University of Technology Sydney

Postgraduate course information

UTS: Health's postgraduate programs aim to ensure that opportunities are provided for nurses, midwives and health services managers to study at graduate level, whether they were educated in hospitals or the higher education sector. Enrolment in a postgraduate program provides an opportunity to study within a challenging and stimulating environment. Postgraduate nursing, midwifery and health services management programs provide the scope for health professionals to strengthen and expand their knowledge in their disciplines while also encouraging study and research in specialised areas.

Two categories of postgraduate courses are offered – those by coursework and those by research.

Contacts and inquiries

UTS Student Centres

The UTS Student Centres are both the initial and primary point of contact for all students. Students should deal with the UTS Student Centres in all matters affecting their studies, including enrolment, exemptions, timetable matters, examination and assessment, as well as a wide range of student administration procedures.

For specific UTS: Health information, students should contact the following UTS Building 10 Student Centre. Opening hours vary during session.

Building 10 Student Centre
Foyer, Level 2, Building 10 (CB10.2)
235 Jones Street, Ultimo
telephone +61 2 9514 1222

Academic Programs Office

The Academic Programs Office provides support and assistance to the UTS Student Centres in regard to UTS: Health processes and issues, and manages and supports UTS: Health's courses and specific student issues and processes. Students must contact the UTS Student Centre and complex issues may be referred by staff in the UTS Student Centre to the Academic Programs Office.



Thusitha Perera
telephone +61 2 9514 5024

Subject logistics officer

Cisca Irawan
telephone +61 2 9514 4566

Senior academic programs officer

Josefina Musa
telephone +61 2 9514 5073

Academic programs officers

Aren Ren
telephone +61 2 9514 5128

Dorothy Piotrowski
telephone +61 2 9514 5963

Research administration officer

The research administration officer provides administrative advice and support to current and prospective research students.

telephone +61 2 9514 4834

Postgraduate coursework

Postgraduate coursework rules and procedures

Admission requirements

Where large numbers of applicants are eligible for admission to any of UTS: Health's courses and places are limited, preference is given on the basis of:

  • general educational qualifications
  • previous academic grades, and
  • professional experience and activities, e.g. post-registration certificates and scholarly activities such as research and publications.

Recognition of prior learning

Subject exemptions are granted on the basis of the successful completion of equivalent subjects from recent postgraduate studies. UTS: Health may also grant credit by substitution. This involves students being able to substitute a prescribed subject where they can demonstrate that they have undertaken an equivalent subject at either postgraduate or, in exceptional circumstances, undergraduate level.

Students should lodge an application for recognition of prior learning and include a formal transcript verifying academic results and a description of the subject for which they are claiming equivalence.

Recognition of prior learning for the Master of Nursing is granted on the basis of the successful completion of equivalent subjects or graduate certificates from recent postgraduate studies.

For detailed information:

The maximum number of exemptions under UTS: Health policy are:

  • graduate certificates: maximum of two exemptions (12 credit points)
  • graduate diplomas: maximum of four exemptions (24 credit points)
  • master's: maximum of eight exemptions (48 credit points)
  • master's conversions: students must complete a minimum of four subjects.

Rules and regulations

All students should refer to the Rules of the University.

Progression rules

A student will have their registration discontinued, in accordance with rule 10.2.3 and rule 10.4.1, if they fail more than 50 per cent of the total number of enrolled subjects in an assessment period, or fail to meet any concurrent experience or other requirement prescribed by the course over a two-year period.

Contacts and inquiries

The directors of studies, course coordinators and advisers provide academic advice to students on their program, or other assistance such as helping students experiencing difficulties to cope with their academic work.

Director of Postgraduate Nursing Studies

Gail Forrest
telephone +61 2 9514 5047

Director of Health Studies

Dr Joanne Lewis
telephone +61 2 9514 4807

Director of Midwifery Studies

Dr Christine Catling
telephone +61 2 9514 4912

Director of Health Services Management Programs

Dr Deborah Debono
telephone +61 2 9514 5256

Director of Public Health

Professor Andrew Hayen
telephone +61 2 9514 4809

Course coordinators: Nursing

Master of Advanced Nursing
Graduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing
Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing

Gail Forrest
telephone +61 2 9514 5047

Graduate Certificate in Critical Care Nursing

Suzy Ladanyi
telephone +61 2 9514 4804

Graduate Certificate in Anaesthetics and Recovery Room Nursing
Graduate Certificate in Perioperative Nursing

Gail Forrest
telephone +61 2 9514 5047

Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing

Dr Debra Palesy
telephone +61 2 9514 4815

Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Nursing
Graduate Certificate in Neonatal Nursing

