University of Technology Sydney

24108 Marketing Foundations

Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular session, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.

Subject handbook information prior to 2020 is available in the Archives.

UTS: Business: Marketing
Credit points: 6 cp

Subject level:


Result type: Grade and marks

Requisite(s): 26100c Integrating Business Perspectives
The lower case 'c' after the subject code indicates that the subject is a corequisite. See definitions for details.
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses.
There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
Anti-requisite(s): 24105 Marketing Principles


This subject covers the basic principles of marketing. It develops an understanding of the overall process of marketing planning, implementation and control in the contemporary business environment and also develops a basic understanding of marketing information systems; market research and marketing ethics; market segmentation; buyer behaviour; product development; and the development of product, distribution, promotion and pricing strategies for both goods and services domestically and internationally. The aforementioned principles of marketing are demonstrated using situations that students will encounter in their professional practice of marketing.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:
1. explain the concepts of marketing and how these apply to profit and not-for-profit organisations involved in the domestic, international and global markets
2. evaluate the factors that influence demand for products and services in order to facilitate exchanges between buyer and seller
3. critically analyse business situations and recommend appropriate strategic changes for development and implementation based on theoretical and practical dimensions of marketing.

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes

This subject contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes:

  • Business knowledge and concepts
  • Critical thinking, creativity and analytical skills
  • Business practice oriented skills

This subject introduces students to marketing-oriented decision-making. It provides the theoretical building blocks for further marketing study. The subject develops skills linked to the Faculty's graduate attribute that looks at developing critical, creative and analytical thinking by performing a marketing analysis that results in a practical marketing plan. The marketing plan will focus on the introduction of a product based on an existing brand in the marketplace, which places students in a real-world business scenario. Students will be placed into groups to work on a marketing plan. Each group members will be assigned an individual marketing plan topic as well as topics that must be completed by the group as a whole. The group members must work together to put all their individual and group topics into a cohesive and well-researched marketing plan.

This subject contributes specifically to introducing the following program learning objectives for the Bachelor of Business:

  • 1.1 Critically analyse relevant concepts to understand practice in business and related professions in a global workplace.
  • 2.2 Apply critical and creative thinking to address issues in business.
  • 5.1 Apply technical and professional skills necessary to operate effectively in business and related professions.

It also contributes to introducing the following program learning objective for the Bachelor of Management:

  • 2.1 Apply innovative problem solving processes to address management issues in a specific industry context

Teaching and learning strategies

The subject will be taught using a combination of large lectures and smaller tutorials. The lectures provide the structure of the topic area, discussion of the theory and some practical examples. In addition to assigned textbook readings, videos and/or case studies will be provided online prior to the lectures. Students are expected to review the readings as well as online materials and to be able to discuss the material with other students during the course of the lecture.

Tutorials provide an opportunity to discuss ideas, issues and make practical application of the theory, as well as encouraging students to think in a creative manner to solve real world problems, using learning from other core subjects. Students are expected to prepare answers to the discussion questions before attending each tutorial. Discussion questions and case studies will be provided to students before each tutorial and feedback and collaborative learning will be provided by other students and staff in the tutorials. To promote active peer learning, students may be put into groups before during the tutorials to workshop their answers prior to classroom discussion.

The UTS web-based communication tool UTSOnline is used extensively; which will be used to share information, provide feedback and encourage interaction between staff and students. Flipped learning will be implemented by providing videos of marketing topics before classes to give students time to formulate thoughts for discussion and prepare to engage in group discussions. Students will also use appropriate computer software to complete assigned group and individual tasks.

All students will be provided with initial feedback about their performance on or before the census week. The initial feedback will provide each student a list of themes from the course that they are having difficulties with (thematic analysis). The more trouble a student is having with a particular theme, this theme will appear larger in the graphic presented to the student. Students will learn in both group and individual formats, and assessment and feedback about student creativity will be given in tutorial during the semester.

Content (topics)

  • The role of marketing
  • Strategic marketing and planning
  • Market research
  • Customer behaviour
  • Market segmentation, targeting and positioning
  • Products and pricing
  • Distribution channels and placement
  • Integrated marketing communications and electronic marketing
  • International marketing, compliance and ethics


Assessment task 1: Two Quizzes (individual)


This addresses subject learning objective(s):

1, 2 and 3

Weight: 30%

Assessment task 2: Marketing Analysis (Group and Individual)


This addresses subject learning objective(s):

1, 2 and 3

Weight: 27%

Assessment task 3: Survey participation (individual)

Weight: 3%

Assessment task 4: Final Examination (individual)


This addresses subject learning objective(s):

1, 2 and 3

Weight: 40%

Minimum requirements

Students must achieve at least 50% of the subject’s total marks.

Required texts

1. Marketing, 4th Edition. Greg Elliot, Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, David Waller, Sandra Smith, Liz Eades, Ingo Bentrott (2017). Milton, Queensland: Wiley, ISBN 97-807-303-33739 (iStudy Pack). For the Elliott textbook, it is recommended that students buy the e-book.

2. Fundamentals of Business Law for University of Technology, Sydney, M. Barron (2015). McGraw Hill, ISBN (First Edition 2015) 97-817-437-61250

Other resources


Further information and documentation regarding this subject can be found on UTSOnline. It is vital that you source and read this information carefully in order to understand subject requirements, and to get the most out of your learning experience.

UTSOnline is a web-based tool used at UTS to provide online learning to students. UTSOnline is accessible by most web browsers, and provided you have access to an Internet connection you can access UTSOnline anywhere via You can also access UTSOnline via the 'Blackboard Mobile Learn' app.

We use UTSOnline to:

— keep you up-to-date (via announcements and email)
— provide answers to common questions
— provide an area for groups to communicate
— provide additional information regarding assessments, discussion forum, links and general student administration information, etc.

Due to the fact that we use UTSOnline so much, we expect that you REGULARLY (twice a week as a recommended minimum) check it for important announcements, supplementary subject documents, subject tips, and assignment and tutorial details.

Special consideration will NOT be given for any demarks due to a student's failure to check announcements on UTSOnline.