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75411 Practical Experience

Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular semester, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.

UTS: Law
Credit points: 0 cp

Subject level:

Undergraduate and Postgraduate

Result type: Pass fail, no marks

Requisite(s): (((132 credit points of completed study in 132Credit Points spk(s): C04148 c Master of Law and Legal Practice OR 108 credit points of completed study in 108Credit Points spk(s): C04236 c Juris Doctor OR 156 credit points of completed study in 156Credit Points spk(s): C10124 c Bachelor of Laws OR 108 credit points of completed study in 108Credit Points spk(s): STM90691 c 144cp Law stream OR 108 credit points of completed study in 108Credit Points spk(s): STM90401 c Law Stream Combined Degree BA Communication Bachelor of Laws OR 156 credit points of completed study in 156Credit Points spk(s): C10125 c Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Laws OR 156 credit points of completed study in 156Credit Points spk(s): C10129 c Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Arts International Studies OR 156 credit points of completed study in 156Credit Points spk(s): C10131 c Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Laws) AND 75424c Legal and Professional Skills) OR 75424c Legal and Professional Skills)
The lower case 'c' after the subject code indicates that the subject is a corequisite. See definitions for details.
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses. See access conditions.

Handbook description

Students in this subject undertake a minimum of 16 weeks of full-time or equivalent part-time work experience in a legal office environment. Practical experience placements must be approved in advance by the UTS Faculty of Law Practical Experience Committee and completed in accordance with the practical experience rules. Students must complete their practical experience work placement within five semesters of enrolling in this subject.

Contribution to course aims and graduate attributes

This subject provides an entry-level lawyer with the requisite competence in the skills, practice areas and values required of a law student to be admitted to practise law as prescribed by the ‘competency standards’ set out in the Sixth Schedule to the Legal Profession Admission Rules 2005. The course is at a post-graduate level building on the knowledge and understanding of the law, the legal system and legal practice acquired by completion of an appropriate law degree.

Graduates of this subject will have advanced knowledge and skills for legal professional work and will be able to apply the knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, well-developed judgment, adaptability and responsibility as a practitioner.

The subject focuses on and promotes the following graduate attributes to enable law graduates to integrate, synthesise and extend their learning of law in order to develop a sense of professional identity.

1. Critical Thinking
An advanced level of independent thinking, creativity and critical analysis.

2. Analysis and Evaluation
A developed ability to strategically analyse issues of law, evaluate options and viewpoints to reach and implement decisions.

3. Spoken and Written Communication
Advanced oral and written communication skills that demonstrate an ability to communicate in ways that are effective, appropriate and persuasive for legal and non-legal audiences.

4. Legal Research and Technological Literacy
A developed ability to use appropriate research techniques to acquire, distil and utilise legal information in a professional context.

5. Disciplinary Knowledge
Advanced applied knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, well developed judgment, adaptability and responsibility as a practitioner.

6. Life Long Learning
A developed ability to reflect, practise and integrate knowledge, skills and awareness.

7. Ethics
A developed ability to exercise professional judgment and to recognise and reflect on ethical issues and the professional responsibilities of lawyers in service to the community and in promoting justice.

8. Self and Co-operative Work Management
A developed capacity to exercise self and priority management skills including cooperative work and a capacity to participate in, and engage with, the legal profession.

9. Cultural Awareness and Social Justice
A developed awareness and acceptance of social responsibility within the profession and a capacity to deliver legal services to a culturally diverse community.

The ‘competency standards’ set out in the Sixth Schedule to the Legal Profession Admission Rules 2005

This subject particularly focusses on developing the following attributes:

  • The Professional attribute of Disciplinary Knowledge (Attribute 5) – a coherent and extensive knowledge of substantive and procedural law.
  • The Professional attribute of Ethics (Attribute 7) - a capacity to value and promote honesty, accountability and ethical standards.
  • The Personal attribute of Self and Cooperative Work Management (Attribute 8) - self and priority management skills including cooperative work.

To find out more about UTS: Law Graduate Attributes, check out our website: