92335 Introduction to Specialty Practice: Mental Health Nursing
Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular semester, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.
UTS: HealthCredit points: 6 cp
Subject level:
Result type: Grade and marksRequisite(s): (92014 Role Transition and Professional Identity OR 92014 Role Transition and Professional Identity OR ((92313 Assessment and Therapeutics in Health Care 1 OR 92314 Assessment and Therapeutics in Health Care 2)))
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses.
There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
Handbook description
Mental health has traditionally developed from a strong custodial model of care, dominated by a biomedical approach to treatment and management. Contemporary mental health nursing practice embraces a more holistic approach to care. This requires the nurse to examine and focus on a range of approaches and inter-professional models of care to ensure that consumers have the best chance in their recovery journeys. Contemporary mental health care must acknowledge the many forces that exist in society that impact on and shape the delivery of care. In this subject students have the opportunity to explore and examine a diverse variety of issues related to mental health with the opportunity to test the theoretical claims of this subject in a range of clinical settings.
Subject objectives/outcomes
At the completion of this subject students will be able to:
- Identify the dimensions and scope of mental health nursing practice (GA 1.5, ANMC 3)
- Critically reflect upon the individuals’ experience of mental problems and disorders, and the health care services and approaches encountered. (GA 1.3, ANMC 3)
- Understand the impact which culture has on the nursing and health care needs of individuals with mental health problems. (GA 1.2, ANMC 2)
- Reflect on the learning experiences associated with assessment, interpretation and analysis of mental health problems and the planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing and health care. (GA 4.2, ANMC 2)
- Critically evaluate the range of nursing care activities and approaches used in the care of individuals and collaboration with consumers and carers. (GA 4.2, ANMC 8)
- Explore the range of health care and other resources appropriate to the needs of individuals in a variety of mental health settings. (GA 5.1, ANMC 8)
- Develop an evidence-based approach to mental health through the use of contemporary media, technology, library and relevant databases to access and manage inter-professional knowledge for practice. (GA 4.2, ANMC 7)
- Develop confidence and competence to begin practice as a Registered Nurse in the mental health area. (GA 5.5, ANMC 2)
Teaching and learning strategies
Strategies comprise on campus and online lectures, on campus tutorials, scenario based simulation, and online learning material. Learning in the clinical environment is conducted in a variety of mental health care settings.
Workshops/seminars : 4 hours per week x 10 weeks (blended)
Clinical Placement Hours: 80 hours total
- Contemporary models of mental health services delivery care and their application in a diverse range of settings
- Difficulties encountered by consumers in mental health care
- The impact of ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity on individuals and communities and the needs for mental health care
- Working with interpreters
- Collaboration with consumers and carers and the recovery journey The dimensions and scope of mental health nursing practice
Assessment Item 1: Issues in Mental Health
Intent: | This challenges students to develop an understanding of Models of Nursing and their relevance to and application in Mental Health Care. It requires them to review the relevant literature on a range of issues regarding Models of Nursing for Mental Health - and to focus on a specific area of pracrtice and/or service delivery in mental health. Students will be able to consider appropriate recommendations for the mental health care sector, for nurses generally, and as it relates to them as beginning Registered Nurses, entering the workforce. |
Objective(s): | Learning Objective: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 |
Weighting: | 60% |
Length: | 1500 - 2000 words |
Assessment Item 2: Reflection on Practice - The Letter. An Individual Written and Verbal Presentation
Intent: | This provides the student with the opportunity to reflect on an issue or a range of issues related to mental health and nursing and to present these in the form of a letter, to be read by the student in class to fellow students and the lecturer. |
Objective(s): | Learning Objective: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 |
Weighting: | 40% |
Length: | Length: 750 words. Presentation time to read in class: 7 minutes. |
Criteria: | See UTSOnline for Marking Criteria Sheets and further details Your letter needs to address the following areas:
Assessment Item 3: Clinical Assessment
Objective(s): | Learning Objective: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 |
Weighting: | Pass / Fail |
Length: | 80 hours (10 x 8 hour days) |
Required texts
Elder, K., Evans, K. & Nizette, D. (eds) 2009, Psychiatric and mental health nursing, 2nd edn, Elsevier/Mosby, Marrickville, NSW.
Recommended texts
Barker, P. (ed) 2009, Psychiatric and mental health nursing. The craft of caring, 2nd edn, Edward Arnold Ltd, London.
Fortinash, K.M., & Holoday Worret, P.A. (eds) 2004, Psychiatric mental health nursing, 3rd edn, Mosby, St. Louis.
Usher, K., Foster, K., & Bullock, S. (eds) 2009, Psychopharmacology for health professionals, Elsevier, Sydney.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2007, National survey of mental health and wellbeing: Summary of results. ABS Cat No. 4326.0. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2010, Mental health services in Australia 2007-08, Mental health series no. 12. Cat. no.HSE 88, AIHW, Canberra.
Barker, P., Campbell, P. & Davidson, B. (eds.) 1999, From the ashes of experience: Reflections on madness, survival and growth, Whurr, London.
Barker, P. (ed.) 2009, Psychiatric and mental health nursing:The craft of caring, 2nd edn, Hodder Arnold, London.
Bousfield, R. 2009, Journey of a mind: An autobiographical account, Little Red Apple, Haymarket.
Brown, R. 1993, The second son of God: The autobiography of an inventor with schizophrenia, Ray Brown, Glebe.
Department of Health and Ageing. 2002, National practice standards for the mental health workforce. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.
Department of Health and Ageing. 2009, National mental health policy, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.
Department of Health and Ageing. 2009, Fourth national mental health plan, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.
Department of Health and Ageing. 2010, National standards for mental health services, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.
Department of Health and Ageing. 2010, National mental health report 2010: Summary of 15 years of reform in Australia’s mental health services under the National Mental Health Strategy 1993-2008, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.
Department of Health and Ageing. 2012, Draft Ten year roadmap for national mental health reform, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.
Deveson, A. 1991, Tell me I'm here, Penguin Books, Ringwood.
Happell, B., Cowin, L., Roper, C., Foster, K. & McMaster, R. 2008, Introducing mental health nursing: A consumer-oriented approach. Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest.
Hungerford, C., Clancy, R., Hodgson, D., Jones, T., Harrison, A. & Hart, C. 2012, Mental health care: An introduction for health professionals, Wiley , Milton.
Meadows, G., Singh, B. & Grigg, M. 2007, Mental health in Australia: Collaborative community practice, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Mental Health Council of Australia. 2005, Not for service: Experiences of injustice and despair in mental health care in Australia, Mental Health Council of Australia, Canberra.
Mental Health Council of Australia. 2010, Mental health carers report, Mental Health Council of Australia, Canberra.
NSW Department of Health. 2007, Aboriginal mental health and wellbeing policy 2006 - 2010. NSW Department of Health, North Sydney.
NSW Department of Health. 2009, NSW clinical guidelines for the care of persons with comorbid mental illness and substance use disorders in acute care settings, NSW Department of Health, North Sydney.
Peterson, D. & Gordon, S. (eds.) 2009, Stepping out of the shadows: Insights into self-stigma and madness, Case, Wellington.
Wesley Mission. 2007, Living with mental illness: Attitudes, experiences and challenges, Wesley Mission, Sydney.
Wesley Mission. 2010, Keeping minds well: Mental health is everybody's business, Wesley Mission, Sydney.
Other resources
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Tel: (02) 9514 5021
Website details for student centres: https://servicedesk.uts.edu.au/CAisd/pdmweb.exe. For other resources/information refer to the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Health website (www.nmh.uts.edu.au/students/current/index.html) or UTSOnline at:https://online.uts.edu.au/webapps/login/
Improve your academic and English language skills
Marks for all assessment tasks such as assignments and examinations are given not only for what you write but also for how you write. If you would like the opportunity to improve your academic and English language skills, make an appointment with the HELPS (Higher Education Language & Presentation Support) Service in Student Services.
HELPS (Higher Education Language & Presentation Support)
HELPS provides assistance with English language proficiency and academic language. Students who need to develop their written and/or spoken English should make use of the free services offered by HELPS, including academic language workshops, vacation intensive courses, drop-in consultations, individual appointments and Conversations@UTS (www.ssu.uts.edu.au/helps). HELPS is located in Student Services, on level 3 building 1 at City Campus and via the Student Services area at Kuring-gai. Phone 9514-2327 or 9514-2361
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