94658 Innovation Funding Platforms
Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a
particular session, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source
of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.
Subject handbook information prior to 2022 is available in the Archives.
Credit points: 8 cp
Result type: Grade and marks
Requisite(s): ((94662 Fundamentals of Innovation OR 94663 Navigating Entrepreneurial Ecosystems)) OR (21924 Start-up Bootcamp AND 21932 Start-up Lab 1)
This subject explores the world of innovation funding, students learn the process by which an innovation business or project is funded. Using Silicon Valley technique, to help reduce biases and increase knowledge adaptation, student are divided at random in teams where they take on the persona of the various innovation ecosystem members/structures. Students come away having a firm knowledge of the various ways in which innovation opportunities are evaluated.
Subject learning objectives (SLOs)
Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:
1. | Interpret and communicate analysis of quantitative and qualitative data to support decisions for expanding an early stage enterprise/initiative. |
2. | Explore different methods and mentalities for stimulating creativity, innovation and scalability in teams and/or organisations. |
3. | Identify and deal with barriers and enablers of innovation and transformation across organisations, networks, and/or systems with sensitivity to social and cultural dynamics. |
4. | Assemble a multidisciplinary team to support the expansion of an early stage enterprise/initiative. |
5. | Identify opportunities for innovation and develop strategies to persuade and support people to innovate. |
6. | Communicate the mission of an emerging enterprise/initiative and the value proposition of its products and services using a range of 'voices' that are appropriate to different audiences. |
Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)
This subject contributes specifically to the development of the following course intended learning outcomes:
- Select and use a range of appropriate data, tools, techniques, technologies and methods creatively and critically in multidisciplinary teams to discover, investigate, design, produce and communicate ideas or artefacts. (3.3)
- Articulate often-complex ideas simply, succinctly and compellingly to a diverse team or multiple types of audiences (3.4)
- Design and develop ideas, strategies and practices for betterment that engage with and respond respectfully, generatively and analytically to different ways of knowing across community and cultural contexts (4.2)
- Make decisions that engage ethically and sensitively with the values of particular groups, communities, organisations or cultures (4.4)
- Exercise good judgment in knowing when to take a leadership role, and when to enable leadership by others to address community, organisational or cultural issues, challenges and opportunities through innovation (4.5)
- Communicate confidently and with diplomacy to influence essential stakeholders or decision makers and to achieve impact (5.4)
Contribution to the development of graduate attributes
This subject contributes to the following course intended learning outcomes:
Use a range of appropriate data, tools, techniques, technologies and methods creatively and critically in multi-disciplinary teams to discover, investigate, design, produce and communicate ideas or artefacts (CILO 3.3).
Articulate often-complex ideas simply, succinctly and persuasively to a diverse team or audience (CILO 3.4).
Make decisions that recognise the humanity of others by engaging ethically and sensitively to the values of particular groups, communities, organisations or cultures (CILO 4.4).
Exercise good judgment in knowing when to take a leadership role, and when to enable leadership by others to address community, organisational or cultural issues, challenges and opportunities through innovation (CILO 4.5).
Identify required capabilities for realising an idea and create a venture team to achieve the aspirations of a particular innovation (CILO 5.3).
Communicate confidently and with diplomacy to influence essential stakeholders or decision makers and to achieve impact (CILO 5.4).
94658 Innovation Funding Platforms develops the following Program Learning Outcomes in the Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Honours)
1.1 Apply creative, critical and analytical thinking to review and progress an entrepreneurial project
Teaching and learning strategies
This subject will consist of six full days scheduled over 3 weeks, supplemented by online modules and activities.
Learning will take place in a collaborative, immersive, experiential, studio-based environment. Students will work with academics and professionals across a wide range of disciplines.
Content (topics)
- Captial - VC, Angel, Limited Partners (forms of investing)
- Capitalization tables
- Due diligence
- Term sheets & Exits
- Portfolios and Platforms (management, creation and optimisation)
Assessment task 1: Understanding your Personas
Intent: | A detailed assesment brief outlining specific requirements for each assesment task will be available in UTS Online. Please, ensure you consult these briefs before you undertake the assesment tasks. |
Objective(s): | This task addresses the following subject learning objectives: 1, 3, 4 and 5 This assessment task contributes to the development of course intended learning outcome(s): 3.3, 4.2, 4.4 and 4.5 |
Type: | Report |
Groupwork: | Group, group and individually assessed |
Weight: | 30% |
Assessment task 2: Understanding the funding ecosytem
Objective(s): | This task addresses the following subject learning objectives: 1, 2 and 6 This assessment task contributes to the development of course intended learning outcome(s): 3.3, 3.4 and 5.4 |
Type: | Report |
Groupwork: | Group, group and individually assessed |
Weight: | 50% |
Assessment task 3: Final presentation and submission
Objective(s): | This task addresses the following subject learning objectives: 2 and 6 This assessment task contributes to the development of course intended learning outcome(s): 3.4 and 5.4 |
Type: | Presentation |
Groupwork: | Group, group and individually assessed |
Weight: | 20% |
Minimum requirements
Students must attempt each assessment task and achieve an overall pass mark in order to pass this subject.
Late penalties apply to all assessment tasks as outlined in the TD School FYI student booklet. Please consult this booklet for other useful information including Special Consideration, Plagiarism, Extension, and Student Support Services.
A minimum of 80% of attendance of classes (as outlined in the timetable) is required.
Required texts
No required texts. Readings and other resources will be provided online.