STM91737


Data Analytics STM91225
Data Analytics STM91445
Data Analytics stream STM90965
Data Analytics stream STM90971
Data Analytics stream (Business Analytics) STM91349
Data and Electronic Engineering Studio STM91183
Data and Electronic Engineering Studio STM91185
Data and Electronic Engineering Studio STM91184
Data Science Accelerated core subjects STM91736
Data Science Core Subjects STM91480
Data Science Core Subjects STM91478
Databases STM91444
Design Practice Fundamentals STM91549
Design Studies STM91424
Design Studies STM91882
Digital Marketing STM91727
Digital Marketing (Level 2) STM91481
Digital Marketing (Level 3) STM91482
Digital Social Media stream STM91659
Digital Social Media stream STM91703


EAL/D and Literacy in Schools STM91526
Early Career Management stream STM91392
Early Career Management stream STM91390
Early Career Management stream STM91394
Earth and Environmental Science STM91356
Earth and Environmental Science stream STM91359
Earth and Environmental Sciences STM91605
Economics STM91609
Economics STM91601
Economics Business Studies/Economics stream STM91634
Economics Research stream STM91745
Economics stream (Honours) STM90798
Economics/Legal Studies STM91615
Economics/Society and Culture STM91614
Education STM91508
Education (Learning and Leadership) Level 2 STM91573
Education (Learning and Leadership) Level 3 STM91572
Education core STM91464
Education Electives STM91059
Education Futures Electives and Creative Arts STM91838
Education Futures Electives and Human and Society and its Environment STM91839
Education Futures Electives and Modern Languages STM91837
Electives Choice STM91883
Electrical and Electronic Engineering common core STM91775
Electrical and Electronic Engineering specialist stream STM91414
Electrical and Electronic Engineering studio stream STM91413
Electrical Drives stream STM91718
Electrical Energy Systems core STM91881
Electrical Energy Systems core STM91411
Electrical Energy Systems stream STM91410
Electrical Energy Systems stream STM91409
Electrical Engineering core STM91774
Electronic Engineering core STM91777
Electronic Engineering Studios STM91776
EMBA Core subjects STM91665
Embedded Systems stream STM91309
Engineering Practice stream STM91122
English STM91468
English STM91333
English STM91258
English for Academic Purposes STM91524
English specialisation STM91329
Enrolled Nurse STM91472
Enterprise and Technology Project stream STM91584
Enterprise Software Development stream STM90973
Enterprise Software Development stream STM90967
Entrepreneurial Stream STM91560
Entrepreneurship Studios STM91558
Environmental Biotechnology stream STM91712
Environmental Engineering core STM90875
Environmental Engineering stream STM90890
Environmental Engineering stream STM90904
Environmental Science Stream STM91589
Environmental Sciences Stream STM91864
Environmental stream STM91006
Exchange electives STM90499
Expanded Design Fundamentals STM91550
Extended major STM90524
Extended stream STM91757
Extended stream STM91751


Finance Research stream STM91746
Finance stream STM90705
Finance stream (Honours) STM90799
Financial Analytics stream (Business Analytics) STM91347
First and second-year core subjects STM91473
First-year subjects STM90744
Flexible Chemical and Physical Sciences Stream STM91868
Flexible Life and Environment Sciences Stream STM91867
Flexible major Chemical and Physical Sciences STM91859
Flexible major Life and Environmental Sciences STM91860
Forensic Science (Honours) STM91704
Forensic Science Stream STM91593
Forensic Science Thesis STM91296
Foundation in Business stream (Business Analytics) STM91450
Foundation in Business stream (Business Analytics) STM91344
Foundation in IT stream (Business Analytics) STM91345
Foundation in IT stream (Business Analytics) STM91451
Foundation Stream (Life Sciences) STM91906
Foundation Stream (Physical Sciences) STM91907
Foundation Subjects (Creative Intelligence and Strategic Innovation PG) STM91870
Foundations of Law stream STM90559
France: International Studies stream STM91315
France: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90017
Full-time stream STM91477


