University of Technology Sydney

MAJ09399 Legal Studies

70110  Introduction to Law  6cp
76110  Introduction to Public International Law  6cp
Select 36 credit points of options:  36cp
76033  Animal Law and Policy in Australia 6cp 
76003  Asian Law and Legal Systems 6cp 
76048  Citizenship and Immigration Law 6cp 
76081  Gender and Law 6cp 
76109  History and Theory of International Law 6cp 
76068  Indigenous Peoples and the Law 6cp 
79603  International Business Transactions and the Law 6cp 
76903  International Commercial Transactions 6cp 
77794  International Environmental Law 6cp 
78016  International Humanitarian Law 6cp 
76108  International Law and Cultural Heritage 6cp 
76025  International Organisations 6cp 
76036  International Trade Law and the Environment 6cp 
76009  Introduction to Chinese Business Law 6cp 
76005  Islamic Law 6cp 
76057  Judgment and the Rule of Law 6cp 
76008  Jurisprudence 6cp 
76902  Law and Literature 6cp 
76034  Law of Slavery and Human Trafficking 6cp 
78008  Law of the Sea 6cp 
79035  Sustainability and the Law 6cp 
78039  Wickedness and Vice 6cp 
76013  World Trade Law 6cp 
Total  48cp