University of Technology Sydney

CBK91043 Choice (No specified major)

Select 36 credit points of options:  36cp
32998  .NET Application Development 6cp 
32543  3D Animation 6cp 
42890  4G/5G Mobile Technologies 6cp 
32513  Advanced Data Analytics Algorithms 6cp 
32113  Advanced Database 6cp 
32509  Advanced Interaction Design 6cp 
32549  Advanced Internet Programming 6cp 
32601  Advanced Project Management 6cp 
32009  Advanced Routing Principles 6cp 
32558  Business Intelligence 6cp 
32567  Business Intelligence for Decision Support 6cp 
32559  Business Systems Design 6cp 
42904  Cloud Computing and Software as a Service 6cp 
42035  Cloud Security 6cp 
32003  Computer Game Design 6cp 
32501  Computer Graphics 6cp 
42000  Cryptography 6cp 
42036  Cyber Security for Mobile Platforms 6cp 
32548  Cybersecurity 6cp 
32146  Data Visualisation and Visual Analytics 6cp 
95566  Digital Experience Design Studio 6cp 
32309  Digital Forensics 6cp 
95564  Digital Media Technologies 6cp 
49003  Economic Evaluation 6cp 
32570  Enterprise Architecture Practice 6cp 
32569  Enterprise Business Requirements 6cp 
32571  Enterprise Software Testing 6cp 
32130  Fundamentals of Data Analytics 6cp 
42017  Fundamentals of Interaction Design 6cp 
32004  Game Development 6cp 
32531  Global Information Systems 6cp 
32405  Human-Centred Design Research Methods 6cp 
32990  IT Contracts and Outsourcing 6cp 
32040  Industry Project 6cp 
32560  Information Systems Architecture Design 6cp 
32208  Information Systems Strategy 6cp 
42891  Infrastructure for Cloud Computing 6cp 
32027  Interactive Media 6cp 
32516  Internet Programming 6cp 
42037  IoT Security 6cp 
32118  Mobile Communications and Computing 6cp 
32011  Multilayer Switched Networks 6cp 
32528  Network Management 6cp 
49306  Quality and Operations Management Systems 6cp 
42913  Social and Information Network Analysis 6cp 
42027  Software Defined Networks 6cp 
95563  Storytelling and Sense-making Studio 6cp 
42900  Sustainability and Information Systems 6cp 
32603  Systems Quality Management 6cp 
32931  Technology Research Methods 6cp 
49016  Technology and Innovation Management 6cp 
32547  UNIX Systems Programming 6cp 
49680  Value Chain Engineering Systems 6cp 
49227  Wireless Sensor Networks 6cp 
42889  iOS Application Development 6cp 
Total  36cp