27324 Strategic Management in Leisure, Sport and Tourism Organisations
Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular semester, location and mode of offering is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.
UTS: Business: ManagementCredit points: 6 cp
Subject level:
Result type: Grade and marksThere are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
Handbook description
This subject brings together knowledge gained by students from both generic business and disciplinary subjects via applications to the strategic management of leisure, sport and tourism organisations. It exposes students to strategic management planning tools and processes used in leisure and tourism industry organisations that result in desired outcomes for these organisations. Students are provided with the knowledge and skills to be comfortable with and apply strategic financial and human resource management techniques.
Subject objectives/outcomes
On successful completion of this subject students should be able to:
- review the need for, and the frameworks used in, strategic planning and its terms and concepts in tourism, sport and leisure industry firms and organisations promoting tourist destinations
- apply strategic management principles and concepts to sport, tourism or leisure industry firms by construction of a strategic plan and consequent operational and capital budget
- analyse strategic approaches to developing and maintaining service quality in leisure, sport and tourism services
- examine ethical, environmental, stakeholder and technological issues impacting on the strategic management of leisure, sport and tourism organisations.
Contribution to course aims and graduate attributes
This subject applies management knowledge and skills to leisure, sport and tourism industry organisations. The aim is to provide students with an understanding of strategic planning processes and frameworks in the management of leisure and tourism organisations. The subject presents students with the opportunity to explore the broad view of current management strategies of large leisure, sport and tourism organisations. At the micro-level it provides students with the skills to effectively allocate scarce resources amongst alternative products, markets and/or tourism destinations.
Teaching and learning strategies
Teaching and learning strategies will include: lectures based on case studies that explore these issues in small to medium leisure, sport and tourism (LST) enterprises; and online tutorial discussion and student presentations of these case studies. Library, internet-based and industry-based research by students will be used to complement material presented in the lectures and case studies. Content for this subject will be supported by a synchronised computer mediated communication activities on UTSOnline.
• Financial management strategies
• Human resource strategies
• Management strategy selection
• Ethical issues in strategic management
• Conflict resolution
Assessment Item 1: Tutorial Activity
Objective(s): | 1-2 |
Weighting: | 30 |
Assessment Item 2: Case Study
Objective(s): | 1-3 |
Weighting: | 30 |
Assessment Item 3: Final Exam
Objective(s): | 1-5 |
Weighting: | 40 |
Minimum requirements
Students must achieve at least 50% of the subject’s total marks.
Required texts
The prescribed text for this subject is:
Johnson, G., Whittington, R. & Scholes, K. 2011, Exploring Strategy: Text & Cases, 9th edn, Prentice Hall, Harlow, England.
It is essential that you have access to a copy of this book. The text will be used extensively in both lectures and tutorials. You should bring it to class with you at all times. Many of the tutorial exercises are taken from the text and the material in the text is examinable.
This subject assumes that students will have a comprehensive understanding of the contents of the UTS:Business Guide to Writing Assignments, available to download for free from the UTS:Business website: http://www.business.uts.edu.au/teaching/guide/guide.pdf
Recommended texts
Evans, N., Campbell, D. & Stonehouse, G. (2003) Strategic Management for Travel and Tourism, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford.
Tribe, J. (1997) Corporate Strategy for Tourism, International Thompson Business Press, London.
Hoye, R., Smith, A., Westerbeek, H., Stewart, B., & Nicholson, M. (2006) Sport Management: principles and applications, Elsevier, Boston, MA
Olsen, M., West, J., & Ching Yick Tse, E., (2009) Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry, Pearson Education, New Jersey.
Closed Reserve
David, F. (2005) Strategic Management: Cases 10th ed. Pearson Education, New Jersey.
Foley, M., Lennon, J., & Maxwell, G., (1997) Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Management: Issues in Strategy and Culture, Cassel, London.
Harrison, J., & St. John, C. (2004) Foundations in Strategic Management, South-western, Ohio.
Henderson, K. & Bialeschki, M. (2002) Evaluating Leisure Services: Making Enlightened Decisions, Venture Publishing, State College, PA.
Hubbard, G. (2004) Strategic Management: Thinking, Analysis & Action, Pearson Education, Australia.
McKay, J. & Marshall, P., (2004) Strategic Management of eBusiness, John Wiley and Sons, Australia.
McMahon-Beattie U., & Yeoman, I., (2003) Sport and Leisure Operations Management, Continuum, New York.
Moutinho, L. (ed.) (2000) Strategic Management in Tourism, CABI Publishing, Oxford.
Parks, J. B., & Quarterman, J. (2003), Contemporary Sport Management, (2nd Edition) Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.
Stead, W., (2004) Sustainable Strategic Management, M.E. Sharp, New York.
Viljoen, J. & Dann, S., (2003) Strategic Management 4th ed., Pearson Education, Sydney.