University of Technology Sydney

Alphabetical list of subjects

Numerical list of subjects

A | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | N | P | R | S | T | U


Academic English 59718
Academic English: Communication Fundamentals 59720
Academic English: Communication Fundamentals 59721
Australian Conversations 59709
Australian Language Studies 59712
Australian Media 59713
Australians at Work 59714


Chinese Culture and Heritage 97113
Chinese Festivals and Ceremonies 97111
Chinese Film 97112
Chinese Language and Culture 1 97101
Chinese Language and Culture 2 97102
Chinese Language and Culture 3 97103
Chinese Language and Culture 4 97104
Chinese Language and Culture 5 97105
Chinese Language and Culture 6 97106
Chinese Mass Media 97109
Contemporary Canada (Quebec) 976602
Contemporary China 976111
Contemporary France 976411
Contemporary Germany 976421
Contemporary Global Economy 99208
Contemporary Global Economy 99210
Contemporary Italy 976431
Contemporary Japan 976211
Contemporary Latin(o) Americas 976502
Contemporary Spain 976451
Contemporary Switzerland 976404
Contemporary Switzerland 979517
Cultures of Globalisation 99211
Cultures of Globalisation 99209


Developing Academic Writing and Speaking Skills 59356
Developing Academic Writing and Speaking Skills 59355
Developing Chinese Reading and Writing Skills 1 97114
Developing Chinese Reading and Writing Skills 2 97115


English for University Study 59719
Exchange Elective 1 979501
Exchange Elective 2 979502
Exchange Elective 3 979503
Exchange Elective 4 979504
Exchange Elective 5 979505
Exchange Elective 6 979506
Exchange Elective 7 979507


Foundations in International Studies 976001
Francophone Cultures of Consumption 97409
Francophone Identities in Conflict 97407
French Language and Culture 1 97401
French Language and Culture 2 97402
French Language and Culture 3 97403
French Language and Culture 4 97404
French Language and Culture 5 97405
French Language and Culture 6 97406


Genocide Studies 50251
German Film 97607
German Language and Culture 1 97601
German Language and Culture 2 97602
German Language and Culture 3 97603
German Language and Culture 4 97604
German Literature 97606
German Popular Music 97608
German Today 97605
Global Governance 99204
Global Governance 99212
Global Problem Solving 99206
Global Work Project 99205
Globalisation in Historical Perspective 99207
Globalisation in Historical Perspective 99213


Human Rights in Hispanophone Societies 97507


In-country Contemporary Society Study 977912
In-country Contemporary Society Study 977917
In-country Language and Culture Study 977913
In-country Language and Culture Study 977918
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1 977910
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: Argentina 977542
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: Canada 977543
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: Chile 977520
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: China 977110
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: Colombia 977911
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: Costa Rica 977914
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: France 977410
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: Germany 977420
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: Italy 977430
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: Japan 977210
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: Latin Americas 977123
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: Latino USA 977620
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: Spain 977450
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1: Switzerland 977460
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 1:Mexico 977530
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2 978910
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Argentina 978542
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Canada 978543
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Chile 978520
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: China 978110
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Colombia 978911
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Costa Rica 977915
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: France 978410
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Germany 978420
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Italy 978430
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Japan 978210
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Latin Americas 978123
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Latino USA 978620
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Mexico 978530
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Spain 978450
In-country Study and Fieldwork Project 2: Switzerland 978460
Intercultural and International Communication 97902
Intercultural Communication 99200
International Internship 97901
International Internship 97900
Italian Language and Culture 1 97801
Italian Language and Culture 2 97802
Italian Language and Culture 3 97803
Italian Language and Culture 4 97804
Italian Language and the Arts 97808
Italian Popular Culture 97806
Italophone Literature(s) 97807
Italy and Migration 97805


Japanese Films and Popular Culture 97207
Japanese Language and Culture 1 97201
Japanese Language and Culture 2 97202
Japanese Language and Culture 3 97203
Japanese Language and Culture 4 97204
Japanese Language and Culture 5 97205
Japanese Language and Culture 6 97206
Japanese Language and Identity 97208
Japanese Media and Current Issues 97209


Natural Australia 59711
Neighbourhoods and Stories 59722


PhD Thesis: International Studies 979105
Places and Spaces of the Francophone World 97410


Research Dissertation 1 (International Studies) 998723
Research Dissertation 2 (International Studies) 998724
Research Dissertation 3 (International Studies) 998725
Research Dissertation 4 (International Studies) 998726
Research in International Studies 979508


Show and Tell: Francophone Cultures on Display 97408
Spanish Language and Culture 1 97501
Spanish Language and Culture 10 97510
Spanish Language and Culture 2 97502
Spanish Language and Culture 3 97503
Spanish Language and Culture 4 97504
Spanish Language and Culture 5 97505
Spanish Language and Culture 6 97506
Spanish Language and Culture 9 97509


Thesis (International Studies) 979110
Transcultural Communication in Japanese 97210
Twentieth Century Chinese Fiction 97110


US Latin American Relations 97508