University of Technology Sydney

CBK90649 No specified major

Select 48 credit points of options:  48cp
68002  Advanced Nanomaterials 6cp 
68001  Advanced Physics 6cp 
91402  Anatomical Pathology 6cp 
68316  Applied Electronics and Interfacing 6cp 
36201  Arguments, Evidence and Intuition 8cp 
91116  Australian Wildlife and Management 6cp 
91369  Biobusiness 6cp 
91309  Biodiversity Conservation 6cp 
91368  Bioreactors and Bioprocessing 6cp 
60002  Clinical Trials: Evidence and Design 2cp 
68416  Computational Physics 6cp 
60004  Diagnostic Cytogenetics 2cp 
91547  Environment Research Project 24cp 
91545  Environment Research Project A 12cp 
91546  Environment Research Project B 12cp 
91145  Environmental Protection and Management 6cp 
60102  Ethics in Animal Research 2cp 
60105  Ethics in Human Research 2cp 
91118  Fish Biology and Fisheries 6cp 
65019  Foundations of Forensic Science 8cp 
91120  GIS and Remote Sensing 6cp 
60003  Genomics and Precision Medicine 2cp 
91239  Human Pathophysiology 6cp 
68315  Imaging Science 6cp 
60108  Laboratory Management 4cp 
37233  Linear Algebra 6cp 
91157  Marine Phycology 6cp 
35114  Mathematical Research Project 24cp 
35112  Mathematical Research Project A 12cp 
35113  Mathematical Research Project B 12cp 
68415  Measurement and Analysis of Physical Processes 6cp 
91705  Medical Devices and Diagnostics 6cp 
37438  Modern Analysis with Applications 6cp 
67509  Molecular Nanotechnology 6cp 
37459  Multivariate Data Analysis 6cp 
68513  Nanophotonics 6cp 
35366  Numerical Methods of Finance 6cp 
91352  Parasitology 6cp 
91707  Pharmacology 1 6cp 
91709  Pharmacology 2 6cp 
60109  Professional Science Document Writing 2cp 
60909  Professional Science Project 12cp 
35355  Quality Control 6cp 
68413  Quantum Physics 6cp 
60106  Research Proposal Writing 2cp 
60116  Risk Assessment and Management for Science 2cp 
68320  Scanning Probe and Electron Microscopy 6cp 
60119  Science Business Models and Intellectual Property 4cp 
35502  Seminar A 6cp 
35503  Seminar B 6cp 
35504  Seminar C 6cp 
35505  Seminar D 6cp 
68606  Solid-state Science and Nanodevices 6cp 
35364  Statistics for Quantitative Finance 6cp 
35365  Stochastic Calculus in Finance 6cp 
91155  Stream and Lake Assessment 6cp 
60005  Wildlife Field Techniques: Animal Handling and Survey Methods 4cp 
Total  48cp