Financial assistance
Study Assist
The Australian Government's Study Assist website provides information about fees, loans and scholarships associated with tertiary study. It also contains information about higher education reforms that affect students.
Eligible students have access to HECS-HELP assistance. This allows eligible students to request a HECS-HELP loan and defer payments through the Australian Taxation Office.
FEE-HELP is a loan scheme for eligible full-fee-paying domestic students. Under this scheme students can borrow up to the amount of the tuition fees being charged for subjects.
Eligible students who do not wish to pay the student services and amenities fee upfront to the University can request assistance and defer the fee through SA-HELP.
Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN)
All Commonwealth-supported students and FEE-HELP students are issued with a Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN). The CHESSN is a unique identifier that tracks an individual's use of Commonwealth assistance. As a condition of enrolment, students provide informed consent for the University to share their personal information with the Department of Education, so that the University can comply with legislative requirements. The information provided by students is used to generate the CHESSN. The CHESSN stays with students for their academic life.
OS-HELP is a loan scheme that helps eligible Commonwealth-supported students undertake some of their study overseas.
Centrelink benefits
The Australian Government's benefits for tertiary students are administered by Centrelink and are income- and assets-tested.
Eligibility, payment rates and registration details for all Centrelink benefits are available from Centrelink.
Registering students need to provide supporting documents to Centrelink as early as possible. The first benefit payment for an eligible full-time student is backdated to the date of registration with Centrelink.
Commonwealth legislation sets strict requirements for Austudy and Youth Allowance over which the University has no control.
Students receiving Austudy or Youth Allowance must be enrolled in a minimum of 18 credit points a session. They need to advise Centrelink if they drop subjects during session, and with less than 18 credit points they are no longer eligible for the benefits. Concessional study loads may apply for Austudy recipients with substantial disability or ongoing illness which impacts on their studies or, in exceptional cases, those who are required by the University to undertake a reduced study load.
The financial assistance service at UTS provides a guide to Centrelink benefits for students.
Abstudy assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tertiary students by providing income support and other assistance.
Further information is available from Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research.
The financial assistance service at UTS provides a guide to Abstudy.
International loan schemes
International students from some countries may apply for government-funded and private education loans to support their studies in Australia. UTS International can provide documentation and advice to eligible students.
A number of countries offer financial aid to their citizens who are studying in Australia.
UTS also accepts students who are eligible for the US Veteran's Educational Benefit Programs.
UTS financial assistance
UTS provides scholarships and a range of other financial assistance.
The Financial Assistance Service may also be able to assist students who are experiencing financial difficulties associated with practical and financial aspects of university life.