32109 Troubleshooting Converged Networks
Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular semester, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.
UTS: Information Technology: Computing and CommunicationsCredit points: 6 cp
Subject level:
Result type: Grade and marksRequisite(s): 32009 Advanced Routing Principles AND 32011 Multilayer Switched Networks
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses.
There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
Handbook description
In the subjects 32009 Advanced Routing Principles and 32011 Multilayer Switched Networks students have developed knowledge and skills for the design and implementation of a variety of complex internetworking scenarios. This subject consolidates approaches to network maintenance and troubleshooting internetworks that are under-performing or failing by applying sound problem-solving principles to a series of structured laboratory exercises and case studies. On completion of this subject, students are prepared for the troubleshooting (and final) paper of the industry accreditation CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional).
Subject objectives/outcomes
At the end of this subject the student will be able to:
- Plan maintenance for complex networks
- Troubleshoot complex enterprise networks.
- Appreciate widely used and readily accessible maintenance and troubleshooting software tools and commands.
- Maintain and troubleshoot switches
- Maintain and troubleshoot routing protocol
- Troubleshoot IP addressing issue
- Maintain and troubleshoot network performance
- Maintain and troubleshoot converged networks
- Maintain and troubleshoot network security implementations
Contribution to course aims and graduate attributes
This subject assures the students' mastery of specialised knowledge and skills in the network routing and switching areas. To become experts in computer networks, the students should be engaged in synthesizing various network knowledge and operation procedures (B3)on routers and switches mastered in the pre-requisite subjects. The students should competently apply problem solving (i.e. network troubleshooting)(B1), goal definition, and procedure prioritization (A2) to tackle various constraints and uncertainties in complex, enterprise routed and switched IP networks (A3). The students will be able to critically apply the proper decision making methodology to effectively evaluate solutions (B4) in order to maintain sustainability in computer networks. By completing this subject, it provides suitable preparation for the associated Cisco CCNP TSHOOT exam.
This Subject contributes to the following Graduate Attributes:
A2. Prioritize, A3. Constraints, uncertainties and risk, B1. Problem solving, B3. Synthesise, B4. Decision-making A complete list and description of Graduate Attributes for the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology can be found at http://feit.uts.edu.au/faculty/graduate-attributes.html
Teaching and learning strategies
The subject will cover the foundational topics for critical analysis, planning, verification and documentation, while configuring tasks would have been mastered in routing and switching learnt in prerequisites subjects. The four hours of internetworking laboratory time will be spent delving into the different methods of network maintenance, analysis and troubleshooting. A workshop approach is used that combines short presentations by the lecturer, small group and whole class discussion, prescriptive practical work, challenge laboratories and use of online materials. In this subject students learn primarily through practice, that is, by doing. Essential concepts are reviewed with a short presentation. This is followed by a variety of activities that engage different learning styles. Group work is used, not for assessment, but to engage students in collaboration. Learning from other’s strengths and recognizing one’s weaknesses are used as a model of the workplace and socially motivated learning. Competition between teams is used to motivate group cohesion and individual learning. Students will maintain an engineering journal as a resource for the skills based assessment. Online course material is available for private study. Students are required to spend additional time reviewing online course material and preparing for labs.
- Planning Maintenance for Complex Networks
- Troubleshooting Processes for Complex Enterprise Networks
- Using Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tools and Applications
- Maintaining and Troubleshooting Campus Switched Solutions
- Maintaining and Troubleshooting Routing Solutions
- Troubleshooting Addressing Services
- Troubleshooting Network Performance Issues
- Troubleshooting Converged Networks
- Maintaining and Troubleshooting Network Security Implementations
- Review and Preparation for Troubleshooting Complex Enterprise Networks
Assessment Item 1: Online Final
Objective(s): | 1, 2, 4 - 9 |
Weighting: | 10 |
Assessment Item 2: Short Written Exam
Objective(s): | 4 - 9 |
Weighting: | 50 |
Assessment Item 3: Skill Based Exam
Objective(s): | 3 - 9 |
Weighting: | 40 |
Minimum requirements
If you are unable to attend or submit an assessment item on the required date you must inform the subject lecturer prior to that date to arrange an alternative time. Failure to do so will result in a zero mark for that assessment item. No supplementary examination will be given in this subject. If you miss any item of assessment through documented illness or misadventure, you should consult with the subject lecturer. In the case of any final examination, your ‘Application for Alternative Examination (due to Illness or Misadventure)’ form must be submitted with appropriate documentation to the Student Information & Administration Centre within three working days of the examination
To complete the subject all assessment items must be attempted and the overall score must total at least 50%.
Recommended texts
Amir Ranjbar, Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT) Foundation Learning Guide: Foundation learning for the CCNP TSHOOT 642-832, ISBN-10:1587058766, Cisco Press; 1 edition (April 5, 2010)
Other resources
e-Book: http://proquestcombo.safaribooksonline.com.ezproxy.lib.uts.edu.au/9781587141744?uicode=uts
Cisco Academy: http://www.netacad.com
Remote Lab (i.e. NetLab): http://beanbag.it.uts.edu.au/
Other subject information: http://online.uts.edu.au/
Student Guide: http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/modules/myfeit/downloads/StudentGuide_Online.pdf