Postgraduate course information
Postgraduate coursework
The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology offers coursework programs in information technology, IT project management, internetworking, and interaction design.
The courses are designed to challenge the IT professional, help professionals develop specialised IT skills or equip people to enter the IT industry from other fields. The innovative programs cover growth areas such as cloud computing, computer graphics and gaming, data mining, enterprise software engineering, human-centred design, information systems services, interactive multimedia, networking applications and services, and strategic IT management and leadership.
Progression rules
Postgraduate information technology students may be excluded from further study at the University if they fail more than 50 per cent of the total number of enrolled credit points from the commencement of the course.
Postgraduate information technology students may also be excluded from a course if they exceed the maximum time allowed for completion of that course (see rule 10.5).
Recognition of prior learning
Students who have previously undertaken relevant postgraduate-level study at a recognised tertiary education institution may be eligible for recognition of prior learning (RPL) if the subjects completed are deemed by the faculty to be equivalent to subjects in the student's course. Study completed more than three years prior to the date of admission cannot be recognised. Limits apply to the number of credit points of RPL granted.
While courses are offered as stand-alone qualifications, they are also components of integrated programs of study that enable students who satisfactorily complete a graduate certificate or graduate diploma to apply for entry to a higher-level course within their chosen field of study. Where a student articulates from one level of study to another, the subjects completed are also carried forward into the higher-level course. Application for articulation may be made via internal course transfer.
A major consists of 36 credit points of study (normally six 6-credit-point subjects) in a related area. The name of the major completed appears on the student's academic transcript and testamur.
Master of Information Technology courses
Students complete one major from the following:
- Business Information Systems (MAJ02082)
- Cyber Security (MAJ02093)
- Data Analytics (MAJ02084)
- Interactive Media (MAJ02085)
- Internetworking (MAJ02083)
- Software Development (MAJ02086), or
- No specified major (CBK91043)
A sub-major consists of 24 credit points of study (normally four 6-credit-point subjects) in a related area. The name of the sub-major completed appears on the student's academic transcript (not the testamur).
Master of Information Technology (Extension)
Students complete one sub-major from the following:
- Business Information Systems (SMJ10069)
- Cyber Security (SMJ10093)
- Data Analytics (SMJ10071)
- Interactive Media (SMJ10072)
- Internetworking (SMJ10070)
- Software Development (SMJ10073), or
- No specified sub-major (CBK91054)
Postgraduate research
Collaborative research
Research centres and institutes
Formal external research links
The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology has a lively and cutting-edge research culture driving advances in engineering and IT technology, practice and education. The faculty's research is needs-driven and collaborative, and works with many enterprises in business partnerships. Researchers are world-class and recognised leaders in their fields.
Research is varied and utilises modern laboratories and research facilities at City campus, Broadway and Tech Lab, Botany. These are supported by extensive computing facilities and library services. The laboratories have excellent back-up workshops and expert support staff. Many opportunities exist for professional development through challenging, well-resourced research programs.
The faculty practises excellence in research and research training, and is committed to the production of high quality research output in collaboration with other faculties, other universities and industries in Australia and overseas. The faculty's increasing research activities are driven by a substantial number of excellent research leaders among academic staff which has resulted in a significant increase in high quality research publications, PhD completions and competitive research grants awarded, in particular research grants from the Australian Research Council.
Contacts and inquiries
The management and administration of all research matters of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology is conducted by the faculty's Research Office, headed by the Associate Dean, Research Excellence and the Associate Dean, Research Strategy and Management. The office is responsible for a broad range of matters including, but not limited to, research-strategic priorities, policy and planning, and advice and support to faculty staff in preparing grant applications, research publications, research conferences and research degree student supervision. The Associate Deans are supported by the Director, Research Programs, the Manager, Research Support and the research administration officers, who are responsible for the academic management and support of research degree students and general research matters respectively.
Research matters are governed via the Research Management Committee and Research Degrees Committee that report to the Faculty Board in Engineering and Information Technology. The Research Management Committee has overarching responsibility for determining the faculty's research strategies and policies, and for making recommendations in relation to building research culture and profile, and for budgetary and resourcing matters relating to research. The Research Degrees Committee makes recommendations and sets policies relating to candidature management of higher degree by research students, from admission through to graduation.
Specific inquiries should be directed to the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Research Office:
telephone +61 2 9514 2686
General inquiries may be directed to:
UTS: Graduate Research School
telephone +61 2 9514 1336
Collaborative research
The research strengths in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology were recognised as a consequence of a thorough analysis of networks of expertise and communities of interest, and based on the review of ICT research at UTS.
Each Information Technology research strength includes a number of specialised research laboratories that bring together staff, experts, research students and external organisations to develop new and innovative ideas, and apply them in practice. The quality and relevance of research in the research laboratories is enhanced by well-established links, both with industry and with overseas research institutions. Graduate research students, academics, visiting researchers and research assistants undertake collaborative research within these laboratories.
Research centres and institutes
The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology hosts a growing number of key research centres and institutes. These centres are hives of research activity that have international standing within their respective discipline areas.
- Advanced Analytics Institute
- Centre for Advanced Modelling and Geospatial Information Systems
- Centre for Artificial Intelligence
- Centre for Audio, Acoustics and Vibration
- Centre for Autonomous Systems
- Centre for Built Infrastructure Research
- Centre for Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
- Centre for Energy Policy
- Centre for Green Technology
- Centre for Health Technologies
- Centre for Human-Centred Technology Design
- Centre for Innovation in IT Services and Applications
- Centre on Persuasive Systems for Wise Adaptive Living
- Centre for Quantum Software and Information
- Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater
- Computational Intelligence and Brain Computer Interface Centre
- Global Big Data Technologies Centre
- Transport Research Centre
Formal external research links
The faculty's research groups have formal links to external organisations such as the Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) network.
Capital Markets CRC
The Capital Markets CRC aims to be the technology provider of choice to global securities businesses/markets. It supports research programs in corporate governance, data mining, interoperability, language technology, market design and visualisation.
Contact: Professor Chengqi Zhang