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99665 Chinese Medicine Foundations 1

Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular semester, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.

UTS: Science: Medical and Molecular Biosciences
Credit points: 6 cp
Result type: Grade and marks

Handbook description

The subject introduces Chinese medicine's basic theoretical concepts. A broad foundation is provided for subject areas that are built on throughout the degree. Subject areas include the traditional Chinese medical view of health, disease aetiology, diagnosis and principles of treatment, traditional physiology (the 12 organs and 14 main channels), terminology issues, philosophical traditions and the Huangdi Neijing Suwen. The basic theories presented in this subject have a continuing and progressive application in all aspects of traditional Chinese medicine.

Subject objectives/outcomes

At the completion of this subject the student will be expected to be able to:

  1. demonstrate a basic knowledge of Chinese history, including the main social and political developments that influenced the development of Chinese medicine
  2. explain the importance of the Huangdi Neijing, Suwen for the development of Chinese medicine theory and practice
  3. outline key concepts introduced in the Huangdi Neijing, Suwen, including qi, yin-yang and five phases (wu xing), and explain their application in Chinese medicine
  4. understand the general features and functions of the internal organs (zang fu), the channel system (jing luo), and the basic physiological substances — qi, blood (xue), fluids (jin ye), essence (jing) and spirit–mind (shen).
  5. explain the general features and functions of major acupuncture point categories, and outline basic indications for their use
  6. understand the basic features of Chinese medical models explaining the origins and development of illness (pathogenesis and patho-mechanisms)
  7. demonstrate a basic knowledge of Chinese medicine’s approach to the treatment of illness (treatment principles and methods), and the maintenance of health
  8. recognise some simple Chinese characters relevant to the theory of Chinese medicine and demonstrate a basic understanding of the pin yin system for writing and pronunciation of Chinese medicine terms

Contribution to course aims and graduate attributes

Disciplinary knowledge and its appropriate application:

  • Your CMF1 studies will establish a firm understanding of TCM basic theory and its applications for health care
  • The subject will introduce you to the history of Chinese medicine, its philosophical assumptions and fundamental principles
  • CMF1 will introduce the fundamental concepts of Chinese medicine: the 14 main channels, the organ systems, the basic physiological substances, causes of illness, methods of treatment and maintenance of health

An enquiry-oriented approach:

  • CMF1 learning tasks require that you read widely and critically on the topics that are fundamental to Chinese medical theory
  • For CMF1 assessments you will be expected to investigate and integrate relevant materials for the analysis of texts, and the understanding of basic theoretical concepts

Communication skills:

  • CMF1 classes and assessments will use informal class presentations and group activities, and written assessment tasks to engender your written and spoken communication skills.

Teaching and learning strategies

The classes for this subject will include lectures and workshops, with online materials and support. Each week the lectures will introduce new topic areas and the workshop classes will give you the opportunity to work with your peers to investigate the topics in more detail. In your Course Notes and online materials you will find the content for these areas have been organised as follows.

COMPONENT 1 (C1): Theoretical Foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine
(Presented in the printed Course Notes lesson topics with guided summaries, suggested readings, and focus questions)

COMPONENT 2 (C2): Introduction to Chinese Medicine’s channel and organ systems
(Presented in UTSOnline lesson topics with study and learning materials)
The two streams run concurrently throughout the Autumn semester. Both components are divided into a series of Lesson topics. The ‘Lessons’ are designed sequentially so that your understanding of the concepts and knowledge gained in preceding topics can develop and deepen as you progress through the subject. Time should be set aside each week to work through the lesson and related material, and to undertake additional reading.

I suggest you spend a minimum of eight hours per week on your study, reading and classes for this subject.

Suggested readings (single chapters and some journal articles) are given for the CMF1 Lesson topics. These are available in theSelected Readings folder in UTS Online. In addition, you are encouraged to read as widely as possible on assigned and related topics. Wider reading, with the focus questions in mind, will help you broaden and consolidate new concepts, and relate these to other areas of the subject and the course.

The same applies to C2. C2 topics will be discussed during the lectures and materials for study and learning delivered using the UTSOnline facility. A pair of channel-organ systems will be introduced each week, and organised according to the theoretical and practice frameworks discussed in C1.

C2 introduces the basic features of Chinese medicine’s version of anatomy and physiology. This subject’s material on the organ-channel systems also coincides with the study of channels and acupuncture points undertaken in Point Location 1.


• a broad historical overview of the development of the Chinese medical tradition
• an introduction to the Neijing Suwen
• an introduction to Chinese medical terminology
• key philosophical, scholarly, political and social influences on the evolution of Chinese medical thinking
• Chinese medicine’s conceptual frameworks (qi, yin-yang, wu xing, Heaven-Earth-Humanity) and their applications in clinical practice
• introduction to jing, qi, shen, xue, jinye (Chinese medicine’s vital substances), the zangfu (functional areas and their associations), the jingluo (the channel system, and specifically, the main surface pathways and major point groupings), the concordances or systematic correspondences
• Chinese medicine’s perspective on physiology, aetiology, and the maintenance of health
• the kinds of factors that disrupt health – the internal, external, and miscellaneous causative factors
• an introduction to Chinese medicine’s diagnostic approach and the Four Methods of Diagnosis


Assessment Item 1: Online Assessment Tasks

Intent: The following graduate attributes are attained in this assessment: * Disciplinary knowledge * Enquiry-orientated approach * Communication skills

To introduce the history of Chinese medicine in a written analytical fashion which requires adherence to academic writing principles and familiarisation with online work.

The second and third online tasks are linked and designed to

a) allow you to read and share the Huangdi Neijing Suwen (see the CMF1 reading list),

b) explore areas of the subject that you are interested in, and develop your academic writing and other generic skills


30% Total Task 1 (2%) Task 2 (13%) Task 3 (15%)


Task 2 (400-600 words) Task 3 (600-700 words)


To successfully complete the second and third online tasks:

  • follow the points and directions given above
  • find out how to write and format an anotated bibliography and a compare and contrast essay
  • find out how to write and format a reference list correctly
  • find and refer to appropriate materials for your assignments
  • make sure your annotations and essay points read well and your written expression is clear

Assessment Item 2: Mid-semester exam

Intent: The following graduate attributes will be addressed: * Disciplinary knowledge
Objective(s): To test knowledge attained in weeks 1-4
Weighting: 25%

1.5 hours


Adequate knowledge of content areas

Assessment Item 3: End-Semester Exam

Intent: The following graduate attributes will be addressed: * Disciplinary knowledge

To test knowledge attained in weeks 6-13

Weighting: 45%
Length: 2 hours + 10 minutes reading time

Minimum requirements

To successfully complete CMF1 you will need to gain 50% or more in your overall marks for the assessments listed above.

Any assessment task worth 40% or more requires the student to gain at least 40% of the mark for that task. If 40% is not reached, an X grade fail may be awarded for the subject, irrespective of an overall mark greater than 50.

NB All submitted papers and where applicable, all Online contributions making use of published materials, should be properly referenced and include a properly completed references list.

Required texts

Chinese Medicine Foundations 1 - Course Notes

Recommended texts

For Chinese Medicine Basic Theory:

Ellis, A. & Wiseman, N. 1996, Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine, Paradigm Publications, Brookline, MA.

Kaptchuk, T. 2000, Chinese Medicine - the Web That Has No Weaver, Rider, London.

Kong, Y. 2005, The Cultural Fabric of Chinese Medicine: How to Know Your Body Through Chinese Medicine, The Commercial Press, Hong Kong.

Maciocia, G. 2005, The Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists, second edn, Elsevier Churchill Livingston, London.

For an edition of the Neijing Suwen:

[Unknown] 2005 (originally c. 100 BCE), Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine: Plain Conversation (?????? Huangdi Neijing Suwen), vols. 1–3, in X.R. Liu (ed.), Library of Chinese Classics, World Publishing Corporation, Xi'an.

Kong, Y.C. 2010, Huangdi Neijing: A Synopsis with Commentaries, The Chinese University Press, Hong Kong.

Lu, H.C. 1990, A Complete Translation of Yellow Emperor's Classics of Internal Medicine (Nei-jing and Nan-jing) Academy of Oriental Heritage, Vancouver.

Ni, M. 1995, The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine: A New Translation of the Neijing Suwen with Commentary, Shambhala, Boston.

Unschuld, P.U. & Tessenow, H. 2011, Huangdi Neijing Suwen, vols. 1 and 2, University of California Press, Berkeley.

Veith, I. 1972, Huang Ti Nei Ching Su Wen - the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, trans. I. Veith, University of California Press, Berkeley.

Wu, N.L. & Wu, A.Q. 2005, Yellow Emperor's Canon Internal Medicine, China Science and Technology Press, Beijing.

Zhu, M. 2001 The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing.


Cheng, X. 1999, Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing.

Eckman, P. 1996, In the Footsteps of the Yellow Emperor: Tracing the History of Traditional Acupuncture, Cypress Book Co, San Francisco.

Garvey, M. 2011, 'The Transmission of Chinese Medicine in Australia', Portal Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, vol. 8, no. 2,p. 13, viewed December 2011 .

Garvey, M. & Qu, L.F. 2001, 'The Liver’s Shuxie Function', European Journal of Oriental Medicine, vol. 3, no. 5,pp. 32-37.

Harper, D. 1998, Early Chinese Medical Literature: The Mawangdui Medical Manuscripts, Kegan Paul International, London.

Hicks, A., Hicks, J. & Mole, P. 2004 Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

Ho, P.Y. & Lisowski, F.P. 1997, A Brief History of Chinese Medicine, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.

Kuriyama, S. 1999, The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine, Zone Books, New York, London.

Lao-Tzu 1993, Lao-Tzu: Te-Tao Ching, trans. R.G. Henricks, The Modern Library, New York.

Larre, C. & Rochat de la Vallee, E. 1995, Rooted in Spirit: The Heart of Chinese Medicine, trans. S. Stang, Station Hill Press, Barrytown NY.

Larre, C. & Rochat de la Vallee, E. 1996, The Seven Emotions: Psychology and Health in Ancient China, Monkey Press, Cambridge.

Lau, D.C. 1988, Tao Te Ching, Penguin Books, London.

Liu, Y. 1998, Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academy Press, Beijing.

Lloyd, G. & Sivin, N. 2002, The Way and The Word: Science and Medicine in Early China and Greece, Yale University Press, New York, London.

Loewe, M. & Shaughnessy, E.L. 1999, The Cambridge History of Ancient China: From the Origins of Civilization to 221 B.C., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Long, Z. 1995 Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academy Press, Beijing.

Morley-Warner, T. 2000, Academic Writing is…: A Guide to Writing in a University Context, CREA/UTS, Sydney.

Qu, L.F. & Garvey, M. 2001, 'The Location and Function of Sanjiao', Journal of Chinese Medicine, no. 65,pp. 26-32.

Qu, L.F. & Garvey, M. 2006, 'Shen-zhi Theory: Analysis of the Signs and Symptoms of Mental Disorder', European Journal of Oriental Medicine, vol. 5, no. 2,pp. 4-17.

Qu, L.F. & Garvey, M. 2008, 'Exploring the Difference Between Chinese Medicine and Biomedicine Using the Yi Jing’s Epistemic Methodology', Australian Journal of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, vol. 3, no. 1,pp. 17-24.

Qu, L.F. & Garvey, M. 2009, 'On the Psychological Significance of Heart Governing Shen Ming', Australian Journal of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, vol. 4, no. 1,pp. 14-22.

Rochat de la Vallee, E. 2006, A Study of Qi, Monkey Press, London.

Rochat de la Vallee, E. 2006, Yin Yang, Monkey Press, London.

Rossi, E. 2007, Shen: Psycho-Emotional Aspects of Chinese Medicine, Churchill Livingstone, London.

Shi, X. 2007, Comprehensive Textbook of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, People’s Medical Publishing House, Beijing.

Sivin, N. 1987, Traditional Medicine in Contemporary China: A Partial Translation of the Revised Outline of Chinese Medicine (1972): With An Introductory Study On Change in Present Day and Early Medicine, Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan.

Unschuld, P.U. 1985, Medicine in China: A History of Ideas, University of California Press, Berkeley.

Unschuld, P.U. 2003, Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen: Nature, Knowledge, Imagery in an Ancient Chinese Medical Text, University of California Press, Berkeley.

Unschuld, P.U. 2005, Chinese Life Sciences: Introductory Readings in Classical Chinese Medicine, Paradigm Publications, Taos, New Mexico.

Wang, H. 1999, Diseases, Symptoms, and Clinical Applications of the Yellow Emperor’s Canon on Internal Medicine, New World Press, Beijing.

Wiseman, N. & Feng, Y. 1998, A Practical Dictionary of Chinese Medicine, Paradigm Publication, Brookline.

Wu, C. 2002, Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Publishing House of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Shanghai Zhong yi yao da xue chu ban she), Shanghai.

Xie, Z. 2003, On The Standard Nomenclature of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing.