97503 Spanish Language and Culture 3
Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular semester, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.
UTS: International Studies: Language StudiesCredit points: 8 cp
Result type: Grade and marks
Requisite(s): 97502 Spanish Language and Culture 2
Handbook description
This subject aims to provide students who have a good knowledge of the Spanish language with a broad range of social situations in order to express their needs in Castilian and Latin American Spanish. Students learn how to give precise information and respond in a culturally and socially appropriate manner in oral and written forms. The four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, both individually and in combination, are further developed using authentic materials covering a variety of situations. Narratives, autobiographies and a variety of other cultural texts are used for learning and students are taught to write accounts, biographies, letters and to discuss future plans using familiar register. Students further develop skills for planning, organising and presenting their ideas in Spanish and develop a wide understanding and appreciation of aspects of the cultures of Spanish-speaking peoples. In addition to the four hours of teaching, students undertake independent learning study outside class time. This independent study is based on selected readings and exercises. Its aim is to expand the student's knowledge of the language and Hispanic cultures and is organised through individual and group tasks, including online activities. All students undertaking language and culture study at UTS for the first time need to complete a level assessment form, obtained from UTS: International Studies, to ensure that they are placed in an appropriate level for classes. UTS: International Studies reserves the right to place students in a class that is appropriate for their level of language proficiency.
Subject objectives/outcomes
By the end of the unit students should:
- Communicate in a range of transactional genres in every day situation in different parts of the Hispanic world.
- understand the variations of spoken Spanish in different parts of the Hispanic world.
- be able to understand personal and historical accounts in oral and written genres.
- develop language learning techniques through individual, group and Online activities.
Contribution to course aims and graduate attributes
Students who complete IS Language and Culture subjects should have the following capabilities drawn from the IS Graduate Capabilities:
- Capacity to communicate in a range of contexts in the relevant language;
- Sensitivity to intercultural difference, a respect for other cultures and a commitment to international citizenship;
- Preparedness for lifelong learning about international languages, societies and cultures.
Teaching and learning strategies
The pedagogical key concept we adopt in our curriculum development is Blended Learning which incorporates independent learning and classroom instruction into a coherent program to provide students with a steady progression in language proficiency to enable them to gain full literacy skills in the target language and to equip them with the skills of self-directed learning.
The main approach to classroom teaching instruction is communicative. It is intended as an umbrella term covering a variety of methods, which individual teachers will use. Both fluency and accuracy are key elements of this approach.
Using genre-based pedagogy, students at lower intermediate levels will be able to engage in description genres in order to communicate personal experiences, research the lives of famous people in the Hispanic world and also explore others’ personal experiences. Language is studied in context and topical items are often used. In any lesson students may be required to work individually, in pairs or in groups on a variety of language learning tasks. Student participation in these activities is an essential element of language development and learning at IS.
Assessment Item 1: Progress and learning
Criteria: | The assessment will be based on how well the students demonstrate:
Assessment Item 2: Listening comprehension 1
Intent: | On the successful completion of this task, students will have demonstrated how they understood the gist and the specific information of what they heard and how they used it to further communicate information. |
Weighting: | 15% |
Criteria: | How well students demonstrated their ability to:
Assessment Item 3: Reading and Writing 1
Intent: | On the successful completion of this test the students will have demonstrated that they have developed strategies to comprehend both the gist and specific information of what they read. They will also have demonstrated that they can write fluently, clearly organise and link their ideas using a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures and appropriate Spanish writing conventions |
Weighting: | 20% |
Criteria: | The assessment will be based on how well the students demonstrate:
Assessment Item 4: Oral Presentation
Intent: | On the successful completion of this task students will have demonstrated that they can communicate with fluency, by conveying meaning, using appropriate cultural linguistic devices that characterise the rhetoric of the Spanish oral discourse. The assessment will demonstrate how this knowledge assisted them to appropriately select lexicogrammatical patterns and structures to create relevant context. |
Weighting: | 20% |
Criteria: |
Assessment Item 5: Listening comprehension 2
Intent: | On the successful completion of this task, students will have demonstrated how they understood the gist and the specific information of what they heard and how they used it to further communicate information |
Weighting: | 15% |
Criteria: | How well students demonstrate their ability to:
Assessment Item 6: Reading/ Writing Skills 2
Intent: | On the successful completion of the reading section, students will have demonstrated that they have further developed strategies to comprehend both the gist and specific information of what they read and to summarise longer stretches of text. In the writing domain, students will have demonstrated that they can write fluently with sophisticated ideas, clearly organising their clauses with a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures, using appropriate Spanish writing conventions. In the writing section, the students will write a narrative text and it is expected that students will use more complex language devices to express meaning. |
Weighting: | 20% |
Criteria: | The assessment will be based on how well students demonstrate:
Minimum requirements
In order to pass this subject, students must earn an overall total of 50 marks or more for the subject. Attendance A minimum of 80% attendance is required to pass this subject. This means attending at least 21 of the 26 classes (2x13 weeks) held during the semester. Students who miss more than 5 classes because of illness or other reasons must consult with the subject coordinator. This subject has a significant self-study component but it is still very difficult to pass the subject without attending at least 80% of classes. Students who miss more than 5 classes without providing documented evidence of illness or misadventure will not be eligible for special consideration in this subject.
Required texts
A full range of texts, audio and video media are used in this subject. Further details are available in the subject outline distributed in class during the first week of teaching.
Other resources
TEXTS A considerable amount of lecture time is devoted to practising using the language in a variety of real or simulated situations using authentic materials whenever possible. In order to maintain and consolidate those skills, students need to practise the language regularly with Spanish speaking friends or colleagues. A range of printed material will also be distributed to students throughout the course.
Borobio, V. (2011). ELE Actual B1 (Curso de Español para Extranjeros) Libro del alumno. España: SM. Copies are available at the Co-op Bookshop, 3 Broadway, Sydney.
Sánchez, A. (1995). Cumbre. Curso de Español para Extranjeros. Nivel Medio.Libro del alumno. España: SGE L.
There are copies of these texts in Closed Reserve at the City Campus library. If you wish to buy a copy, they are available at the Co-op Bookshop, 3 Broadway, Sydney.
Artuñedo, B. & Donson, C. (1995). ELE 2 España: EDICIONES SM.
Castro, F & Marín, F & Morales, R. & Rosa, S.(1995). Ven 1 Madrid: Ediciones Edelsa (Chapters 12 to 14)
Centellas, Aurora (1996). Método de Español para Extranjeros. España: Edinumen.
García-Fernández, N. and Sánchez Lobato, J. (1994). Español 2000 Nivel Elemental/ Medio Madrid: SGEL.
Gilbert, B. & Moreno, B. (1994). Preparación para el Diploma Inicial E.L.E. España: EDELSA.
Gozalo, P. (1997). Los tiempos del pasado del indicativo. España: Edinumen.
Katlán-Ibarra, J.(1997). Modern Spanish Grammar. Great Britain: TJ International Ltd.
Kattán-Ibarra, J. (1996). Sueños 2. Great Britain: BBC Books.
Kendris, C. (1996). Spanish Verbs. USA: Educational Series INC.
Kendris, C. (1990). 501 Spanish Verbs. United States: Barron's Educational Series, INC.
Martín, Rosa (1991). Pasos 2 Printed in Great Britain: Hodder & Stoughton Educational London.
Marinelli, Patty & Mujica, Lizette ( 1994). Puentes USA: Heinle Publishers.
Moreno, C. & Moreno, V. ( (1995). Avance. Curso de Español nivel Intermedio. España:SGEL.
Muñoz, Terrell (1998). Dos Mundos USA: The McGraw-Hill Companies.
Neus Sans, L. (2002). Rápido. España: Difusión. Richmond, D. (1998). Spanish Pronouns and Prepositions. USA: Passport Books.
Sánchez J. / Moreno C. (1998). Español sin Fronteras 2 . España: SGEL.
Spencer, S. ( 2001). ¿Escribimos ? .United Kingdom: Nelson.
Spinelli, Emily (1994). English Grammar for Students of Spanish USA: Hill Press.
Zarzalejos, Alejandro (1999). ¿SER o ESTAR? España: Edinumen.
(Some of these texts are available in the UTS library.)
Collins (1994). Spanish Dictionary. Great Britain: Harper Collins Publishers.
Larousse (1992). Diccionario Práctico Español Moderno. Barcelona: Larousse Planeta.
New Modern Sopena English- Spanish Dictionary (1990). Barcelona: Editorial Sopena.
SBS Radio and Television
SBS television shows movies and documentaries from all over the world. Check the TV guide for information on Spanish programs. Your teacher will also let you know about Spanish programs running.
SBS Radio (FM 97.7) broadcasts a daily Spanish program from 1pm. to 2 pm.
TV News
SBS regularly presents two programs 'Telediario' the Spanish news, in the morning at 10.15 from Monday to Saturday.
'Esta Semana' is shown only on Sunday at 9.30.
Internet Nearly all Spanish newspapers and magazines from Spain and Latin America are available through the Internet.
For an updated list of Spanish publications, see: http://www.thepaperboycom./spain.html. http://www.thepaperboycom./argentina.html.
Spanish Newspapers
El País Digital http://www.el pais.es
Semanario del Mundo http://www.el-mundo.es/larevista/
La Vanguardia http://www2.vanguardia.es
Latin American Newspapers
Clarín (Argentina) kttp://www.clarin.com.ar
El Mercurio (Chile) http://www.mercurio.cl El Nacional (México) http://www.el-nacional.com.mx
El Comercio ( Perú) http://www.elcomercioperu.com.pe
El Observador (Uruguay) http://observador.com.uy
Nueva Prensa Cubana (Cuba) http://www.cubapress.com