University of Technology Sydney

MAJ10053 Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics

31250  Introduction to Data Analytics  6cp
41004  AI/Analytics Capstone Project  6cp
41040  Introduction to Artificial Intelligence  6cp
Select 30 credit points of options:  30cp
31243  AI/Analytics Capstone Project B 6cp 
41077  Data Driven and Intelligent Robotics 6cp 
32146  Data Visualisation and Visual Analytics 6cp 
42028  Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Network 6cp 
41041  Emerging Topics in Artificial Intelligence 6cp 
31256  Image Processing and Pattern Recognition 6cp 
41042  Introduction to Computational Intelligence 6cp 
41170  Introduction to Quantum Computing 6cp 
31005  Machine Learning 6cp 
41043  Natural Language Processing 6cp 
42050  SAS Predictive Business Analytics 6cp 
42913  Social and Information Network Analysis 6cp 
Total  48cp