University of Technology Sydney

Undergraduate courses

C09079Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours)
C10004Bachelor of Design in Architecture
C10214Bachelor of Construction Project Management
C10271Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture
C10273Bachelor of Design in Animation
C10304Bachelor of Design in Product Design
C10306Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles
C10308Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication
C10310Bachelor of Property Economics

Honours courses

C09048Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Architecture
C09052Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Photography
C09055Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Interior Architecture
C09056Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Animation
C09059Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Product Design
C09060Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Fashion and Textiles
C09061Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Visual Communication
C09063Bachelor of Property Economics (Honours)

Combined courses

C10215Bachelor of Construction Project Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10272Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10274Bachelor of Design in Animation Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10305Bachelor of Design in Product Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10307Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10309Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10320Bachelor of Property Economics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10321Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10322Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10323Bachelor of Design in Product Design Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10324Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10325Bachelor of Design in Architecture Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10356Bachelor of Design in Animation Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
C10413Bachelor of Design in Architecture Master of Architecture
C10420Bachelor of Construction Project Management Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10423Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10424Bachelor of Design in Animation Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10428Bachelor of Design in Product Design Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10429Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10430Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Languages and Cultures
C10431Bachelor of Property Economics Bachelor of Languages and Cultures