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87639 VC Technology: Advanced Web Media

Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular semester, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.

UTS: Design, Architecture and Building: Design
Credit points: 6 cp

Subject level:


Result type: Grade and marks

Requisite(s): 87333 VC Technology: Typography, Text and Form AND 87443 VC Project: Typography in Context

Handbook description

This subject provides students with the opportunity to further develop their understanding of the professional framework and techniques associated with web design production that were established in 87539 VC Technology: Introduction to Web Media. Students will develop their knowledge of JavaScript programming language, which is used for web interface behaviour, and further develop their knowledge of Dreamweaver software. Students are encouraged to integrate theory and practice and to experiment. Whenever possible, projects are introduced that require students to integrate language and image in multimedia or other presentations, and to collaborate in research.

Subject objectives/outcomes

  • L1. the investigation and understanding of the design and production of interactive media in a variety of contexts
  • L2. the development of imaginative interactive solutions relevant to the specific objectives of the project brief
  • L3. criticality and sensitivity to the application of visible languages and the processing of visuals through reflective practice, evaluation and progressive technological refinement
  • L4. the design of visual work which has impact and engagement for a defined target audience, and the explanation of this through oral and visual presentation
  • L5. attention to detail and visual refinement through work which indicates sensitivity, thought, care and technical expertise conducted professionally in relation to timing and deadlines.

Contribution to course aims and graduate attributes

This subject makes a major contribution as it encourages flexibility and self directed learning by enabling students to develop their knowledge and skills and design, process and apply ideas within web media technologies to produce highly original and effective visual communicaiton at a highly professional level.

Teaching and learning strategies

Student experientially achieve an introductory level of knowledge and expertise through a self directed choice of video media specialisation. Projects are briefed and supported by lectures; guest presentations; case studies and external visits as required. Students are supervised by lecturers in weekly tutorial design studio sessions with access to processing and production technologies.


Traditionally, visual communicators will collaborate with a range of professions when creating any content. For instance, when creating a website, a designer might employ a programmer to transform the vision on paper into an interactive dynamic experience. However, some designers enjoy the freedom of creating the interaction themselves. The aim of Advanced Web Media is to provide an understanding of the important technical and programming issues in designing for the web. It also gives the opportunity for students to make an informed decision as to their level of involvement in the ‘underlying code’ or ‘back end’ of the web design environment. NB. A full six credit point subject assumes between 9 and 12 hours work per week (including class contact hours). Therefore, please take this into account in your project planning.


Assessment Item 1: 500 word illustrated research plus concept brief proposal for assessment 2



Weighting: 25%

Assessment Item 2: User testing analysis report



Weighting: 10%

Assessment Item 3: Final Presentation


1 to 5

Weighting: 65%


Wroblewski, L, 2011, Mobile First, A Book Apart, New York
Marcotte, E, 2011, Responsive Web Design, A Book Apart, New York
Lawson, B & Sharp, R, 2011, Introducing HTML5 (2nd Edition), New Riders, Berkeley, Calif.
Graphis, 2002, Interactive Design 2, Graphis, New York
Heller, S & Drennan, D, 1997, The Digital Designer: The Graphic Artist’s Guide to the New Media, Watson Guptill, New York
Franz, L, 2012, Typographic Web Design: How to think like a typographer in HTML and CSS, Wiley
Rubin, J, 2008, Handbook of Usability Testing: How to plan, design, and conduct effective tests, Wiley, Indianapolis
Krug, S, 2006, Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, New Riders, Berkeley, Calif.
Lazar, J, 2001, User-Centered Web Development, Jones and Bartlett, Sudbury USA
Nielsen, J, 2000, Designing Web Usability, New Riders Publishing, Indianapolis
Powers, S,2006, Learning JavaScript, O’Reilly Media, USA
Crockford, D, 2008, JavaScript: The Good Parts, O’Reilly Media/Yahoo Press, USA
Cecco, R, 2011, Supercharged JavaScript Graphics, O’Reilly Media, USA
McFarland, D, 2011, JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual, Pogue Press, USA

Testing and Usability
Jakob Nielsen -

Webbyawards -
DopeAwards -
Design Charts -
DesignLicks -
Web Sites that Suck -
Media Queries Web Site Showcase -
Best Mobile Designers -
Mobile Website Gallery -
Best Mobile Interface Design -

Other resources

STUDENTS MUST READ THIS SUBJECT OUTLINE IN COMBINATION WITH THE GENERIC DAB FACULTY SUBJECT INFORMATION BOOKLET. The Generic Faculty Subject Information Booklet will be available in both hard copy and electronic format. Hard copies will be placed outside the Student Centre (Level 4, DAB Building) for the first two weeks of each semester and teaching period. The electronic version of the booklet will be continuously available via UTS Online and the DAB website: