University of Technology Sydney

33190 Mathematical Modelling for Science

6cp; Forms of attendance in this subject have changed to enable social distancing and reduce the risks of spreading COVID-19 in our community. There may also have been changes to the assessment requirements. Consequently, the Subject Outline information for this subject has changed. Details of the changes may be published in an Addendum to the Subject Outline which is available through your LMS (Blackboard or Canvas)
Anti-requisite(s): 33130 Mathematical Modelling 1 AND 35101 Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems AND 37131 Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems
Recommended studies: two units of HSC Mathematics


Mathematical modelling is essential in all branches of science. This subject develops the knowledge and skills necessary for problem-solving and mathematical modelling at an introductory level. Topics covered include: vectors and geometry; complex numbers; calculus and its relationship to science; differentiation and integration of functions; inverse, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions; the solution of differential equations with applications to exponential growth and decay and oscillating systems; Taylor series; and an introduction to linear algebra. The computer algebra system Mathematica is used for symbolic, graphical and numerical computations.

Typical availability

Autumn session, City campus

Detailed subject description.

Fee information

Information to assist with determining the applicable fee type can be found at Understanding fees.

Access conditions

Note: The requisite information presented in this subject description covers only academic requisites. Full details of all enforced rules, covering both academic and admission requisites, are available at access conditions and My Student Admin.