Select 48 credit points of options: | | | 48cp |
68002 Advanced Nanomaterials | | 6cp | |
68001 Advanced Physics | | 6cp | |
91402 Anatomical Pathology | | 6cp | |
68316 Applied Electronics and Interfacing | | 6cp | |
36201 Arguments, Evidence and Intuition | | 8cp | |
91116 Australian Wildlife and Management | | 6cp | |
91369 Biobusiness | | 6cp | |
91309 Biodiversity Conservation | | 6cp | |
91368 Bioreactors and Bioprocessing | | 6cp | |
60002 Clinical Trials: Evidence and Design | | 2cp | |
68416 Computational Physics | | 6cp | |
60004 Diagnostic Cytogenetics | | 2cp | |
91547 Environment Research Project | | 24cp | |
91545 Environment Research Project A | | 12cp | |
91546 Environment Research Project B | | 12cp | |
91145 Environmental Protection and Management | | 6cp | |
60102 Ethics in Animal Research | | 2cp | |
60105 Ethics in Human Research | | 2cp | |
91118 Fish Biology and Fisheries | | 6cp | |
65019 Foundations of Forensic Science | | 8cp | |
91120 GIS and Remote Sensing | | 6cp | |
60003 Genomics and Precision Medicine | | 2cp | |
91239 Human Pathophysiology | | 6cp | |
68315 Imaging Science | | 6cp | |
60108 Laboratory Management | | 4cp | |
37233 Linear Algebra | | 6cp | |
91157 Marine Phycology | | 6cp | |
35114 Mathematical Research Project | | 24cp | |
35112 Mathematical Research Project A | | 12cp | |
35113 Mathematical Research Project B | | 12cp | |
68415 Measurement and Analysis of Physical Processes | | 6cp | |
91705 Medical Devices and Diagnostics | | 6cp | |
37438 Modern Analysis with Applications | | 6cp | |
67509 Molecular Nanotechnology | | 6cp | |
37459 Multivariate Data Analysis | | 6cp | |
68513 Nanophotonics | | 6cp | |
35366 Numerical Methods of Finance | | 6cp | |
91352 Parasitology | | 6cp | |
91707 Pharmacology 1 | | 6cp | |
91709 Pharmacology 2 | | 6cp | |
60109 Professional Science Document Writing | | 2cp | |
60909 Professional Science Project | | 12cp | |
35355 Quality Control | | 6cp | |
68413 Quantum Physics | | 6cp | |
60106 Research Proposal Writing | | 2cp | |
60116 Risk Assessment and Management for Science | | 2cp | |
68320 Scanning Probe and Electron Microscopy | | 6cp | |
60119 Science Business Models and Intellectual Property | | 4cp | |
35502 Seminar A | | 6cp | |
35503 Seminar B | | 6cp | |
35504 Seminar C | | 6cp | |
35505 Seminar D | | 6cp | |
68606 Solid-state Science and Nanodevices | | 6cp | |
35364 Statistics for Quantitative Finance | | 6cp | |
35365 Stochastic Calculus in Finance | | 6cp | |
91155 Stream and Lake Assessment | | 6cp | |
60005 Wildlife Field Techniques: Animal Handling and Survey Methods | | 4cp | |
Total | | | 48cp |