27327 Tourism and Sustainability
Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular semester, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.
UTS: Business: ManagementCredit points: 6 cp
Subject level:
Result type: Grade and marksThere are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
Handbook description
This subject examines the relationship between tourism and sustainability, in particular the reasons why there are questions about the long-term sustainability of tourism and ways in which this issue can be addressed. The various meanings and applications of sustainability to tourism are explored. Tourism's major impacts on and relationships with economic, ecological and sociocultural environments are identified and discussed. Both government and industry-initiated policies and practices, designed to enhance tourism's sustainability in the context of attractions, tourism enterprises and destinations, are critically examined.
Subject objectives/outcomes
On successful completion of this subject students should be able to:
- demonstrate an understanding of the varying interpretations of the concept of sustainability and how these apply to the management of tourism attractions, enterprises and destinations
- demonstrate an awareness of the scope and scale of the economic, social, cultural and biophysical impacts of tourism in a variety of contexts
- demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between tourism and its environments and the connection this has to the concept of sustainability
- identify, discuss and evaluate government policies and industry-based initiatives intended to enhance the sustainability of tourism attractions, enterprises and destinations.
Contribution to course aims and graduate attributes
Sustainability is a significant contemporary issue that affects both industry practices and the policy environment in which tourism develops. This subject explores issues associated with the long-term management of tourism enterprises and destinations and discusses ways in which tourism can be developed and managed sustainability. It considers both the ongoing commercial viability of tourism, which relies on the maintenance of its environmental asset base, as well as the contribution which tourism makes to the overall well-being of present and future generations. It thereby contributes to the development in students of significant professional skills and knowledge, as well as a sense of social responsibility and ethical behaviour.
Teaching and learning strategies
Lectures, supplemented by audio-visual presentations and guest speakers; tutorials based on discussion of prescribed readings and set practical tasks, role plays and debates; independent field work.
- The concept of sustainability and its applicability to tourism
- The evolution of the concept - Brundtland, Rio and Agenda 21
- Dimensions of sustainability - the triple bottom line (economic, ecological and sociocultural)
- Underlying issues, e.g. managing tourism-environment relationships and understanding tourism's contribution to alleviating poverty
- Nature and significance of tourism's relationships with economic, physical/ecological, social and cultural environments- environmental interactions
- Environmental basis for tourist attraction and tourism development - the environment as tourism's asset base
- Economic, physical/ecological, social and cultural impacts - costs and benefits
- Factors influencing the nature and magnitude of impacts
Assessment Item 1: Essay (Individual)
Objective(s): | 1-3 |
Weighting: | 40 |
Assessment Item 2: Tutorial Work (Individual)
Objective(s): | 1 & 4 |
Weighting: | 25 |
Assessment Item 3: Report (Group)
Objective(s): | 1- 4 |
Weighting: | 35 |
Minimum requirements
Students must achieve at least 50% of the subject’s total marks
Required texts
Holden, A, 2007, Environment and Tourism, Routledge, London, 2nd edn
UTS:Business Guide to Writing Assignments, available to download for free from the UTS:Business website: http://www.business.uts.edu.au/teaching/guide/guide.pdf
Journals and periodicals
Discussion of environmental issues has dominated the tourism journals in recent years. You will find numerous relevant articles in the following journals, especially those in bold.
- Annals of Tourism Research
- Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
- Festival Management and Event Tourism
- Journal of Leisure Research
- Journal of Sustainable Tourism
- Journal of Ecotourism
- Journal of Tourism Studies
- Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing
- Journal of Travel Research
- Journal of Vacation Marketing
- Leisure Options
- Leisure Sciences
- Leisure Studies
- Tourism Culture and Communication
- Tourism Economics
- Tourism Management
- Tourist Review
- Travel and Tourism Analyst
- World Leisure and Recreation Association Journal
There are a number of websites that may contain useful information for this subject and may assist with assignment work. These include:
- Australian Tourist Commission (ATC): www.atc.net.au
- CRC in Sustainable Tourism: www.crctourism.com.au
- Ecotravel Center: www.ecotour.org
- Ecotourism Society: www.ecotourism.org
- Green Globe: www.greenglobe.org
- Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA): www.pata.org
- Sport and Tourism Division of the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Resources: www.tourism.gov.au
- Tourism Council Australia (TCA): www.tourism.org.au
- Tourism New South Wales: www.tourism.nsw.gov.au
- World Tourism Organisation (WTO): www.world-tourism.org
- World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) (including link to ECoNETT): www.wttc.org