University of Technology Sydney

Undergraduate courses

C10276Bachelor of Music and Sound Design
C10361Bachelor of Communication (Journalism)
C10362Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production)
C10363Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication)
C10364Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences)
C10369Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing)
C10371Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media)
C10451Bachelor of Communication (Media Business)
C10460Bachelor of Animation Production

Honours courses

C09047Bachelor of Communication (Honours)
C09130Bachelor of Animation Production (Honours)

Combined courses

C09089Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing) Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
C09091Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
C09093Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
C09094Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
C09095Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
C09096Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
C09132Bachelor of Animation Production Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)
C09134Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)
C09135Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)
C09136Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)
C09137Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)
C09138Bachelor of Communication (Media Business) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)
C09139Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)
C09140Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)
C09157Bachelor of Music and Sound Design Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)
C10277Bachelor of Music and Sound Design Bachelor of International Studies
C10359Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10365Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of International Studies
C10366Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of International Studies
C10367Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) Bachelor of International Studies
C10368Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of International Studies
C10370Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing) Bachelor of International Studies
C10372Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of International Studies
C10373Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10374Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10375Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10376Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10377Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10378Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing) Bachelor of Laws
C10379Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Laws
C10380Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Laws
C10381Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Laws
C10382Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) Bachelor of Laws
C10383Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Laws
C10405Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing) Master of Teaching in Secondary Education
C10425Bachelor of Music and Sound Design Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10434Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10435Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10436Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10437Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10438Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10439Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10452Bachelor of Communication (Media Business) Bachelor of International Studies
C10454Bachelor of Communication (Media Business) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10455Bachelor of Communication (Media Business) Bachelor of Laws
C10456Bachelor of Communication (Media Business) Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
C10461Bachelor of Animation Production Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10462Bachelor of Animation Production Bachelor of International Studies
C10465Bachelor of Music and Sound Design Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation