55061 Honours Thesis (Production) Part A
Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular semester, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.
UTS: Communication: Creative PracticeCredit points: 12 cp
Result type: Grade and marks
Requisite(s): 55069 Honours Workshop
Anti-requisite(s): 55004 Honours Thesis (FT) AND 55006 Honours Thesis (Production) (FT) AND 55057 Honours Thesis Part A AND 55058 Honours Thesis Part B
Handbook description
The Honours Thesis (Production) is the major component of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Communication program. It provides an opportunity for students to undertake original work informed by advanced theoretical study and independent research, relevant to the academic, professional and/or creative goals they have identified. Students work with an academic supervisor to produce a thesis which may be presented in one of a variety of traditional and or non-traditional formats. The production thesis may require use of technical support facilities or equipment.
Subject objectives/outcomes
At the completion of this subject, students are expected to be able to:
- research, organise and synthesise ideas, knowledge and information
- apply appropriate theoretical approaches and methodologies to their disciplinary, professional and creative work
- design, implement and complete independent research and creative work.
Contribution to course aims and graduate attributes
The subject aims to:
- prepare students for postgraduate research
- emphasise interdisciplinary approaches
- integrate scholarship with contemporary media.
- undertake a program of advanced coursework
- produce a thesis relevant to their academic professional and/or creative agenda
- base their thesis on their original work informed by theoretical study and independent research.
Teaching and learning strategies
Learning in this subject is based on completion of a planned program of work developed by consultation between academic supervisor and student. No formal classes will be held. Students will keep in regular contact with their academic supervisors and meet with them as required.
Students will work with an academic supervisor to realise their proposal as an independent honours thesis.
Assessment Item 1: Thesis
Objective(s): | a, b, c |
Weighting: | 100 |
Criteria: | For assessment criteria refer to the relevant Guidelines for Honours Thesis document. |
Minimum requirements
Students are expected to read the subject outline to ensure they are familiar with the subject requirements. Since class discussion and participation in activities form an integral part of this subject, you are expected to attend, arrive punctually and actively participate in classes. If you experience difficulties meeting this requirement, please contact your lecturer. Students who have a reason for extended absence (e.g. illness) may be required to complete additional work to ensure they achieve the subject objectives.