Gail Forrest
telephone +61 2 9514 5047

Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health Nursing

Joanne Sunners
telephone +61 2 9514 5747

Course coordinators: Health

Master of Public Health (Advanced)
Master of Public Health
Graduate Diploma in Public Health
Graduate Certificate in Public Health

Professor Andrew Hayen
telephone +61 2 9514 4809

Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education and Management

Shannon Lin
telephone +61 2 9514 8019

Graduate Certificate in Human Fertility and Assisted Reproduction

telephone +61 2 9514 4578

Course coordinator: Midwifery

Graduate Diploma in Midwifery

Vanessa Scarf
telephone +61 2 9514 4572

Course coordinator: Clinical education and management

Graduate Certificate in Clinical Teaching

telephone +61 2 9514 5740

Course coordinator: Health services management

Master of Health Services Management
Master of Health Services Management and Planning
Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management
Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management

Dr Deborah Debono
telephone +61 2 9514 5256

Course coordinator: Nurse Practitioner

Master of Nurse Practitioner

Rochelle Firth
telephone +61 2 9514 5120

Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning)

Responsible for the overseeing and quality of academic activities and all coursework programs.

Lynn Sinclair
telephone +61 2 9514 5986

Postgraduate research

UTS: Health offers the following research degrees at master's and doctoral levels:

  • Master of Nursing (Research) (C03048)
  • Master of Midwifery (Research) (C03049)
  • Master of Health Services (Research) (C03050)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (C02024)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (C02057) (Sport and Exercise)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (C02061) (Public Health)

The following professional doctorate courses are not available for new admissions until further notice (for further information, contact the Faculty of Health Research Office):

  • Doctor of Nursing (C02052)
  • Doctor of Midwifery (C02053)
  • Doctor of Health Services (C02054).

All research degrees require the independent preparation of a thesis that makes an original contribution to knowledge. The master's degrees include required coursework in addition to the preparation of a thesis.

University rules and procedures for master's and doctoral students apply to all research students in UTS: Health (see section 11).

Applications for research degrees

Application forms for research degrees can be obtained at Research degrees – How to apply. All requirements for documentation must be met when submitting the application. UTS: Health uses the University's scoring system to assess applications. Applicants are assessed on the basis of a range of categories, such as academic qualifications, research publications and professional achievement. The minimum educational requirements must be met by each applicant as specified in the entry requirements for each degree. Applicants are required to have a research proposal and agreement of a suitable supervisor at the time of application. Applicants are also required to complete a supplementary form.

International applicants are required to first contact UTS: International on:


Selection of supervisors

Research for a degree at doctoral and master's level must lead to a distinct contribution to the knowledge of a subject by original investigation. This involves a considerable intellectual challenge and a substantial commitment over time and necessarily depends on the relationship between the candidate and his or her supervisors. For this reason careful thought should be given by the candidate and the proposed supervisor to the questions of personal compatibility and areas of common academic and professional interests. It is essential that the project be of direct interest to the supervisor and candidate and lie within the supervisor's area of expertise.

For doctoral and master's candidates there must be a principal supervisor and a panel of supervisors (which can be composed of the alternate or co-supervisor alone). The principal supervisor must be a member of UTS: Health academic staff, be a registered supervisor with the University and be eligible to supervise a candidate at the required level. A panel member (or alternate or co-supervisor) may either be a member of UTS: Health academic staff or the University, or a person employed outside the University of recognised standing in the field of the candidate's research. Supervisory panel members must be registered as a supervisor with the University. Supervisors of doctoral and master's candidates are appointed by the UTS: Graduate Research School Board on the recommendation of the director, research students.

The rules regarding the appointment of supervisors and the code of conduct for supervisors can be found at UTS: Graduate Research School.

Regulations and responsibilities regarding supervision

While the student–supervisor relationship is a flexible one, the University requires supervisors to ensure by their advice, guidance and expertise that a particular candidate maintains satisfactory progress within the prescribed term of the candidature; that the candidate receives adequate advice both on the substance of the thesis and on the form its presentation will ultimately take; and that the work being done on the thesis is reviewed critically on a continuing basis. The way in which this is done is to be negotiated between the candidate and the supervisors.

The University acknowledges that research students have a right to effective supervision and research training. However, students have responsibilities as well in adhering to the University rules, in maintaining progress and in communicating with their supervisors.

The UTS: Graduate Research School Board has produced a Graduate Research and Supervision Policy.

Research Student Forum

The Research Student Forums are held twice a year in June (Autumn session) and December (Summer session). They are designed to facilitate a number of important requirements for UTS: Health's research students and provide an opportunity for research students, supervisors, staff and invited guests to interact in formal and informal settings. Each forum incorporates student presentation, doctoral and master's assessments (see below), and plenary sessions from invited guests and workshops.

Requirements for research degree candidates

As a postgraduate research candidate there are a number of University and faculty requirements that must be met. Failure to meet these requirements can result in a candidature being discontinued.

Graduate Research and Supervision Policy

Students can either view the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy or download a copy (PDF 113 kb).

Review of progress

It is a University requirement that all research students complete and submit a review of progress report for each session (Autumn and Spring) in which they are enrolled each year. If a student has been on a leave of absence or under examination for a session, then they are not required to complete a report (rules 11.13 and 11.14).

The review of progress form is available for students to download from the Research Degree Forum at UTSOnline and must be submitted by the due date publicised each session to the faculty.

Note: It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the review of progress is completed and signed by the principal supervisor and co-supervisor and submitted by the due date. Failure to submit progress reports by the due date can affect candidature.

Doctoral study plan

The doctoral study plan is a tool for integrating subjects, workshops, master classes and modules into a coherent program corresponding to the candidature. The study plan is negotiated between the student and supervisor(s), identifying components of the program based on the student's academic and professional experiences and goals. The doctoral study plan is also used to monitor and report on the student's progress throughout his or her candidature. Each student is required to complete a study plan once a year. The study plan is reviewed at the end of each session (in June and December) against the goals set out in the plan, and this is documented in the submission of review of progress for each session. Further information about the doctoral study plan is available online, including a downloadable template and example.

Candidature stages and assessments

All UTS: Health research students undertake the work of their degree within the UTS candidature plan. This plan provides the opportunity for all research students and supervisors to program modules that build research skills, capacity and knowledge. Modules may be faculty-based or cross-disciplinary, with the program addressing the individual student's research needs.

Research students enrolled pre-2012 undertake one assessment only within the framework of the UTS: Health candidature plan.

Research students enrolled from January 2012 onwards (new doctoral study plan) are engaged in the new UTS doctoral candidature framework which has three candidature assessment requirements, or the master's candidature framework which has two candidature assessment requirements:

  • master's study plan (MSP): stages 1 and 3
  • doctoral study plan (DSP): stages 1, 2 and 3.
Stage 1 assessment (master's and doctoral degrees): confirmation of candidature

Each research degree student is required to undertake either a doctoral or master's stage 1 assessment. This is to ensure that candidates have made sufficient progress, have the knowledge and capacity to carry out the planned research program, and are able to finish in the prescribed time. This process confirms the student's candidature and allows him or her to proceed with the proposed research project to complete the degree. The student submits a research proposal and a panel interviews the student. Students who satisfy the requirements of the assessment and whose candidature is confirmed have the approval of the faculty and the University to continue with their planned research and in the current degree (contingent on any recommendations or requirements of the assessment panel). Students who do not satisfy the requirements of the assessment are normally invited to re-attempt the assessment six months after being notified in writing of the unsatisfactory outcome.

Stage 2 assessment (doctoral degrees only): confirmation of advanced progress

Each doctoral research degree student is required to undertake a stage 2 assessment. This is to ensure that candidates have made sufficient progress and are able to finish in the prescribed time. This process formally confirms advanced progression to complete a degree. The student submits a document comprising of 3 or 4 draft chapters of their thesis and a copy of the original manuscript submitted and/or journal receipt of submission for the panel to review. The panel interviews the student. Students who satisfy the requirements of the assessment receive formal confirmation that their research work has advanced progress and that they have the approval of the faculty and the University to continue with their planned research advancing towards stage 3 assessment in their current degree (contingent on any recommendations or requirements of the assessment panel). Students who do not satisfy the requirements of the assessment are normally invited to re-attempt the assessment six months after they have been notified in writing of the unsatisfactory outcome.

Stage 3 assessment (master's and doctoral degrees): confirmation of readiness to submit

Each research degree student is required to undertake a master's or doctoral stage 3 assessment. This process formally confirms that the student has advanced progression and is ready to submit the research thesis for examination. This must be completed before the thesis is submitted for examination and should be held within the final six months before submission. The student submits a written proposal and gives a 20-minute presentation followed by 10 minutes of question time with an audience of peers and a panel. Students who satisfy the requirements of the assessment are formally advised that their research thesis is ready for submission to the examiners and have the approval of the faculty and the University to finalise and submit their thesis (contingent on any recommendations or requirements of the assessment panel). Students who do not satisfy the requirements of the assessment are normally invited to re-attempt the assessment six months after they have been notified in writing of the unsatisfactory outcome.

Attendance at the research student forum

It is a requirement of the faculty that research degree candidates attend the research student forum (RSF). The forums take place twice a year (in June and December). The forum is an important opportunity to present works-in-progress to peers and staff and usually features some practical workshops, but mainly presentations are given by research students for other research students. It is a place for mutual support, giving and gaining new ideas, and getting inspired about their own and others' research. Students who are unable to attend need to contact the research administration officer. It is expected that all students attend unless exceptional circumstances arise. Full-time students are required to present at the RSF every session and part-time students to present once every year (alternate sessions) during their candidature.

Notifying the faculty and University of changes to your details

All students are expected to notify the research administration officer of changes to their postal address, email address, phone numbers, supervision arrangements and candidature details. This is vital as current details are required in order to contact candidates regarding matters affecting their candidature.

Submission of thesis

All research degree students are required to submit a thesis (or dissertation) to complete their program. The University has a number of rules and requirements for the submission of theses. See the Rules of the University relating to thesis topics, the submission of theses and the examination of theses.

The UTS: Graduate Research School also provides information on the requirements for thesis submission.

It is a University requirement (rule 11.16) that candidates for master's or doctoral degrees make an oral presentation of their work to a panel or audience as part of their stage 3 assessment. This must be completed within the six months prior to final submission.

The examination process

On the recommendation of the responsible academic officer the Dean, Graduate Research School appoints examiners, which in normal circumstances shall be as follows:

  1. in the case of a doctoral degree, a minimum of two and a maximum of three examiners, all of whom must be external examiners
  2. in the case of a master's degree, at least two examiners, both of whom must be external examiners
  3. a member of the student's supervisory panel is not normally permitted to be an examiner.

See also the rules relating to the examination process.

Information for research degree students

Research degrees have specified maximum durations as described in the Rules of the University. Students can complete in less than the maximum time.

Maximum duration of candidature: master's degrees

Full time = two years (four sessions)
Part time = four years (eight sessions)

Maximum duration of candidature: doctoral degrees

Full time = four years (eight sessions)
Part time = eight years (16 sessions)

These periods do not include periods of approved leave of absence (rule 11.9).

The maximum duration may only be extended with the approval of the UTS: Graduate Research School Board (rule 11.8).

Master's (research) coursework

Coursework for master's degree students is typically undertaken in block sessions of three to six days. Students are required to attend a block session for the subject typically held in Autumn session.

Intellectual property

UTS: Health has explicit guidelines relating to academic misconduct, including plagiarism. In brief, plagiarism is defined as any attempt to use the work of another person without acknowledging the source. For the purposes of this rule, 'work' is defined as written materials such as books, journals and magazine articles or other papers, and also includes films and computer programs.

At research level, students must exercise great care in acknowledging all material derived from any source; if in doubt students should consult their supervisor. Remember, even paraphrasing another person's work is defined as 'using' that person's work and must be acknowledged.

The penalties relating to a candidate found to have committed plagiarism are outlined in the UTS Rules.

Discontinuation or resolution of progress

Research degree students may have their registration discontinued if they fail to complete all prescribed work within a given period of time or if the UTS: Graduate Research School Board is dissatisfied with the student's progress. The Student and Related Rules of the University relating to discontinuation of candidature, appeal against discontinuation and results of appeals are rules 11.20, 11.21 and 11.22.


In cases of appeal, a Student Assessment Appeals Committee of the Faculty Board in Nursing, Midwifery and Health considers the appeal following the criteria and procedures approved by the Academic Board.

For a detailed explanation of the rights and procedures of appeals, candidates should consult the Rules of the University.


Research students should consult closely with their supervisor when anticipating graduation, as the assessment process for theses can be a time-consuming undertaking, and revisions are often required.

Graduation ceremonies are conducted during a specific period in April–May and September–October each year. Information regarding graduation will be forwarded to eligible students following the receipt of the final bound copies of the thesis.

Contacts and inquiries

Any inquiries of a non-administrative nature should, in the first instance, be directed through the student's supervisors. If this is not possible, or is inappropriate, inquiries should be directed to the research administrator, relevant course coordinator or to the director of research.

Administrative inquiries should be directed to the research administration officer.

Associate Dean (Research) and responsible academic officer

The Associate Dean (Research) is responsible for the overall administration and quality of the research programs and chair of the Faculty Research Committee.

Professor Fiona Brooks
telephone +61 2 9514 4577

Director, Research Studies

The Director, Research Studies is responsible for the administration and quality of the Bachelor's honours degrees.

Professor Alex Wang
telephone +61 2 9514 4578

Director, Research Students

The Director, Research Students is responsible for the administration and quality of the higher degrees by research.

Associate Professor Rob Duffield
telephone +61 2 9514 5294

Research projects administrator

The research projects administrator provides administrative support to all UTS: Health research students, including application, enrolment, progression and examination processes.

telephone +61 2 9514 4834

The UTS: Graduate Research School is responsible for the overall administration and management of research degree candidates.

telephone +61 2 9514 1336