Games Design STM91226
Genomics and Bioinformatics stream STM91415
Genomics and Bioinformatics stream STM91418
Genomics and Bioinformatics stream STM91421
Geotechnical Engineering core STM90871
Geotechnical Engineering stream STM90886
Geotechnical Engineering stream STM90900
Germany: International Studies stream STM91316
Germany: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90018
Global Work stream STM91710
Government Communication stream STM91278
Graduate Research Project STM91223
Graduate Research Project + Elective STM91224


Health STM91895
Health Services Management Core Group 2 Subjects STM91439
Health Services Management Core Subjects STM91437
Health stream STM91731
High Performance Sport Diploma Core STM91357
High Performance Sport Level 1 STM91353
High Performance Sport Level 2 STM91354
High Performance Sport Level 3 STM91355
High Performance Sport Masters core STM91767
High Performance Sport Masters Internship STM91360
High Performance Sport Masters Internship STM91358
High Performance Sport Practitioner pathway STM91768
High Performance Sport Research pathway STM91769


Independent Practice Project STM91644
Indigenous Nation Building stream STM91556
Information System Core STM91373
Innovation and Enterprise Systems core STM91771
Innovation stream (Business Analytics) STM91352
Integrating Business Skills STM90842
Interaction Design STM91446
Interaction Programming STM91227
Interactive Media stream STM90966
Interactive Media stream STM90972
International Honours (China) STM91664
International Honours (China) stream STM91649
International Honours (France) STM91666
International Honours (France) stream STM91650
International Honours (Germany) STM91667
International Honours (Germany) stream STM91651
International Honours (Italy) STM91668
International Honours (Italy) stream STM91652
International Honours (Japan) STM91669
International Honours (Japan) stream STM91653
International Honours (Spain) STM91670
International Honours (Spain) stream STM91654
Internet and Web STM91442
Internet stream (Business Analytics) STM91351
Internetworking stream STM90964
Internetworking stream STM90970
Intraoperative Care STM91403
IT Core stream STM91764
IT Project + Elective stream 1 STM91028
IT Project + Elective stream 2 STM91029
IT Project + Elective stream 3 STM91030
IT Work Integrated Learning Program STM90990
Italy: International Studies stream STM91317
Italy: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90020


Japan: International Studies stream STM91318
Japan: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90021
Journalism stream STM91673
Journalism stream STM91702


Key Enabling Methodologies Subjects GDCISI STM91381
Key Enabling Methodologies Subjects MCISI STM91380
Key Learning Areas STM91466
Key Learning Areas STM91055
Key Learning Areas (International) STM91483
Key Learning Areas (International) STM91341


Landscape Studies for Architects STM91548
Language, Culture & Global Exchange STM91663
Language, Culture and the Professional World STM91662
Law for Business STM90558
Law stream STM90691
Law stream (Honours) STM91052
Law, Ethics and Governance core STM91297
Leadership and Management STM91509
Legal Studies STM91600
Legal Studies STM91608
Legal Studies/Society and Culture STM91613
Level 1 stream STM91719
Level 2 core subjects (Planning) STM90503
Level 2 stream STM91720
Level 2 subjects STM91831
Level 3 stream STM91721
Level 3 subjects STM91832
Life Science Stream STM91588
Life Sciences STM91496
Life Sciences stream STM91007
Life Sciences stream (Advanced Science) STM91780


Major choice (Science) STM91521
Major Project stream STM90504
Major Project stream STM91385
Major stream STM90860
Major/Sub-majors/Electives STM91018
Management STM90212
Management Business Studies stream STM91633
Management Capstone stream STM91383
Management Research stream STM91747
Managing Financial Resources STM90844
Managing Innovation STM90847
Managing Operations STM90846
Managing Organisations STM90845
Managing People STM90843
Manufacturing Engineering and Management core STM90877
Manufacturing Engineering and Management stream STM90892
Manufacturing Engineering and Management stream STM90906
Marketing Analytics stream (Business Analytics) STM91346
Marketing Research stream STM91748
Marketing stream STM90213
Mathematical Sciences (Honours) STM91632
Mathematical Sciences stream STM91592
Mathematical stream (Honours) STM90837
Mathematics STM91259
Mathematics STM91334
Mathematics STM91469
Mathematics and Chemistry STM91902
Mathematics and Physics STM91904
Mathematics and Physics Combination STM91903
Mathematics specialisation STM91330
Mathematics stream STM90678
Mathematics stream STM91861
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering choice STM91888
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering core STM91885
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering specialist stream STM90849
Mechanical Engineering core STM91887
Mechatronic Engineering core STM91886
Media Business stream STM91701
Media Business stream STM91661
Medical Biotechnology stream STM91713
Medical Biotechnology Thesis STM91286
Medical Science (Honours) STM91758
Medical Science Stream STM91866
Mental Health STM91510
Mental Health stream STM91575
Microfluidics and 3D Bioprinting stream STM91422
Microfluidics and 3D Bioprinting stream STM91416
Microfluidics and 3D Bioprinting stream STM91419
Mid-career Management stream STM91393
Mid-Career Management stream STM91391
Mid-career Management stream STM91395
Minor Project + electives stream STM90505
Minor Project stream STM91386


Networking STM91448
No Major STM91563
No Major (Online Master of Advanced Nursing) STM91438
No Specialisation STM91562
No specified major STM90838
No specified major STM91850
No specified major (Advanced Nursing) STM90996
No specified major (Life and Environmental Sciences) STM90694
No specified major (Physical Sciences) STM90697
No specified major stream STM90916
No specified major stream STM90868
Non-common Law stream STM90560
Non-ICS Stream STM91707
Nursing Education Core STM91723


Operations and Supply Chain Management stream STM91801
Options STM91783
Options (MEM) STM90927
Options MDSI STM91479
Organisational Learning stream STM91732


Paediatrics STM91511
Palliative Care Level 1 STM91273
Palliative Care Level 2 STM91272
Palliative Care Level 3 STM91271
Part-time stream STM91476
Perioperative STM91400
Perioperative STM91512
Pharmaceutical Sciences Stream STM91879
Physical Science Stream STM91590
Physical Sciences - Chemistry and Physics STM91495
Physical Sciences - Mathematics STM91497
Physics STM91905
Physics STM91250
Physics STM91604
Physics stream STM91136
Physics stream STM91004
Physics stream STM91862
Physics stream (Advanced Science) STM91779
Physics/Earth and Environmental Sciences STM91621
Planning Foundation STM91396
Postanaesthesia Care STM91402
Power Systems Studios stream STM91308
Pre-medicine Stream STM91878
Primary Core stream STM91503
Primary Discipline Subjects STM91836
Primary Education Core STM91872
Primary Education Core STM91823
Primary Key Learning Areas STM91824
Primary Key Learning Areas STM91899
Professional stream STM90522
Professional Engineering Practice Program subjects STM90993
Professional Engineering Practice stream STM90994
Professional Engineering stream STM90883
Professional Engineering stream STM90865
Professional Engineering stream STM90867
Professional Engineering stream STM90861
Professional Engineering stream STM91120
Professional Experience stream STM91465
Professional Project stream STM91121
Professional Stream STM91716
Professional stream (IT) STM90979
Professional stream (Science PG) STM91287
Professional stream (Science PG) STM91857
Professional stream (Science PG) STM91284
Professional stream (Science PG) STM91856
Professional stream (Science PG) STM91855
Professional stream (Science PG) STM91285
Programming STM91441
Programming Languages stream (Business Analytics) STM91343
Project (two sessions) (FT) STM90915
Project + four electives (one session) STM90912
Project + four electives (two sessions) STM90913
Project + one elective (two sessions) STM90983
Project + three electives (one session) STM90982
Project + three electives (two sessions) STM90981
Project + two electives (two sessions) STM90914
Project Management Foundation stream STM91311
Project stream STM90859
Project Stream STM91717
Psychological Science Honours STM91813
Psychology (Advanced) - Level 1 STM91741
Psychology (Advanced) - Level 2 STM91742
Psychology - Level 1 STM91738
Psychology - Level 2 STM91739
Psychology - Level 3 STM91740
Psychology Honours STM91812
Public Health Core STM91734
Public Health core STM91460
Public Relations stream STM91123


Quality and Safety STM91513
Quantum Technology Stream STM91880


Renewable Energy Systems Studios stream STM91307
Robotics stream STM91304
Robotics stream STM91305


Science STM91260
Science and Technology STM91470
Science and Technology specialisation STM91331
Science Business stream MSc MBA STM91804
Science stream STM91336
Science Stream STM91523
Science Stream STM91522
Science stream (Honours) STM90836
Science/Mathematics stream STM91337
Scientist's Tool Kit (Chemical Sciences) STM91003
Scientist's Tool Kit (Environmental Sciences) STM91002
Scientist's Tool Kit (Life Sciences) STM90680
Scientist's Tool Kit (Mathematics) STM90681
Scientist's Tool Kit (Pharmaceutical Sciences) STM91877
Scientist's Tool Kit (Physical Sciences) STM90679
Scientist's Tool Kit (Pre-medicine) STM91876
Scientist's Tool Kit (Quantum Technology) STM91778
Second-year subjects STM90745
Secondary Education core STM91579
Secondary Education core STM91489
Service Design STM91770
Service Design and Data Analytics in Supply Chain stream STM91802
Social Innovation Project STM91645
Social Political Sciences stream STM91671
Social Sciences stream STM91338
Society and Culture STM91602
Society and Culture STM91610
Society and Culture stream STM91498
Society and Culture/Business Studies STM91616
Software Development and Interaction Design stream (Business Analytics) STM91350
Software Development Studios STM91312
Software Systems Engineering core STM90879
Software Systems Engineering stream STM90894
Software Systems Engineering stream STM90908
Spain: International Studies stream STM91322
Spain: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90023
Standard Program STM91471
Standard stream STM91756
Standard stream STM91388
Standard stream STM90523
Standard stream STM91752
Strategic Communication STM91896
Strategic Communication stream STM91660
Stream Choice (Information Systems) STM91772
Stream choice MBA STM91459
Structural Engineering core STM90872
Structural Engineering stream STM90887
Structural Engineering stream STM90901
Study Abroad BI Norway Stream STM91808
Study Abroad Hoschule Fresenius Germany Stream STM91809
Sub-major/Electives (Chemistry) STM91761
Sub-major/Electives (Mathematics) STM91762
Sub-major/Electives (Physics) STM91763
Supply Chain Management Capstone STM91793
Sustainability STM91897
Sustainability and Environment STM91520
Sustainability and Environment Core STM91519
Sustainable Sourcing, Procurement and Logistics stream STM91803


TD Experience and Research Subjects STM91871
Teacher Education (Primary) STM91054
Teacher Education (Secondary) STM91060
Technology and Communities-focused STM91406
Technology and Communities-focused STM91407
Technology and Communities-focused STM91405
Technology and Enterprise stream STM91585
Technology and Enterprise stream STM91582
Technology Management STM91894
Technology Management core STM91799
Technology Management stream STM91733
Technology Strategy Stream STM91583
Telecommunications and Electronics core STM90881
Telecommunications and Electronics stream STM90910
Telecommunications and Electronics stream STM90896
Theory of Computation STM91447
Third-year core subjects STM91474
Third-year subjects STM90746
Trade Mark Law and Practice stream STM90743
Transdisciplinary Learning core subjects STM91566
Transdisciplinary Learning Studio/Lab (Enterprise Stream) STM91580
Transdisciplinary Learning Studio/Lab (Standard Stream) STM91567
Tunnelling and Underground Engineering stream STM91821
Tunnelling and Underground Engineering stream STM91820


Urban Design (Tier 1) STM91627
Urban Design (Tier 2) STM91628
Urban Planning (Tier 1) STM91624
Urban Planning (Tier 2) STM91625


Visual Communication stream (Honours) STM91408


Water Engineering core STM90882
Water Engineering stream STM90911
Water Engineering stream STM90897
Web Programming STM91443
Women's and Children's Health Core and Elective STM91806
Women's and Children's Health Stream STM91805
Work Integrated Learning STM91313
Writing and Publishing stream STM91658