31102 Game Design Studio 1
Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular semester, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.
UTS: Information Technology: SoftwareCredit points: 6 cp
Subject level:
Result type: Grade, no marksRequisite(s): ((31262 Introduction to Computer Game Design OR 31002 Introduction to Computer Game Design) AND 78 credit points of completed study in C10229 Bachelor of Science in Games Development)
Handbook description
This subject teaches students how to design, develop and implement a game based on client specifications. Students examine the game mechanics for multiple indie and experimental games in developing their own game mechanics. A player-centric approach to design is used where new ideas are tested continuously with end users. Students work in teams taking on roles similar to those found in game development companies. They work independently under supervision and with guidance, but are ultimately responsible for the final project delivery and presentation.
Subject objectives/outcomes
1. Follow project management principles to create a new piece of software
2. Reflect on project management principles and apply them to game
development domain
3. Combine the design, programming and artistic skills of group
members to form a coherent team
4. Reflect on the work completed to formulate a coherent critique of the work
5. Combine external resources and apply them to the existing project
6. Formulate and create a game that is novel and has been tested on users.
Contribution to course aims and graduate attributes
Game Design Studio is a core subject in the Bachelor of Science in Games Development program. This subject assures students ability to establish priorities in a project (A2) and design software components (B2) using relevant problem solving methodologies (B1). Students work in groups (E2, E3) to synthesise solutions (B3) in a semester-long project, implement their solution (B5) and perform self-reviews (F1). The final projects are presented (E1) at the end of the semester in a public event.
This Subject contributes to the following Graduate Attributes: A2. Prioritize, B1. Problem solving, B2. Design, B3. Synthesise, B5. Implement and test solution, E1. Communicate effectively, E2. Teams, E3. Project management methodologies, F1. Performance-review. A complete list and description of Graduate Attributes for the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology can be found at http://feit.uts.edu.au/faculty/graduate-attributes.html
Teaching and learning strategies
Individual and group activities. Brainstorming, presenting new ideas, constructive criticism and playtesting exercises.
Assessment Item 1: Quiz #1
Intent: | Measure progress and understanding of the subject material |
Objective(s): | 1, 2, 4 |
Weighting: | 10 |
Criteria: | In-class test |
Assessment Item 2: Quiz #2
Intent: | Measure progress and understanding of the subject material |
Objective(s): | 1, 2, 4 |
Weighting: | 10 |
Criteria: | In-class test |
Assessment Item 3: Reflection Journal
Intent: | Reflecting on work completed |
Objective(s): | 2, 4, 6 |
Weighting: | 20 |
Criteria: | Timely and meaningful contribution |
Assessment Item 4: Team Project
Intent: | Putting theoretical skills to practice |
Objective(s): | 1, 3, 5, 6 |
Weighting: | 40 |
Criteria: | Presentation and report |
Assessment Item 5: Weekly Exercises
Intent: | Continuous building on skills |
Objective(s): | 1, 5 |
Weighting: | 20 |
Criteria: | In-class contribution to exercises, active participation in class activities and demonstrating attempt at wekly assigned exercise. |
Required texts
No required text
Recommended texts
Agile Game Development with Scrum by Clinton Keith
Other resources
UTSOnline: http://online.uts.edu.au/