University of Technology, Sydney

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Alphabetical list of subjects

Numerical list of subjects

. | 2 | 3 | 4 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W


.NET Application Development 32998
.NET Enterprise Development 32013


2D Digital Animation 89204


3D Animation 32543
3D Computer Animation 31241
3D Digital Animation 1 89202
3D Digital Animation 2 89203
3G Mobile Communication Systems 49110


4G Mobile Technologies 42890


A Genealogy of Digital Photography 88008
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Women and Babies 92621
Aboriginal Cultures 013982
Aboriginal Social and Political History 013082
Aboriginal Studies Project 013081
Academic English 59718
Academic Literacies in TESOL and Applied Linguistics 013983
Access in Large Scale Buildings 11283
Accountability in Nursing Practice 92329
Accountability of Small Business Enterprises 22573
Accounting and Business Management 16264
Accounting and ERP 22759
Accounting for Business Combinations 22320
Accounting for Business Decisions A 22107
Accounting for Business Decisions B 22207
Accounting for Insolvency 22610
Accounting for Managerial Decisions 22747
Accounting for Overseas Transactions 22309
Accounting for Public, Leisure and Community Organisations 22771
Accounting for Turnaround Managers 22700
Accounting Information for Managers 22814
Accounting Information Systems 22708
Accounting Information Systems 22605
Accounting Research and Consulting Skills 22901
Accounting Standards and Regulations 22420
Administrative Law 70617
Adult Education Policy in Context 013973
Adult Education: History, Policy and Context 013125
Adult Education: Past, Present, Future 013168
Adult Learning and Program Development 013142
Adult Learning in Context 013953
Advanced Analogue Model Making Intensive 88619
Advanced Analysis 35322
Advanced Architectural Construction 11233
Advanced Assessment and Diagnosis 92608
Advanced Basic Maths and Science 85015
Advanced Building Regulation 15615
Advanced Building Systems 11282
Advanced CAD Intensive 88620
Advanced Calculus 35232
Advanced Clinical Practice 92894
Advanced Commercial Law 79018
Advanced Communication Skills in Science 60901
Advanced Construction Technologies 16077
Advanced Contracts 76047
Advanced Control 48580
Advanced Corporate Finance 25924
Advanced Criminal Law 76037
Advanced Data Analytics 31005
Advanced Data Analytics Algorithms 32513
Advanced Database 32113
Advanced Design for 2D Animation 88408
Advanced Development Assessment 15614
Advanced Digital Systems 48451
Advanced Econometric Methods for Finance 25860
Advanced Engineering Computing 48371
Advanced Fashion and Textile Techniques 83568
Advanced Financial Planning 25208
Advanced Flow Modelling 49312
Advanced Haematology 91358
Advanced Health Services Planning 92295
Advanced Image Synthesis Techniques 32544
Advanced Immunology 91359
Advanced Instruments 25838
Advanced Internet Programming 32549
Advanced Internet Programming 31242
Advanced Macroeconomics 23917
Advanced Management and Organisation Research Methods 21908
Advanced Manufacturing 48663
Advanced Marketing Strategies 24808
Advanced Mathematics and Physics 68038
Advanced Mechanics 68414
Advanced Mediation 77746
Advanced Mediation 78127
Advanced Microeconomics 23907
Advanced Modelmaking 11285
Advanced Moving Image 57172
Advanced Nanomaterials 68002
Advanced Organisation and Management Theorising 21909
Advanced Physics 68001
Advanced Post Production 57173
Advanced Procurement Methods 16257
Advanced Production Design 88603
Advanced Project Management 32601
Advanced Property Development 17518
Advanced Remedies 76021
Advanced Research Methods for Leisure, Sport and Tourism 27941
Advanced Revenue Law 76016
Advanced Robotics 49274
Advanced Routing Principles 32009
Advanced Screenwriting 57101
Advanced Software Modelling 32536
Advanced Soil Mechanics and Foundation Design 49254
Advanced Stochastic Processes 35466
Advanced Taxation Law 79606
Advanced Topics in Computer Networks 32209
Advanced Valuation 16335
Advanced Written and Oral Communication 85016
Advances in Requirements Engineering 32550
Advertising Campaign Practice 58129
Advertising Practice 59330
Advertising Research 24510
Advertising Strategies 59333
Advocacy 75413
Advocacy and Social Change 21040
Aerospace Design Processes 48274
Aerospace Operations: Overview of the Aviation Industry 48271
Aesthetics 58212
Aesthetics in Industrial Design 84110
Agile Method Engineering 32106
Air and Noise Pollution 49049
Airconditioning 49322
Airline Operations 48272
Airlines and Transportation Management 27647
Alpine and Lowland Ecology 91163
Alternative Perspectives in Contemporary Economics 23623
An Introduction to Patternmaking and Construction 83881
Analog Electronics 48551
Analysing Professional Practice 016715
Analysis of Human Motion 27174
Analysis of Motor Control 27226
Analysis of the Olympic Games 27764
Analytical Biochemistry 91326
Analytical Chemistry 1 65306
Analytical Chemistry 2 65409
Analytical Chemistry 3 65606
Analytics Capstone Project 41004
Analytics Capstone Project B 31243
Anatomical Pathology 91402
Anatomy and Physiology: Pregnancy and Childbirth 92272
Animal Behaviour and Physiology 91363
Animal Law and Policy in Australia 78218
Animal Law and Policy in Australia 76033
Animal Law and Policy in Australia 78219
Animation Concepts Seminar 57130
Animation Genres Seminar 89201
Animation Project 89990
Animation Project A 89991
Animation Project B 89992
Animation Studio: Advanced Animation Practice 82710
Animation Studio: Animation Industry Project 82620
Animation Studio: Animation Practice 88212
Animation Studio: Animation Project Pre-production 82711
Animation Studio: Animation Project/Production 82800
Animation Studio: Foundations in Animation Design 82220
Animation Studio: Foundations in Animation Language 82120
Animation Studio: Narrative Experimentations 88211
Animation Studio: Narrative Investigations 82320
Animation Studio: VFX Design Advanced 88202
Animation Studio: VFX Design Introduction 88201
Application Development in the iOS Environment 41889
Application Development with .NET 31927
Application of Timber in Engineering Structures 49136
Applications of Discrete Mathematics 35111
Applications Programming 48024
Applied Company Law 79014
Applied Electronics and Interfacing 68316
Applied Geotechnics 49118
Applied International Business 21532
Applied Kinesiology 27171
Applied Leadership and Strategy 27800
Applied Microeconometrics 23572
Applied Portfolio Management 25729
Applied Portfolio Management 25579
Applied Project in Marketing (Capstone) 24100
Applied Project in Marketing Communication (Capstone) 24101
Applied Research Methods 27707
Applied Sport Psychology 27172
Applied Studies 27935
Applying Network Security 41890
Appraisal and Statistics 16126
Aquatic Ecology 91121
Aquatic Services and Events 27137
Architectural Communications: Building Information Modelling 11316
Architectural Communications: Dynamic Modelling 11314
Architectural Communications: Parametric Modelling 11315
Architectural Design and Construction 11207
Architectural Design: Architectural Communications 11214
Architectural Design: Architectural Communications 2 11208
Architectural Design: Field 11231
Architectural Design: Forming 11211
Architectural Design: Integration 11234
Architectural Design: Making 11209
Architectural Design: Performance 11227
Architectural Design: Strategy 11221
Architectural Experience A 11294
Architectural Experience B 11295
Architectural Experience C 11296
Architectural Experience D 11297
Architectural History and Theory: Critique 11222
Architectural History and Theory: Current Events and Debates 11247
Architectural History and Theory: Modernity and Modernism 11216
Architectural History and Theory: Orientations 11212
Architectural History and Theory: Urbanism and the City 11248
Architectural Practice: Advocacy 11501
Architectural Practice: Finance and Project Management 11502
Architectural Practice: The City 11504
Architectural Practice: The Profession 11503
Architecture and Urban Projects 11235
Architecture Competition Project 11512
Architecture Culture and Environment 11205
Architecture Special Project 11307
Architecture Special Project 2 11318
Architecture Study Tour: Special Topics 11305
Architecture, Cinema and Representation 11309
Arts and Cultural Industries 27753
Arts and Cultural Policy 27763
Arts and Entertainment Industries 27115
Arts Organisations and Management 27755
Asian Law and Legal Systems 76003
Asian-Australian Economics Relations 23304
Assessing Learning 013955
Assessing Learning 013139
Assessment and Therapeutics in Health Care 1 92313
Assessment and Therapeutics in Health Care 2 92314
Assurance for e-Business 22523
Assurance for Enterprise Systems 22766
Assurance Services and Audit 22522
Audiences, Users, Publics, Communities 58325
Audio Culture 50835
Audio Production 50834
Auditing and Assurance Services 22730
Australian Aboriginal Politics and History 58326
Australian Civil Liberties Law 76074
Australian Constitutional Law 70616
Australian Conversations 59709
Australian Corporate Environment 22157
Australian Environment 59716
Australian Fiction 58320
Australian Film 58321
Australian Health Care System 92282
Australian Indigenous Social and Political Development 21041
Australian Indigenous Studies 21043
Australian Indigenous Studies Research Project 21042
Australian Language Studies 59712
Australian Media 59713
Australian Pasts and Places 58224
Australian Workplace Cultures 59715
Australians at Work 59714


Balancing World Views: Introduction to Aboriginal Cultures 58227
Banking and Finance Law 78111
Banking and Finance Law 78110
Banking Law 77715
Banking Law 79015
Becoming a Midwife 92622
Beginning Teaching: Surviving and Thriving 010051
Behavioural Finance 25577
Biobusiness and Environmental Biotechnology 91369
Biochemistry, Genes and Disease 91345
Biocomplexity 91123
Biodiversity Conservation 91309
Bioinformatics 42001
Biomedical Engineering Project 91173
Biomedical Engineering Project A 91171
Biomedical Engineering Project B 91172
Biomedical Instrumentation 49261
Biomedical Law and Bioethics 76070
Biomedical Signal and Image Processing 41105
BioNanotechnology 91140
Bioreactors and Bioprocessing 91368
Biotechnology 91142
Biotechnology Research Project 91539
Biotechnology Research Project A 91537
Biotechnology Research Project B 91538
Bond Portfolio Management 25728
Book Publishing and Marketing 57053
Brand Advertising Strategies 58229
Brand Strategy 88943
Branding Project 88944
Bridge Design 49131
Broadcasting and Telecommunications Regulation 76019
Building and Construction Law 76043
Building Assessment 16076
Building Company Performance 16316
Building Control and Regulations 16085
Building Economics 2 16313
Building Intelligent Agents 32530
Building Regulation 15612
Building Research 1 16904
Building Research 2 16905
Building Resilience in Mothers and Midwives 92018
Building Science/Materials 2 16209
Building Technology 16127
Building Technology and Regulation 12511
Built Environment Economics 16466
Built Environment Law 16467
Business and Law in China 78026
Business and Law in China 78118
Business Decisions and Models 22815
Business Ethics and Sustainability 21513
Business Excellence 21743
Business Information Systems 22776
Business Intelligence 32558
Business Intelligence 1: Advanced Analysis 22797
Business Intelligence 2: Advanced Planning 22783
Business Intelligence for Decision Support 32567
Business Intelligence Modelling and Analysis 32568
Business Internship 25999
Business Internship 21999
Business Internship 24999
Business Internship 23999
Business Internship 22999
Business Law and Ethics 79203
Business Process and IT Strategy 31245
Business Process Design 32559
Business Process Integration with ERP 22782
Business Project in e-Business 24718
Business Project Management 22787
Business Project: International Marketing 24791
Business Project: Marketing 24790
Business Requirements Modelling 31269
Business Statistics 26134
Business to Business e-Marketing 24723
Business Valuation and Financial Analysis 22743
Business-to-Business Marketing 24205
Buyer Behaviour 24710


Capital Markets 25741
Capstone Project 48006
Capstone Project 48012
Capstone Project in Business Planning 21126
Capstone Project Part A 48016
Capstone Project Part B 48026
Capstone Project: Financial Strategy and Leadership 22677
Care of the Acutely Ill Child 92902
Care of the Child in Illness and Disability 92878
Career and Portfolio Development 21856
Career Development in Indigenous Community Management 21045
Career Management for IT Professionals 31016
Career Management for Scientists 69500
Catchment Modelling 49255
Cell Biology and Genetics 91161
Challenges in Midwifery Practice 92283
Change Management 21827
Characterisation of Energy Efficient Materials 68044
Chemical Criminalistics 65544
Chemical Safety and Legislation 65410
Chemistry 1 65111
Chemistry 2 65212
Chemistry and Materials Science 60101
Chemistry and Pharmacology of Recreational Drugs 65643
Child and Family Health Nursing 1 92614
Child and Family Health Nursing 2 92615
Child Development 012222
Child Law in Australia 78128
Child Law in Australia 78129
Children and the Law 76066
Children's Literature and Multi-literacies: Teaching Critical, Cultural, Visual and Digital Literacies through Childrens Books 024705
Children's Theatre and Creative Arts 4: Staging Performances 024424
Children's Theatre and Creative Arts Study 2: Acting and Performing Skills - Genres for Children 024422
Children's Theatre and Creative Arts Study 3: Production and Direction 024423
Children's Theatre and the Creative Arts 1: Overview of World Theatre, Production Roles, Script Writing 024421
Chinese Diagnostic System 1 99618
Chinese Diagnostic System 2 99621
Chinese Festivals and Ceremonies 97111
Chinese Film 97112
Chinese Herbal Formula 1 99651
Chinese Herbal Formula 2 99652
Chinese Language and Culture 1 97101
Chinese Language and Culture 2 97102
Chinese Language and Culture 3 97103
Chinese Language and Culture 4 97104
Chinese Language and Culture 5 97105
Chinese Language and Culture 6 97106
Chinese Mass Media 97109
Chinese Medicine Foundations 1 99665
Chinese Medicine Foundations 2 99666
Cinema and Design from 1960 88430
Cinema and Design to 1960 88330
Circuit Analysis 48530
Citizenship and Immigration Law 76048
Civil Engineering Review 1 49143
Civil Engineering Review 2 49144
Civil Litigation 75421
Client and User-centred Designing 89303
Climate Change and Ecological Modelling 91540
Climate Change: Politics and Ecology 58228
Climate Law and Carbon Markets 78106
Climate Law and Carbon Markets 78107
Climate Law and Carbon Markets 76041
Clinic Level 2 and Acupuncture Techniques 1 99668
Clinic Level 3 and Acupuncture Techniques 2 99644
Clinic Level 4 and Acupuncture Techniques 3 99645
Clinic Level 5 and Acupuncture Microsystems 99646
Clinic Level 6 99647
Clinical Bacteriology 91338
Clinical Features of Disease 99584
Clinical Management of Diabetes 92934
Clinical Practice (Diabetes) 93006
Clinical Practice 1 96015
Clinical Practice 1 (TCM) 99630
Clinical Practice 2 96016
Clinical Practice 2 (TCM) 99631
Clinical Practice 3 96017
Clinical Practice 3 99669
Clinical Practice 4 99670
Clinical Practice 4 99659
Clinical Practicum (Therapy and Diagnosis) 91611
Clinical Theory and Clinic Level 1 99667
Cloud Computing and Software as a Service 41001
Cloud Computing and Software as a Service 42904
Cloud Computing Infrastructure 41891
Cloud-based Enterprise Application Development 41005
Collaborative Business Processes 31247
Collaborative Midwifery Practice 92285
Commerce, Business Studies and Economics Teaching Methods 1 013039
Commerce, Business Studies and Economics Teaching Methods 2 013051
Commerce, Business Studies and Economics Teaching Methods 3 013042
Commerce, Business Studies and Economics Teaching Methods 4 013054
Commercial and Estate Practice 75403
Commercial Arbitration (Domestic) 77752
Commercial Arbitration (Domestic) 78119
Commercial Bank Management 25574
Commercial Environment of IT 32145
Commercial Equity 78221
Commercial Equity 78220
Commercial Law 70327
Commercial Management of Projects 15348
Commercial Retail Property Management 17772
Commercial Trade and Transport Law 76050
Commercial Trade and Transport Law 78231
Common Law Legal Traditions 78103
Communicating with Publics 57023
Communication and Critical Thinking 15312
Communication and Cultural Industries and Practices 58201
Communication and Information Honours Seminar 55067
Communication and Learning 013959
Communication for IT Professionals 31265
Communication for Science 91164
Communication for the Complementary Therapist 92227
Communication Management 013127
Communication Practice Project 58301
Communication Protocols 49202
Communications and Intellectual Property Law Overview 78203
Communications and Technology: A Primer 78212
Communications and Technology: A Primer 78213
Communications Networks 48740
Community Engagement 27002
Community Justice Studies 76069
Community Leadership Project 15616
Community Sector Project 2 21189
Community Service Learning and Social Entrepreneurship 27603
Companies and Securities Law 77947
Comparative Law 76001
Comparative Local Governance 15619
Competition and Consumer Law 79032
Competition Law 76027
Competition Law in a Global Context 78216
Competition Law in a Global Context 78217
Complex Case Management 92611
Complex Critical Care 92919
Complex Financial and Property Disputes (in Family Law) 78133
Complex Financial and Property Disputes (in Family Law) 78132
Complex Forensic Cases (Biology) 91139
Complex Forensic Cases (Chemistry) 65743
Complex Forensic Cases (Law for Biology) 79028
Complex Forensic Cases (Law for Chemistry) 79024
Complex Labour, Birth and Puerperium 92623
Complex Newborn Care 92280
Complex Nursing Care: Medical Surgical 92330
Complex Nursing Care: Mental Health 92316
Complex Parenting Disputes 78130
Complex Parenting Disputes 78131
Complex Pregnancy 92624
Complexity and Spatial Analysis 17555
Composing the Real 58115
Computational Finance 25835
Computational Linear Algebra 35212
Computational Methods and Model Implementation 25853
Computational Physics 68416
Computer Game Design 32003
Computer Graphics 32501
Computer Graphics Project 31248
Computer Graphics Rendering Techniques 31249
Computer Modelling and Design 48389
Computer Vision and Image Processing 32210
Computer-aided Industrial Design 84121
Computer-aided Mechanical Design 49325
Computer-based Accounting 22515
Computing Studies Teaching Methods 1 013040
Computing Studies Teaching Methods 2 013052
Computing Studies Teaching Methods 3 013157
Computing Studies Teaching Methods 4 013158
Concepts in Pharmaceutical Sciences 96002
Concrete Design 48353
Concrete Technology and Practice 49151
Concurrent Study Architecture 89965
Concurrent Study Architecture 2 89950
Concurrent Study Building 89966
Concurrent Study Building 2 89951
Concurrent Study Design 89964
Concurrent Study Design 2 89953
Concurrent Study Property 89954
Concurrent Study Property Study 2 89955
Conflict of Laws 76112
Conservation and Heritage 171200
Construction 48340
Construction Contracts and Finance 17123
Construction Cost Planning 17553
Construction for Developing Communities 16900
Construction Law and Professional Practice 16421
Construction Materials 48352
Construction MIS 16424
Construction Practice Project 16084
Construction Technology 1 16109
Construction Technology 2 16265
Construction Technology 3 16314
Construction Technology 4 16422
Consumer Behaviour 24202
Consumer Environments 86150
Contaminated Site and Waste Remediation 49116
Contemporary Business Law 79708
Contemporary Canada (Quebec) 979516
Contemporary Canada (Quebec) 976602
Contemporary China 979510
Contemporary China 976111
Contemporary Clinical Midwifery Practice 92019
Contemporary Fashion Styling 83566
Contemporary France 976411
Contemporary France 979512
Contemporary Germany 976421
Contemporary Germany 979514
Contemporary Indigenous Health and Wellbeing 92317
Contemporary Issues in Constitutional Law 78021
Contemporary Issues in Health Law 78144
Contemporary Issues in Health Law 78145
Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting Research 22903
Contemporary Italy 976431
Contemporary Italy 979515
Contemporary Japan 979511
Contemporary Japan 976211
Contemporary Latin(o) Americas 976502
Contemporary Latin(o) Americas 979518
Contemporary Legal Studies 1 76075
Contemporary Legal Studies 2 76076
Contemporary Music 1 50830
Contemporary Music 2 50837
Contemporary Spain 976451
Contemporary Spain 979513
Contemporary Switzerland 976404
Contemporary Switzerland 979517
Contemporary Telecommunications 32702
Contemporary Work and Learning 013167
Contemporary World Cinema 58323
Context: 2D Animation Advanced 82420
Context: 2D Animation Introduction 82121
Context: 3D Animation Advanced 82321
Context: 3D Animation Introduction 82221
Context: Design for Three-dimensional Computer Animation 82520
Context: Experimentations 86113
Context: Experimentations for Animation and VFX 82621
Context: Explorations 86221
Context: Image and Making (Generative Methods) 86009
Context: Image and Making (Representation) 86008
Context: Inhabitations 86114
Context: Interdisciplinary 86222
Contexts for Research Management 95584
Continuity of Midwifery Care 92923
Continuous Communications 48770
Contracts 70211
Control of Mechatronic Systems 49329
Converging Media Industries: Regulatory Challenges 78177
Converging Media Industries: Regulatory Challenges 78180
Copyright Law 77903
Copyright Law 78195
Coral Reef Ecosystems 91126
Core Concepts in Acute Care Nursing 92616
Corporate Accounting 22754
Corporate Environmental Responsibility 79019
Corporate Environments 86160
Corporate Finance 25765
Corporate Finance Transactions 1 78198
Corporate Finance Transactions 1 78197
Corporate Finance Transactions 2 78199
Corporate Finance Transactions 2 78200
Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice 25557
Corporate Financial Analysis 25743
Corporate Financial Analysis (Capstone) 25410
Corporate Governance 78126
Corporate Governance 78125
Corporate Governance and Strategic Direction 21841
Corporate Governance and Sustainability 21874
Corporate Insolvency 78122
Corporate Insolvency 78121
Corporate Law 70417
Corporate Management and Organisational Change 15608
Corporate Reporting: Professional and Conceptual Issues 22520
Corporate Social Responsibility and Measuring Social Impact 21879
Corporate Treasury Management 25763
Cost Management 1: Measurement 16105
Cost Management 2: Estimating 16203
Cost Management 3: Cost Planning 16207
Cost Management 4: Advanced Estimating 16412
Cost Management and Analysis 22753
Cost Management Systems 22321
Course Design and Assessment 010043
Couture Techniques 83883
Creating Event Experiences 27345
Creative Information Design 58125
Creative Producing 57175
Creativity and Culture 58120
Credit Risk 25850
Crime Scene Investigation 65342
Criminal Law 70218
Criminal Sentencing Law 78030
Criminology 76012
Crisis Negotiation 77792
Crisis Negotiation 78171
Critical Issues in Global Tourism 27348
Critical Issues in Health and Wellbeing 27227
Critical Theory 11310
Cross Cultural Management 21491
Cultural Diversity at Work 013963
Cultural Studies Honours Seminar 55068
Culture, Difference and Curriculum 013145
Culture, Science and Nature 58329
Current Issues in Enterprise Systems 22772
Current Issues in Family Law 78135
Current Issues in Family Law 78134
Current Issues in Sport Business 27100
Current Issues in Taxation 77945
Current Issues in the Community Sector 21143


D Midwifery Dissertation 92980
D Nursing Dissertation 92981
Data Acquisition and Distribution 48570
Data Mining and Visualisation 32131
Data Structures and Algorithms 31251
Data Visualisation and Visual Analytics 32146
Database 32606
Database Fundamentals 31271
Database in Distributed Environments 32535
Database Principles 31061
Database Programming 31253
Deceptive Trade Practices 78123
Deceptive Trade Practices 78181
Deceptive Trade Practices and Product Liability 76023
Decision Making Tools 25841
Decision Support in Contemporary Organisations 22768
Demonstration Project 11525
Derivative Securities 25620
Derivative Security Pricing 25923
Derivatives 25833
Design Activism 89105
Design and Analysis of Experiments 35356
Design and Innovation Fundamentals 48240
Design Capstone Project 89400
Design Differences: Community Identities 85509
Design Differences: Community Identities 85605
Design Differences: Intercultural Asia 85506
Design Enterprise: Small Batch Production 88843
Design for Change: Reinvigorating Retail Precincts 89152
Design for Change: Retail Futures 89153
Design for Change: Specific Retail Environments 89151
Design for Stage and Theatre: Classics 88444
Design for Stage and Theatre: Contemporary 88333
Design for Theatre: Self-Devised Project 88666
Design for Theatre: Special Performances 88555
Design for Three-Dimensional Computer Animation 89205
Design for Visual Information Systems 88911
Design Futures: Business Innovation 85601
Design Futures: Creative Technologies 85500
Design Futures: Sustainable Lifestyles 85504
Design in the Wild 84905
Design Interventions: Making Theories 85505
Design Optimisation for Manufacturing 49928
Design Project 89922
Design Project Preliminary 89921
Design Project Specialisation 88952
Design Research: Major Project VC 87900
Design Research: Visualising Research 87933
Design Studio 1: Human-centred Design 89126
Design Studio 2: Social Design Practice/Critical Reflection 89127
Design Studio 3: Resilience and Creative Practice 89128
Design Studio: Design Practice 87832
Design Studio: Directions 86322
Design Studio: Experimentations 86112
Design Studio: Explorations 86531
Design Studio: Foundations in Spatial Design 86005
Design Studio: Foundations in Spatial Language 86004
Design Studio: Industry 86223
Design Studio: Inhabitations 86529
Design Studio: Investigation 86321
Design Studio: Performative Spaces 1 86530
Design Studio: Performative Spaces 2 86533
Design Studio: Photographic Intervention 80065
Design Studio: Realisation 86400
Design Studio: Text and Image 1 87631
Design Studio: Text and Image 2 87632
Design Studio: The Digital Image 80066
Design Studio: Visual Communication and Strategic Design 87831
Design Studio: Visual Experimentations 87731
Design Study Tour 88617
Design Team Management 16263
Design Thinking 85503
Design Thinking in Integrated Product Design 84611
Designing and Developing Simulations and Games 013975
Designing for the Web 58220
Designing Learning for a Digital Generation 013002
Designing Learning for a Digital Generation 013408
Designing with Landscape Elements 11272
Designs Law and Practice 78194
Designs Law and Practice 77893
Developing Health Care Theory 92973
Developing People and Teams 013136
Development Case Study 16343
Development Control 15613
Development Feasibility and Valuation 12535
Development Management 16261
Development Management 15323
Development Negotiation 15145
Differential Equations 35231
Digital and Multiplatform Storytelling 57178
Digital and Multiplatform Storytelling 57999
Digital Architecture Project A 11402
Digital Architecture Project B 11404
Digital Built Environment 16137
Digital Curation 57153
Digital Design and Construction 1 16212
Digital Design and Construction 2 16470
Digital Electronics 48581
Digital Fashion Multimedia 83564
Digital Forensics 32309
Digital Forensics 48436
Digital Graphics and the Still Image 95565
Digital Information and Interaction Design 95566
Digital Libraries and Collections 57008
Digital Master Class A 11401
Digital Master Class B 11403
Digital Media Development Process 95563
Digital Media in Social Context 95567
Digital Media Project 95569
Digital Media Technologies 95564
Digital Multimedia 31080
Digital Photography 88902
Digital Sound and the Moving Image 95568
Digital Theory 11400
Digital Theory 11521
Dilemmas in Biomedical Law 78147
Dilemmas in Biomedical Law 78146
Dimensions of Anaesthesia Nursing 92905
Dimensions of Tourism 27184
Directed Study 1 31008
Directed Study 1 32019
Directed Study 2 31009
Directed Study 2 32020
Directed Study 3 31010
Directed Study 3 32021
Directed Study 4 32022
Directed Study 4 31013
Directed Study A 60910
Directed Study B 60911
Directing 57176
Directions in Spatial Experience 86031
Disability and the Law 76010
Disability and the Law 78230
Disability and the Law 78229
Discourse Analysis 013087
Discovering and Accessing Information 57148
Discrete Communications 48771
Disease States for Traditional Chinese Medicine 1 99656
Disease States for Traditional Chinese Medicine 2 99657
Dispute Resolution 78136
Dispute Resolution 79771
Dispute Resolution Advocacy 76052
Dispute Resolution in Civil Practice 78173
Dispute Resolution in Civil Practice 78172
Dispute Resolution in Commerce 77761
Dispute Resolution in Commerce 78124
Dissertation 80041
Dissertation in Health Research 1 98725
Dissertation in Health Research 2 98726
Diversity Management 27326
DNA Profiling 91137
Doctoral Dissertation (SJD) 77688
Doctoral Project 51992
Doctoral Thesis: Facility Management 15461
Doctoral Thesis: Project Management 15460
Doctoral Thesis: Project Management 15464
Documentary Production 57166
Documentary: Expanded, Mobile and Networked 57184
Drafting of Patent Specifications 77894
Drawing and Surveying 16106
Drawing to Diagrams: Topics in Architectural Theory 11311
Dress, Body and Couture 83563
Drug Disposition 96007
Dynamics and Control 48660


e-Business Trading 31000
e-Commerce 31254
e-Learning Design 013090
e-Learning Design 013967
e-Learning Experiences 013966
e-Learning Experiences 1 013091
e-Learning Experiences 2 013092
e-Learning Technologies 013093
e-Market Trading Technology 32133
e-Marketing and Management of Services 27116
Early Interventions in Acute Care Nursing 92617
Ecodesign Practice 84135
Ecohydrology and Climate Change 91551
Ecological Engineering 48821
Ecology 91154
Ecology and Sustainability 49122
Economic Evaluation 49003
Economic Growth and Development 23569
Economic Modelling 23908
Economic Policy Seminar 23918
Economics and Finance of the Life Cycle 25005
Economics and Marketing in the New Economy 24726
Economics for Business 23115
Economics for Business 2 23566
Economics for Management 23706
Economics of Auditing and Assurance Services 22908
Economics of Law 23591
Economics of Money and Finance 23418
Economics of the Environment 23570
Ecotourism Planning and Management 27757
Ecotourism Planning and Management 27649
EdD Thesis: Education 019950
Editing and Design 57150
Educating Students with Special Needs 013006
Education and Cultural Diversity 015144
Education for Practice Development 92607
Education for Social Change 1 013130
Education for Social Change 2 013131
Education in Policy Contexts 013166
Education Study 2: Value 023412
Educational Computing Study 2 021412
Educational Drama 020705
Educational Leadership 013137
Educational Management 013088
Educational Research 023505
Effective Cognitive Learning Strategies 013129
Electrical Machines 48571
Electricity Sector Planning and Restructuring 49026
Electro-acoustic Composition 50842
Electromechanical Automation 48531
Electronic Business and Marketing 24727
Electronic Commerce 24001
Electronic Communications Content Regulation 76042
Electronic Music Composition 50832
Electronics and Circuits 48520
Embedded C 48430
Embedded Software 48434
Emergencies in Maternity Care 92625
Emergency Management 49285
Emerging Marketing Issues and Social Media 24104
Empirical Asset Pricing 25861
Empirical Corporate Finance 25862
Empirical Finance 25863
Employment and Industrial Law 79031
Enabling e-Business Technology 49228
Enabling Enterprise Information Systems 32557
Energetics of Human Movement 27175
Energy and Environmental Economics 49023
Energy Conversion 49321
Energy Demand Analysis and Forecasting 49027
Energy Modelling 49024
Energy Resources and Technology 49022
Energy Science and Technology 68412
Engaging Texts: Cross-Disciplinary Conversations 89172
Engaging Texts: Interpreting Contexts 89110
Engineered Natural Water Treatment Systems 49109
Engineering Analytical Modelling 48071
Engineering Communication 48230
Engineering Computations 48221
Engineering Economics and Finance 48250
Engineering Experience 1 48110
Engineering Experience 2 48130
Engineering Financial Control 49098
Engineering Mechanics 48321
Engineering Practice Preview 1 48121
Engineering Practice Preview 2 48141
Engineering Practice Review 1 48122
Engineering Practice Review 2 48142
Engineering Project Management 48260
English Education 1 012208
English Education 2 012209
English Education 3 024213
English Study 1: Shapes and Patterns in Literary Narrative from Sendak to Shakespeare 024411
English Study 2: Images of Australia, the Place and the People - Literary Representations in Prose, Poetry and Drama 024412
English Study 3: The Literature of Protest 024413
English Study 4: Cultural and Textual Cross-currents 024414
English Teaching Methods 1 013041
English Teaching Methods 2 013053
English Teaching Methods 3 013063
English Teaching Methods 4 013069
Enhancing Local Government Service Delivery 15622
Enterprise Application Development Using Cloud Platforms 42002
Enterprise Business Requirements 32569
Enterprise Computing 32148
Enterprise Content Management 57147
Enterprise Development with .NET 31100
Enterprise Software Architecture and Middleware 32570
Enterprise Software Testing 32571
Entertainment Law 76020
Entrepreneurial Foundations 95572
Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 48270
Environment and Control 17701
Environment Research Project 91547
Environment Research Project A 91545
Environment Research Project B 91546
Environment Risk Assessment and Remediation 91544
Environmental and Sanitation Engineering 48350
Environmental and Sustainable Development Law of China 78226
Environmental and Sustainable Development Law of China 78225
Environmental Assessment and Planning 49121
Environmental Chemistry 65621
Environmental Design 15342
Environmental Forensic Law 79023
Environmental Forensics 91159
Environmental Law 76024
Environmental Law and Science 79004
Environmental Management of Land 49126
Environmental Planning and Development Law 78042
Environmental Planning and Law 48850
Environmental Policy for Energy Systems 49029
Environmental Protection and Management 91145
Environmental Risk Assessment 49125
Environmental Sustainability Education 010052
Environmentally Sustainable Development 17122
Epidemiology and Population Health 92296
Epidemiology and Public Health Microbiology 91330
Equity and Trusts 70517
Ergonomics and Industrial Design 84122
Essentials of Pathophysiology 99636
Estate Planning (UG) 79026
Estate Planning and Trusts 77980
Ethics and Professional Conduct 75420
Ethics and Professional Standards in Finance 25798
Ethics in Finance 25602
European Union Law 77704
Evaluating TCM: Theory, Practice and Research 1 91614
Evaluating TCM: Theory, Practice and Research 2 91615
Evaluation of Contaminant Effects 91543
Evaluation of Infrastructure Investments 49021
Event and Leisure Industries 27126
Event Concepts and Contexts 27726
Event Creation Workshop 27727
Event Impacts and Legacies 27192
Event Management 27703
Event Management 27765
Event Marketing 27193
Event Risk Management 27737
Event Sponsorship and Revenue 27194
Evidence and Criminal Procedure 70717
Evidence Based Practice 96008
Evidence for Nursing 92318
Evidence-based Practice 92790
Evidence-based Practice 013003
Evidence-based Practice (Midwifery) 92927
Evolution of Technology 16083
Exchange 1A 89971
Exchange 1S 89975
Exchange 2A 89972
Exchange 2S 89976
Exchange 3A 89973
Exchange 3S 89977
Exchange 4A 89974
Exchange 4S 89978
Exchange Elective 1 979501
Exchange Elective 1 (Education) 010140
Exchange Elective 1 (Information Technology) 90001
Exchange Elective 1 (Science) 99870
Exchange Elective 2 979502
Exchange Elective 2 (Education) 010141
Exchange Elective 2 (Information Technology) 90002
Exchange Elective 2 (Science) 99871
Exchange Elective 3 979503
Exchange Elective 3 (Education) 010142
Exchange Elective 3 (Information Technology) 90003
Exchange Elective 3 (Science) 99872
Exchange Elective 4 979504
Exchange Elective 4 (Education) 010143
Exchange Elective 4 (Information Technology) 90004
Exchange Elective 4 (Science) 99873
Exchange Elective 5 979505
Exchange Elective 5 (Information Technology) 90005
Exchange Elective 5 (Science) 99874
Exchange Elective 6 979506
Exchange Elective 6 (Information Technology) 90006
Exchange Elective 6 (Science) 99875
Exchange Elective 7 979507
Exchange Elective 7 (Information Technology) 90007
Exchange Elective 7 (Science) 99876
Exchange Elective 8 (Information Technology) 90008
Exchange Elective 8 (Science) 99877
Exchange Elective A 99850
Exchange Elective B 99851
Exchange Elective C 99852
Exchange Elective D 99853
Exchange Elective E 99854
Exchange Elective F 99859
Exchange Elective G 99860
Exchange Elective H 99861
Exchange Subject 1 76801
Exchange Subject 1 99881
Exchange Subject 1 99863
Exchange Subject 2 99864
Exchange Subject 2 76802
Exchange Subject 2 99882
Exchange Subject 3 99865
Exchange Subject 3 99883
Exchange Subject 3 76803
Exchange Subject 4 99866
Exchange Subject 4 99884
Exchange Subject 4 76804
Exchange Subject A 50720
Exchange Subject B 50721
Exchange Subject C 50722
Exchange Subject D 50723
Exchange Subject E 50724
Exchange Subject F 50725
Exercise Management for Special Populations 27308
Exercise Prescription 27222
Exercise Rehabilitation 27178
Exhibition Design: Concepts and Strategies 88424
Exhibition Design: Methods of Interpretation Project 88626
Exhibition Design: Practice 88323
Exhibition Design: Process-based Project 88525
Experience Branding 88942
Experience Economy 88941
Experiencing Australian Language and Culture 59343
Experimental Design and Sampling 91110
Experimental Fashion Making 88834
Experimental Visual Communications: Final Project 89125
Experimental Visual Communications: Research Through Design 89123
Experimental Visual Communications: Visualising the Invisible 89124
Experiments in Culture 58217
Expert Evidence Presentation 65863
Expert Witness 16082
Exploring Media Arts 58113
Exploring Space 1: from Simple Beginnings to Baudrillard 11313
External Marine Study 1 91165
External Marine Study 2 91166
Extreme Programming 31335


Facade Engineering 49115
Facilitation 78138
Facilitation 78137
Facilitation of Clinical Learning 92848
Facility Evaluation 16341
Facility Obsolescence 15324
Facility Performance 15344
Family and Children's Nursing 92319
Family and Community Health Practice 92620
Family Dispute Resolution 78139
Family Dispute Resolution 77760
Family Law 76516
Fashion and Film 83000
Fashion and Textile Design Major Project 83887
Fashion and Textile Design Special Project 83001
Fashion and Textile Research and Conceptualisation 83774
Fashion and Textiles Entrepreneur 89017
Fashion and Textiles Professional Practice 83823
Fashion and Textiles Research Dissertation 83773
Fashion Communication: An Introduction 83121
Fashion Communication: Drawing and Digital Media 83344
Fashion Cultures 83231
Fashion Design: Past to Present 83343
Fashion Illustration Fundamentals 2 83233
Fashion Media 88833
Fashion, Gender and Identity 83341
Feature Writing 57014
Fictional Forms 58121
Fictions: Storytelling, Narrative and Drama 58114
Film Animation 57109
Film Animation 57108
Finance and IT 31255
Finance Law 76080
Finance Law 78214
Finance Law 78215
Finance Theory 25864
Financial Analysis and Business Valuations 22816
Financial Analysis for the Transactional Lawyer 78114
Financial Analysis for the Transactional Lawyer 78115
Financial Decision Making Under Uncertainty 25836
Financial Econometrics 25922
Financial Econometrics 25837
Financial Institution Lending 25752
Financial Institution Management 25751
Financial Management 25742
Financial Markets Instruments 25832
Financial Modelling and Forecasting 25705
Financial Planning in Australia 22502
Financial Reporting and Analysis 22748
Financial Reporting, Capital Markets and Disclosure 22902
Financial Risk Management 25849
Financial Services and Products 25522
Financial Services Law and Compliance in Australia 78228
Financial Services Law and Compliance in Australia 78227
Financial Statement Analysis (Capstone) 22319
Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation 22491
Financial Time Series 25606
Financial Valuation and Strategy 25050
Financing Construction Projects 16258
Fine Houses of Europe and America 11301
Finite Element Analysis 49047
Fire and Explosion Investigation 65644
Fire Dynamics 16078
Fire Safety Systems 16080
Fisheries Resources 91118
Flood Estimation 49256
Floodplain Risk Management in NSW 49117
Fluid Mechanics 48641
Focused Midwifery Practice 92288
Forensic Biology Research Project 91549
Forensic Biology Research Project A 91548
Forensic Biology Research Project B 91550
Forensic Science Research Project 65033
Forensic Science Research Project A 65032
Forensic Science Research Project B 65072
Forensic Statistics 35255
Forensic Toxicology 65545
Forensic Trust Accounting 16129
Forest and Mountain Ecology 91371
Foundation Mathematics 35010
Foundations in International Studies 976001
Foundations in Patternmaking and Construction 2 83882
Foundations of Communication 57022
Foundations of Midwifery Practice 92271
Foundations of Perioperative Nursing 92881
Foundations of Physics 68101
Francophone Cultures of Consumption 97409
Francophone Identities in Conflict 97407
Freehand Illustration 11291
Freelance Writing 57145
French Language and Culture 1 97401
French Language and Culture 2 97402
French Language and Culture 3 97403
French Language and Culture 4 97404
French Language and Culture 5 97405
French Language and Culture 6 97406
Functional Kinesiology 27180
Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering 41101
Fundamentals of Business Finance 25300
Fundamentals of Critical Care Nursing 92918
Fundamentals of Data Analytics 32130
Fundamentals of Derivative Security Pricing 25855
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 48521
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering 48620
Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing 92323
Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing (Enrolled Nurse Entry 1) 92025
Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing (Graduate Entry) 92015
Fundamentals of Postanaesthesia Recovery Nursing 92760
Fundamentals of Software Development 32555
Fundraising in International Markets 25812
Funds Development 21183
Furniture Concepts 88931
Furniture Context and Language 88316
Furniture Industry and Development 88516
Furniture Production and Materials 88416
Furniture Prototype 88616
Future Design Strategies 88951


Game Design Studio 1 31102
Game Design Studio 2 31103
Game Programming 32004
Game Theory 23592
Gas Distribution Technology and Management 49702
Gas Sector Planning 49701
Gender, Culture, Power 58318
Gender, Law and Sexuality 76081
General Microbiology 91314
Genetics and the Law 78105
Genetics and the Law 76030
Genetics and the Law 78104
Genocide Studies 50251
Geographic Information Systems 49257
Geography Teaching Methods 1 013044
Geography Teaching Methods 2 013056
Geological Processes 91149
Geotechnical Engineering 48360
German Language and Culture 1 97601
German Language and Culture 10 97610
German Language and Culture 2 97602
German Language and Culture 3 97603
German Language and Culture 4 97604
German Language and Culture 5 97605
German Language and Culture 6 97606
German Language and Culture 7 97607
German Language and Culture 8 97608
German Language and Culture 9 97609
GIS and Remote Sensing 91120
Global Aspects of Intellectual Property Law 78015
Global Aspects of Intellectual Property Law 78183
Global Business Strategies 21873
Global Englishes 013095
Global Governance 99204
Global Governance and Social Justice 78162
Global Governance and Social Justice 78161
Global Histories 99201
Global Information Systems 32531
Global Knowledges 99203
Global Operations and Supply Chain Management 21511
Global Politics from Above and Below 58222
Global Problem Solving 99206
Global Strategic Management 21811
Global Strategic Management 21630
Global Studio: Fashion and Textiles A 88831
Global Studio: Fashion and Textiles A 88835
Global Studio: Fashion and Textiles B 88832
Global Studio: Fashion and Textiles B 88836
Global Studio: Integrated Product Design A 88841
Global Studio: Integrated Product Design B 88842
Global Studio: Interior and Spatial Design A 88621
Global Studio: Interior and Spatial Design B 88622
Global Studio: Visual Communication A 88871
Global Studio: Visual Communication B 88872
Global Work 99202
Global Work Project 99205
Globalisation and International Economic Law 78108
Globalisation and International Economic Law 78109
Goods and Services Tax 77900
Governance and Leadership of Project Management 15346
Governance and Sustainability 21012
Government and Community Sector 21184
Government and Policy for Leisure, Sport and Tourism 27323
Graduate Project (12cp in 1 semester) 49050
Graduate Project (18cp in 1 semester) 49052
Graduate Project (24cp in 1 semester) 49058
Graduate Project (30cp in 1 semester) 49017
Graduate Project 18cp (Part 1 of 2) (2 x 9cp) 49183
Graduate Project 18cp (Part 1 of 2) (6cp + 12cp) 49195
Graduate Project 18cp (Part 1 of 3) (3 x 6cp) 49189
Graduate Project 18cp (Part 2 of 2) (2 x 9cp) 49184
Graduate Project 18cp (Part 2 of 2) (6cp + 12cp) 49196
Graduate Project 18cp (Part 2 of 3) (3 x 6cp) 49190
Graduate Project 18cp (Part 3 of 3) (3 x 6cp) 49191
Graduate Project 24cp (Part 1 of 2) (2 x 12cp) 49187
Graduate Project 24cp (Part 1 of 2) (9cp + 15cp) 49197
Graduate Project 24cp (Part 1 of 3) (3 x 8cp) 49192
Graduate Project 24cp (Part 2 of 2) (2 x 12cp) 49188
Graduate Project 24cp (Part 2 of 2) (9cp + 15cp) 49198
Graduate Project 24cp (Part 2 of 3) (3 x 8cp) 49193
Graduate Project 24cp (Part 3 of 3) (3 x 8cp) 49194
Graduate Project 30cp (Part 1 of 2) (2 x 15cp) 49153
Graduate Project 30cp (Part 1 of 3) (3 x 10cp) 49155
Graduate Project 30cp (Part 1 of 3) (6cp + 12cp + 12cp) 49147
Graduate Project 30cp (Part 2 of 2) (2 x 15cp) 49154
Graduate Project 30cp (Part 2 of 3) (3 x 10cp) 49156
Graduate Project 30cp (Part 2 of 3) (6cp + 12cp + 12cp) 49148
Graduate Project 30cp (Part 3 of 3) (3 x 10cp) 49157
Graduate Project 30cp (Part 3 of 3) (6cp + 12cp + 12cp) 49149
Graduation Exhibition 80031
Grammar and the Construction of Meaning 013096
Graphic Visualisation 89200
Green Building Evaluation 17774
Group Project A: Urban Renewal 15143
Group Project B: Greenfields Development 15144
GST and other Indirect Taxes 79022
Guiding and Interpretation Management 27773


Health and Homeostasis 91528
Health and Society 92320
Health Assessment and Nursing Therapeutics 92017
Health Breakdown 92713
Health Care Research Methodology 92972
Health Promotion 27341
Health Promotion and Health Education 92721
Health Services Dissertation 92979
Health Systems and Change 92297
Health Technology Assessment 23787
Heat Transfer 48661
High Performance Computing 35383
Higher Degree Research Seminar 77697
Histology 91500
Histories of Visual Information Design 88912
History Teaching Methods 1 013045
History Teaching Methods 2 013057
Honours (Chemistry) 1 65861
Honours (Chemistry) 2 65862
Honours (Forensic Science) 1 65864
Honours (Forensic Science) 2 65865
Honours FT (Environmental Science) 1 91105
Honours FT (Environmental Science) 2 91106
Honours FT (Medical and Molecular Bioscience) 1 91103
Honours FT (Medical and Molecular Bioscience) 2 91104
Honours Project 31482
Honours Research 1 16262
Honours Research 2 16259
Honours Research 3 16260
Honours Research Proposal 16660
Honours Seminar 1 35472
Honours Seminar 2 35473
Honours Seminar 3 35474
Honours Seminar 4 35475
Honours Thesis 11393
Honours Thesis (FT) 55004
Honours Thesis (Production) (FT) 55006
Honours Thesis (Production) Part A 55061
Honours Thesis (Production) Part B 55062
Honours Thesis 1 276901
Honours Thesis 1 023634
Honours Thesis 2 023635
Honours Thesis 2 276902
Honours Thesis Part A 55057
Honours Thesis Part B 55058
Honours Thesis: Preparatory 11392
Honours Workshop 55069
Hospitality Environments 86024
Hotel Management 27347
House and Housing 11304
HSIE Study 2: Conflicts and Resolutions 022203
HSIE Study 3: Multicultural Australia in its Asia-Pacific Regional Context, Implications for Teaching 022204
Human Anatomy and Physiology 91400
Human Behaviour in Fire 16081
Human Pathophysiology 91239
Human Performance in Sport and Exercise 27173
Human Resource Development in Organisations 013097
Human Resource Management 21720
Human Resource Management 21555
Human Resource Management (Capstone) 21505
Human Resources and Communications Management 16914
Human Resources and Organisational Development 013147
Human Rights Law 78182
Human Rights Law 78151
Human-Computer Interaction 31777
Hydraulics and Hydrology 48362


ICT Analysis 48471
ICT Design 48481
ICT in Primary Education: Current Issues and Applications 021702
Ideas in History 58103
Identity, Culture and Communication 013980
Ideology, Beliefs and Visions 58218
Illustration 1: Media and Techniques 88304
Illustration 2: Professional Applications 88404
Illustration 3 88504
Illustration 4 88604
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition 31256
Imaging Science 68315
Imagining the Real 58216
Improving Quality and Safety in Health Care 92022
In-country Study 1: Argentina 977542
In-country Study 1: Canada 977543
In-country Study 1: Chile 977520
In-country Study 1: China 977110
In-country Study 1: Colombia 977911
In-country Study 1: France 977410
In-country Study 1: Germany 977420
In-country Study 1: Italy 977430
In-country Study 1: Japan 977210
In-country Study 1: Latino USA 977620
In-country Study 1: Mexico 977530
In-country Study 1: Spain 977450
In-country Study 1: Switzerland 977460
In-country Study 2: Argentina 978542
In-country Study 2: Canada 978543
In-country Study 2: Chile 978520
In-country Study 2: China 978110
In-country Study 2: Colombia 978911
In-country Study 2: France 978410
In-country Study 2: Germany 978420
In-country Study 2: Italy 978430
In-country Study 2: Japan 978210
In-country Study 2: Latino USA 978620
In-country Study 2: Mexico 978530
In-country Study 2: Spain 978450
In-country Study 2: Switzerland 978460
In-country Study in Australia 979509
In-country Study: Argentina 978145
In-country Study: Canada 978134
In-country Study: Chile 978135
In-country Study: China 978136
In-country Study: Colombia 978912
In-country Study: France 978137
In-country Study: Germany 978138
In-country Study: Italy 978139
In-country Study: Japan 978140
In-country Study: Latino USA 978141
In-country Study: Mexico 978142
In-country Study: Spain 978143
In-country Study: Switzerland 978144
Independent Project: Conceptual Development 80029
Independent Project: Designed Outcome 80028
Independent Study 022602
Independent Study 86044
Independent Study Project 1 013098
Independent Study Project 2 013159
Indigenous and Migrant Cultures 59717
Indigenous Community Organisation Practicum 21211
Indigenous Community Research 21224
Indigenous Futures 58327
Indigenous Peoples and the Law 76068
Indigenous Peoples, the Environment and Property 76703
Individual Communication in the Workplace 013960
Individual Difference and Vocational Education Teaching 013152
Individualised Project 1 013099
Industrial and Labour Law 79013
Industrial Design Communications 84112
Industrial Design Digital Communication 84114
Industrial Design Directions 84131
Industrial Design Major Project: Realisation 84904
Industrial Design Major Project: Research and Conceptualisation 84902
Industrial Design Professional Communication 84134
Industrial Design Professional Practice 84772
Industrial Design Professional Project 84903
Industrial Design Project 700A 84771
Industrial Design Special Project 84000
Industrial Design Theory 84133
Industrial Law 76053
Industrial Organisation 23593
Industrial Relations 21702
Industry Economics 16072
Industry Project 32040
Industry Project 1 27361
Industry Project 1 31491
Industry Project 2 27362
Industry Project 2 31492
Industry Project Studies A 15456
Industry Study 1 31489
Industry Study 2 31490
Information and Knowledge Management Major Paper 57149
Information and Knowledge Management Project 57009
Information and Knowledge Management Project Part A 57104
Information and Knowledge Management Project Part B 57105
Information Architecture and Design 57084
Information Cultures 58127
Information Discovery and Analysis 58126
Information Management Application 92926
Information Research and Data Analysis 57089
Information System Development Methodologies 31257
Information Systems and Organisation Development 31735
Information Systems Strategy 32208
Information Technology Strategy 32703
Informing Industrial Design 84115
Informing Integrated Product Design 84118
Infrastructure for Cloud Computing 42891
Initiatives in Aboriginal Education 013148
Innovation and Commercialisation in Integrated Product Design 84812
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 21869
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 21854
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 21227
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A 89107
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: B 89171
Innovation Processes 48081
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 60904
Innovations for Global Relationship Management 31258
Innovative Services Management 27778
Inorganic Chemistry 1 65411
Inorganic Chemistry 2 65509
Inside Design 84610
Insolvency 76115
Insolvency Administration 79033
Insolvency, Restructuring and Turnaround Management 72104
Insurance Law 77930
Insurance Law 78196
Insurance Law 76022
Integrated Arts Therapy 2 013080
Integrated Business Consulting 21886
Integrated Communication 58312
Integrated Logistic Support 49655
Integrated Marketing Communications 24210
Integrated Nursing Concepts 92331
Integrated Nursing Practice 92312
Integrated Product Design Communications 84116
Integrated Product Design Digital Communication 84117
Integrated Product Design Major Project: Realisation 84907
Integrated Product Design Professional Communication 84813
Integrated Project Delivery Management 15349
Integrated Risk Management 25840
Integrated Services 11204
Integrated Services Networks 49201
Integrated Strategic Planning 15603
Integrated Therapeutics 1 96006
Integrated Therapeutics 2 96010
Integrated Therapeutics 3 96013
Integrating Business Perspectives 26100
Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge 78187
Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge 76521
Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge 78186
Intellectual Property Commercialisation 79006
Intellectual Property Commercialisation 78189
Intellectual Property Commercialisation 78188
Intellectual Property Commercialisation Overview 76056
Intellectual Property: Law and Policy 78025
Intellectual Property: Law and Policy 78184
Intellectual Property: Law and Policy 78185
Intelligent Agents 31259
Interaction Design 32509
Interaction-based Designing 80064
Interactivation Studio: Autumn 89111
Interactivation Studio: Final Project 89113
Interactivation Studio: Spring 89112
Interactive Arts 32029
Interactive Communication and Customer Behaviour 24206
Intercultural and International Communication 57025
Interdisciplinary Design Experience: Undergraduate 85603
Interdisciplinary Design Lab 85702
Interdisciplinary Design Lab: Undergraduate 85602
Interdisciplinary Lab A 85202
Interdisciplinary Lab B 85302
Interest Rate Modelling 25857
Interface Design 31260
Interior Design Communication 86420
Interior Design Communication: Digital Media 86110
Interior Design Conceptualisation 86003
Interior Design History 86021
Interior Design Major Project 86880
Interior Design Major Project: Realisation 86043
Interior Design Major Project: Research and Conceptualisation 86041
Interior Design Professional Project 86042
Interior Design Research Dissertation 86780
Interior Design Seminar 86872
Interior Elements and Design Detail 86025
Interior Materiality and Design Detail 86320
Interior Routing and High Availability 42902
Interior Systems and Design Detail 86133
Intermediate Macroeconomics 23568
Intermediate Microeconomics 23567
Internal Combustion Engines 49307
International Accounting 22240
International Accounting 22777
International and Comparative Family Law 78141
International and Comparative Family Law 78140
International and Comparative Journalism 57138
International Aspects of Australian Taxation Law 79021
International Banking and Finance Law 77724
International Banking Management 25052
International Business Capstone 21506
International Business Consulting 26800
International Business Law 77935
International Business Transactions and the Law 79603
International Commercial Arbitration 78233
International Commercial Arbitration 77751
International Commercial Dispute Resolution 77783
International Commercial Dispute Resolution 77800
International Commercial Transactions 76903
International Commercial Transactions 78153
International Commercial Transactions 78152
International Construction 16074
International Criminal Law 78154
International Criminal Law 78010
International Design 83772
International Development Law 78202
International Development Law 78201
International Economic Law (PG) 77701
International Environmental Law 77794
International Environmental Law: Policy and Implementation 78155
International Environmental Law: Policy and Implementation 78156
International Exchange Subject 1 99021
International Exchange Subject 2 99022
International Exchange Subject 3 99023
International Exchange Subject 4 99024
International Finance 25731
International Financial Management 25053
International Financial Management 25421
International Human Resources Management 21833
International Human Rights Law 76007
International Humanitarian Law 78016
International Management 21717
International Management Field Study 21595
International Marketing 24220
International Organisations 78207
International Organisations 76025
International Organisations 78206
International Perspectives in Midwifery 92286
International Placement 1 96018
International Placement 2 96019
International Promotion and Advertising 24440
International Property Investment 16338
International Regulation of Financial Institutions 76082
International Regulation of Financial Institutions 78116
International Regulation of Financial Institutions 78117
International Risk Management and Insurance 25051
International Sale of Goods 78011
International Study 029410
International Taxation Law 77953
International Trade and Investment 23491
International Trade Law 77716
International Trade Law and the Environment 76036
International Trade Law and the Environment 78023
International Trade Law and the Environment 78224
International Trade Theory 24002
Internet Programming 32516
Internet Quality of Service (QoS) 32012
Internetwork Design 32527
Internetworking Project 31261
Interpretation and Validity of Patent Specifications 77895
Interpreting Cultural Space 86213
Interrogating Technology: Sustainability, Environment and Social Change 48210
Introduction to Analysis and Multivariable Calculus 35102
Introduction to Chinese Business Law 76009
Introduction to Chinese Herbal Medicine 99567
Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering 48310
Introduction to Communication 85011
Introduction to Community Management 21134
Introduction to Computer Game Design 31262
Introduction to Computer Game Programming 31263
Introduction to Computer Graphics 31264
Introduction to Construction and Structural Synthesis 11206
Introduction to Data Analytics 31250
Introduction to Design for 2D Animation 88308
Introduction to Doctoral Research 016716
Introduction to e-Business Technology 32120
Introduction to Electrical Engineering 48510
Introduction to Film Studies 58225
Introduction to Forensic Science 65034
Introduction to ICT Engineering 48410
Introduction to Information Systems 31266
Introduction to Innovation 48080
Introduction to IT Management 32147
Introduction to Journalism 58110
Introduction to Language 013102
Introduction to Law 70110
Introduction to Law 16108
Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems 35101
Introduction to Materials 68070
Introduction to Maths 85012
Introduction to Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering 48610
Introduction to Pharmacy 96001
Introduction to Photography 88805
Introduction to Production Design 88503
Introduction to Property 16123
Introduction to Quantitative Management 35140
Introduction to Research 15462
Introduction to Sample Surveys 35100
Introduction to Social Inquiry 58122
Introduction to Specialty Practice: Aged Care Nursing 92339
Introduction to Specialty Practice: Australian Indigenous Health Care 92338
Introduction to Specialty Practice: Community Health Nursing 92332
Introduction to Specialty Practice: Critical Care Nursing 92333
Introduction to Specialty Practice: Family and Child Health Nursing 92334
Introduction to Specialty Practice: Mental Health Nursing 92335
Introduction to Specialty Practice: Paediatric Nursing 92340
Introduction to Specialty Practice: Palliative Care 92336
Introduction to Specialty Practice: Perioperative Nursing 92341
Introduction to Specialty Practice: Women's Health 92337
Introduction to Statistics 35151
Introduction to Taxation Law 77938
Introduction to the Built Environment 16468
Introductory Control 48560
Introductory Digital Systems 48441
Introductory Econometrics 23571
Introductory Haematology and Immunology 91401
Introductory Health Economics 26703
Introductory Pharmacology and Microbiology 91604
Inventive Media Advertising 57131
Investigating Health Care Change 92974
Investigating Media, Reflective Practices 58324
Investigation of Human Remains 91138
Investigative Journalism 57161
Investigative Research in the Digital Environment 57152
Investment Analysis 25503
Investment Analysis and Risk Management 25491
Investment and Portfolio 16332
Investment Banking 25575
Investment Management 25721
iOS Application Development 42889
IP Telephony and Voice over IP 32552
IS Architecture - A Cloud Perspective 32560
Islamic Architecture 630-1700 11287
Islamic Law 76005
Issues in Aboriginal Education 013103
Issues in Australian Health Services 92606
Issues in Corporate Finance 25558
Issues in Documentary 57061
Issues in Indigenous Australian Education 012225
Issues in Indigenous Australian Education 013004
Issues in Neonatal Care 92895
IT Contracts and Outsourcing 32990
IT Experience 1 31137
IT Experience 2 31139
IT Operations Management 31097
IT Professional and Society 32563
Italian Language and Culture 1 97801
Italian Language and Culture 10 97810
Italian Language and Culture 2 97802
Italian Language and Culture 3 97803
Italian Language and Culture 4 97804
Italian Language and Culture 5 97805
Italian Language and Culture 6 97806
Italian Language and Culture 7 97807
Italian Language and Culture 8 97808
Italian Language and Culture 9 97809


Japanese Films and Popular Culture 97207
Japanese Language and Culture 1 97201
Japanese Language and Culture 2 97202
Japanese Language and Culture 3 97203
Japanese Language and Culture 4 97204
Japanese Language and Culture 5 97205
Japanese Language and Culture 6 97206
Japanese Language and Identity 97208
Japanese Media and Current Issues 97209
Jessup International Moot 76039
Journalism Internship 57021
Journalism Major Project 1 57185
Journalism Major Project 2 57186
Journalism Studies 57013
Judgment and Decision Making 49001
Jurisprudence 76008


Knowledge Management and the Organisation 57087
Knowledge Management Strategies 57103
Knowledge Transfer and Research Commercialisation 95570
Knowledge Utilisation and Policy in Health Services and Practice 93002


Labour and Industry in the Global Context 23564
Labour Economics 23021
Labour Law 76015
Land Acquisition Statutory Valuation and Litigation 17775
Language and Contexts of Australian Engineering 48027
Language and Discourse 58102
Language and Power 013104
Language Development 013105
Language Programming and Assessment 013141
Language Teaching Methodology 013958
Language Teaching Methods 1 013046
Language Teaching Methods 2 013058
Language Teaching Methods 3 013064
Language Teaching Methods 4 013070
LANS and Routing 32524
Law and Literature 78211
Law and Literature 76902
Law and Literature 78210
Law and Medicine 78148
Law and Medicine 77734
Law and Mental Health 78149
Law and Mental Health 78150
Law and Mental Health 76038
Law and Regulation 78163
Law and Regulation 78164
Law for Leisure, Sport and Tourism 27628
Law of Slavery and Human Trafficking 78223
Law of Slavery and Human Trafficking 78222
Law of Slavery and Human Trafficking 76034
Law of the Sea 78008
Leadership and People Management 32553
Leadership and Responsibility 49069
Leadership and Teamwork in Science 60905
Leadership and Workplace Communication 95573
Leadership, Accountability and Role Development in Advanced Practice 98728
Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring 21722
Leading Change in Health Services and Practice 93005
Leading Learning in the Workplace 013165
Lean Construction 16921
Learning and Change 013951
Learning and Change in Organisations 013128
Learning Beyond the Classroom 022601
Learning in Diabetes Education 015356
Learning in Organisations 57995
Learning in Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 1 023125
Learning in Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 2 023126
Learning in Science and Technology 1 012213
Learning in Science and Technology 2 012214
Legal and Professional Skills 75424
Legal Aspects of Contracts Administration 77942
Legal Aspects of Insolvency 79030
Legal Issues for Community Managers 79794
Legal Issues for the Experience and Not-for-Profit Industries 27729
Legal Issues in Communications 79371
Legal Method and Research 70120
Legal Perspectives on the Internet 78204
Legal Process and Intellectual Property Overview 77896
Legal Process and Legal Research 77885
Legal Skills 75412
Lifespan Development 27228
Light, New Materials and Form 86023
Lighting Studio: Final Project 89116
Lighting Studio: Light, Materials and Space 89115
Lighting Studio: Light, Time and Change 89114
Lighting, Acoustics and Advanced Environmental Control 11232
Litigation and Estate Practice 75423
Live Sound 50843
LLM Project by Research 78102
Local Environmental Management 15609
Local Government Leadership: Personal and Professional Skills 15610
Local Government Management Principles and Practice 1 15604
Local Government Management Principles and Practice 2 15605
Local Government Powers and Practice 49108
Local Transformations 58124
Locative and Sensor Design Technologies 80214
Logistic Support Analysis 49679


MA Writing Project 50428
Machine Dynamics 48640
Major Project ID 84880
Major Project VC 87880
Major Project: Analysis 15303
Major Project: Methods 15302
Major Project: Outcomes 15304
Management and Organisation Seminars 21915
Management and Organisations 21800
Management Capstone 21504
Management Consulting 21008
Management Consulting 21228
Management Decisions and Control 22421
Management for Clinicians 92932
Management Knowledge 21229
Management Planning and Control 22705
Management Project 21058
Management Project 21815
Management Project Design 21814
Management Research Methods 21751
Management Research Methods 32930
Management Research Project 32932
Management Skills 21779
Management Skills 21440
Managerial Corporate Finance 25844
Managerial Economics 23845
Managerial Finance 25846
Managerial Marketing 24800
Managing Aerospace Processes 48273
Managing Client Relations 24704
Managing Client/Vendor Relations 31096
Managing Community Organisations 21766
Managing Complex Projects 15311
Managing Consulting 21011
Managing Employee Relations 21037
Managing Financial Institutions 25409
Managing for Sustainability 21832
Managing Human Resources in Indigenous Organisations 21225
Managing Information Technology in Engineering 49013
Managing Knowledge 21860
Managing Local Enterprise 15611
Managing Operations 21741
Managing Organisational Change 32561
Managing Organisational Communication 57994
Managing Organisations by Project 15333
Managing People and Organisations 21129
Managing Project Complexity 15327
Managing Projects 49002
Managing Public Communication Strategies 57024
Managing Quality, Risk and Cost in Health Care 92603
Managing Research Careers 95585
Managing Science-based Enterprises 60907
Managing Strategic Performance 21036
Managing Tourism Services 27706
Managing Work and People 21844
Manufacturing Engineering 48621
Marine Communities 91157
Marine Geosciences 66513
Marine Primary Producers 91156
Marketing Analytics 24750
Marketing Analytics and Decisions 24331
Marketing and Corporate Communication 57996
Marketing and International Trade Relations 24703
Marketing Channel Management 24713
Marketing Channels 24222
Marketing Communications 24736
Marketing for the Experience Industries 27734
Marketing Foundations 24108
Marketing Law 79011
Marketing Management 24734
Marketing Planning and Strategy 24415
Marketing Projects and Services Overseas 24705
Marketing Promotions for Fashion 83565
Marketing Research 24309
Marketing Research 24720
Marketing Strategy 24730
Marketing Strategy in Practice 24807
Marketing Technology 42905
Master Class Design Technologies 1 11523
Master Class Design Technologies 2 11524
Master Class Urban Design 11522
Master of Arts Thesis 51984
Master of Business Thesis (Accounting) 22990
Master of Business Thesis (Economics) 23990
Master of Business Thesis (Finance) 25990
Master of Business Thesis (Management) 21990
Master of Business Thesis (Marketing) 24990
Master of Creative Arts Thesis 51985
Master of Engineering Thesis 49776
Master of Health Services (Honours) Thesis 92977
Master of Midwifery (Honours) Thesis 92976
Master of Nursing (Honours) Thesis 92975
Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences Thesis 95591
Master of Pharmacy Thesis 95590
Master of Science Thesis 91774
Master of Sport and Exercise Thesis 92052
Master of Sustainable Futures Thesis 95583
Masters Architectural Design Studio 1 11551
Masters Architectural Design Studio 2 11552
Masters Architectural Design Studio 3 11553
Masters Architectural Design Studio 4 11554
Masters Architectural Design Thesis 11555
Masters Project 27946
Material Manipulation 84123
Materials Handling 49316
Materials Performance 48365
Materials Science 16103
Materials Testing 48364
Mathematical Finance 25851
Mathematical Methods 35335
Mathematical Modelling 1 33130
Mathematical Modelling 2 33230
Mathematical Modelling for Science 33190
Mathematical Research Project 35114
Mathematical Research Project A 35112
Mathematical Research Project B 35113
Mathematical Statistics 35252
Mathematics for Economics and Business 23565
Mathematics for Physical Science 33360
Mathematics of Finance 25839
Mathematics Teaching and Learning 1 012210
Mathematics Teaching and Learning 2 012211
Mathematics Teaching and Learning 3 012212
Mathematics Teaching Methods 1 013047
Mathematics Teaching Methods 2 013059
Mathematics Teaching Methods 3 013065
Mathematics Teaching Methods 4 013071
Maths for Numeracy Teachers 013831
Measurement and Analysis of Physical Processes 68415
Measurement and Development of Physical Capacity 27152
Mechanical and Mechatronic Design 48670
Mechanical Applications 48662
Mechanical Design 1 48600
Mechanical Design 2 48650
Mechanical Vibration and Measurement 48601
Mechanics of Human Motion 27111
Mechanics of Solids 48331
Mechatronics 1 48622
Mechatronics 2 48623
Media and Entertainment Law and Regulation 78165
Media and Entertainment Law and Regulation 78166
Media Arts and Production Major Project 57180
Media Arts and Production Minor Project 57177
Media Arts Project 58311
Media Hub 58310
Media Law 76063
Media Planning 24207
Media Relations 57132
Media Writing and Production 58214
Media, Mediation, Power 58226
Mediation Practice 78029
Mediation Practice 78174
Medical and Applied Physiology 91708
Medical and Diagnostic Biochemistry 91344
Medical Classics and the History of Chinese Medicine 91610
Medical Devices and Diagnostics 91705
Medical Imaging 91403
Medical Surgical Nursing 92322
Medical Surgical Nursing (Graduate Entry) 92024
Medicine and Law 76045
Memory and Life Writing 57162
Men's Collection 83884
Mental Health Assessment 92604
Mentoring in the Workplace 013106
Mergers and Acquisitions 25807
Metabolic Biochemistry 91320
Methods for Energy Analysis 49025
Microbial Ecology 91170
Microscopy and Cytometry 91535
Midwifery as Primary Health Care 92631
Midwifery Caseload Practice 92287
Midwifery Honours Dissertation 1 92265
Midwifery Honours Dissertation 2 92266
Midwifery in Complex Situations 92785
Midwifery in Context 92020
Midwifery Practice 1 92873
Midwifery Practice 1: Preparation for Practice 92632
Midwifery Practice 2 92893
Midwifery Practice 2: Supporting Women 92630
Midwifery Practice 3: Complex Pregnancy 92626
Midwifery Practice 4: Complex Labour, Birth and Puerperium 92627
Midwifery Practice 5: Working with Women 92628
Midwifery Practice 6: Transitions to Being a Midwife 92629
Midwifery Practice Development 92938
Mining Law and Regulation 76055
Mining Law and Regulation 78232
Minor Project 15345
Mise-en-Scene 57989
Mobile Applications Development 31285
Mobile Commerce Technologies 32001
Mobile Communications 48780
Mobile Communications and Computing 32118
Mobile Computing Project 31091
Mobile Networking 31275
Models of Midwifery Care 92925
Modern Places 88009
Modern Western Aesthetics 11312
Molecular Biology 1 91132
Molecular Biology 2 91335
Molecular Nanotechnology 67509
Molecule to Market 96014
Monitoring Ecological Variability 91541
Monitoring Organisational Performance 21140
Moot 76900
Moot Court 16346
Motivating and Managing People 21862
Moving Image 57169
Moving Image 57167
Multi Protocol Label Switching 42903
Multilayer Switched Networks 32011
Multimedia Systems Design 32027
Multivariate Statistics 35457
Music and Society 026702
Music Study 1 026411
Music Study 2 026412
Music Therapy 1 013075
Music Therapy 2 013076
Music Therapy 3 013077
Music Therapy 4 013078
Music, Movement and Dance 012219
Musical Instrument Design 50844


Nanomaterials 68075
Nanotechnology Honours Research 1 68003
Nanotechnology Honours Research 2 68004
Narrative and Storymaking in Education and Change 013164
Narrative Writing 57041
Native Title 17121
Natural Australia 59711
Negotiation 78175
Negotiation 77745
Negotiation and Conflict Management 15325
Network and Combinatorial Optimisation 35344
Network Design 31246
Network Fundamentals 48720
Network Management 31274
Network Management 32528
Network Planning and Management 48750
Network Security 48730
Network Security 32548
Network Security Appliances 32310
Network Servers 31338
Networked Enterprise Architecture 31276
Networked Enterprise Design 31950
Networking Essentials 31270
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 49275
Neuroscience 91706
Neuroscience: Degenerative and Oncological 92921
Neuroscience: Trauma and Cerebrovascular 92920
New Families, New Technologies 78041
New Families, New Technologies 78142
New Media and Social Change 013163
New Perspectives in Local Government Leadership 15618
New Product Management 24742
New Product Marketing 24223
New Textiles and Technologies 83888
Non-fiction Project Development 57163
Non-fiction Writing 57031
Non-fiction Writing Project 57164
Nonlinear Methods in Quantitative Management 35342
Not-for-Profit Sector Theory and Context 21767
Notation and Scoring 50840
Novel Writing 57124
Numerical Analysis for Quantitative Finance 25852
Numerical Methods of Finance 35366
Nursing Care of the Older Person 92315
Nursing Honours Dissertation 1 92291
Nursing Honours Dissertation 2 92292
Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity 27105


Object and Accessory Design 1: Foundations 88000
Object and Accessory Design 2: The Cast Object 88002
Object and Accessory Design 3: Soft Tooling and Rapid Prototyping 88001
Object and Accessory Design 4: Capstone Project 88003
Object-oriented Technology 49247
Object-Relational Databases 42901
Object-relational Databases 31075
Objects and Accessories Studio: Final Project 89133
Objects and Accessories Studio: Fold 89131
Objects and Accessories Studio: Layer 89132
Observational Photography 88901
Olympic Games and Mega Events 27103
On-site Water and Wastewater Treatment 49127
Online Documentary 50001
Online Journalism 57155
Operating Systems for Network Security 32523
Operations and Value Chain Strategy 21871
Operations Engineering 49989
Optics and Nanophotonics 68513
Optimisation in Quantitative Management 35241
Orchestration and Timbre 50841
Organic Chemistry 1 65202
Organic Chemistry 2 65508
Organisation Development 21725
Organisational Analysis 21872
Organisational Behaviour in Practice 21875
Organisational Change and Communication 57035
Organisational Communication 58231
Organisational Dialogue: Theory and Practice 21878
Organisational Learning 013162
Organisational Learning 013972
Organisational Learning and Change: Local and Global 013979
Organisational Management in Health Care 92887
Organisational Structure and Change 21221
Organisational Workplace Learning 013055
Organising Information 57146


Parasitology 91352
Parliamentary Placement 50260
Patent Law 77898
Patent Law 78190
Patent Systems 78191
Patent Systems 77891
Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1 91529
Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 2 91530
Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 3 91527
Pavement Analysis and Design 49258
PDHPE Study 1: Theory and Practice of Personal Development Health and Physical Education and Support 027411
People Management for IT 32995
People, Information and Knowledge 57100
Perception Space Materials: Constructing Materials - Expanded Field of Practice 89143
Perception Space Materials: Design Philosophy - Spatial Design Program 89142
Perception Space Materials: Research and Conceptualisation 89141
Performance and Talent Management 21760
Performance Studies 1: Gymnastics and Dance 27149
Performance Studies 2: Dance and Athletics 27249
Performance Studies 3: Sport and Aquatics 27349
Performance Studies 4: Skill Acquisition (Sport) 27449
Performance-based Certification 16079
Performing Australia 59710
Perinatal Development 92871
Perinatal Mental Health 92021
Personal Development Health and Physical Education: Teachers and Physical Activity 027412
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 1 012217
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 2 012218
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Teaching Methods 1 013048
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Teaching Methods 2 013060
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Teaching Methods 3 013066
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Teaching Methods 4 013072
Personal Financial Planning 25415
Personal Wealth Management 25796
Perspectives on Law 70115
Perspectives on Regulation 78168
Perspectives on Regulation 78167
Pervasive and Convergent Media Research Project 80032
Pharmaceutics 96003
Pharmacological Therapies in Advanced Practice 92609
Pharmacology 1 91707
Pharmacology 2 91709
Pharmacology of Chinese Herbal Medicine 99650
Pharmacy Research Project A 96020
Pharmacy Research Project B 96021
PhD by Publication Thesis 90009
PhD Thesis: Accounting 22982
PhD Thesis: Analytics 32903
PhD Thesis: Architecture 13907
PhD Thesis: Built Environment 17900
PhD Thesis: Computer Systems 33875
PhD Thesis: Design 81000
PhD Thesis: Economics 23926
PhD Thesis: Education 019982
PhD Thesis: Engineering 49986
PhD Thesis: Finance 25927
PhD Thesis: Health 93001
PhD Thesis: Humanities and Social Sciences 51991
PhD Thesis: Information Systems 32986
PhD Thesis: International Studies 979105
PhD Thesis: Law 77696
PhD Thesis: Management 21982
PhD Thesis: Marketing 24982
PhD Thesis: Mathematics 34980
PhD Thesis: Midwifery 93000
PhD Thesis: Nursing 92984
PhD Thesis: Pharmacy 95589
PhD Thesis: Science 60986
PhD Thesis: Software Engineering 33874
PhD Thesis: Sport and Exercise 93007
PhD Thesis: Sustainable Futures 95582
Philosophical and Ethical Practice in Education 012221
Philosophy of Science 24756
Philosophy of Science and Theory 24901
Phonology and Pronunciation 013107
Photographic Artifice 80035
Photographic Construction 88904
Photographic Context 1 80067
Photographic Context 2 80068
Photographic Fabrication 88903
Photographic History and Theory 80027
Photographic Intervention 80038
Photographic Manipulation 80048
Photography 1: Documentation 88305
Photography 2: Communication 88405
Photography 3: Fabrication 88505
Photography 4: Construction 88605
Photography and Seeing Light 80042
Physical and Tangible Media Interfaces for Design Expression 80034
Physical Aspects of Nature 68041
Physical Chemistry 1 65307
Physical Chemistry 2 65607
Physical Evidence 65412
Physical Modelling 68037
Physics Honours Research 1 68005
Physics Honours Research 2 68006
Physics in Action 68201
Physics Research Project 68048
Physics Research Project A 68046
Physics Research Project B 68047
Physiological Bases of Human Movement 91429
Physiological Systems 91703
Places and Spaces of the Francophone World 97410
Planning and Control for Small Business Enterprises 22567
Planning and Design Process 16107
Planning and Environmental Law 17700
Planning and Evaluating Health Services 92847
Planning and Political Economy 16992
Planning for Bushfire Prone Areas 15601
Planning for Sustainable Destinations 27523
Planning Project Analysis 15111
Planning Project Development Assessment 15211
Planning Project Implementation 15231
Planning Project Visioning 15131
Planning Theory and Decision Making 15301
Plant Biotechnology 91144
Plant Physiology and Ecophysiology 91270
Poetry 58900
Point Location and Acupuncture Anatomy 99641
Policy and Planning of Energy Conservation 49028
Policy, Power and Politics in Health Care 92050
Pollution Control and Waste Management 48860
Polymer Science 67305
Popular Culture and the Experience Industries 27602
Popular Education and Social Movements 013161
Popular Fiction 57144
Portfolio Analysis 25834
Postgraduate Legal Research 78100
Postgraduate Legal Research 78101
Power Circuit Theory 48572
Power Electronics and Drives 48561
Power Systems Analysis and Design 48582
Power Systems Operation and Protection 48583
Practical Experience 75411
Preparation for and Review of IT Experience 31136
Preparation for Midwifery Practice 92636
Preparatory Studies 16104
Preparing for Intellectual Property Practice 77905
Prestressed Concrete Design 49150
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries 27608
Price International Media Law Moot 76904
Pricing and Revenue Management 24760
Pricing Strategies and Tactics 24224
Primary Health Care 92845
Primary Health Care 96011
Principles and Practice of Research Management 95587
Principles of Advertising 58118
Principles of Child and Family Health Nursing 92613
Principles of Contaminated Site Assessment 91542
Principles of Forensic Science 65242
Principles of Object-oriented Programming in C++ 32510
Principles of Public Relations 58117
Private International Law 78157
Private International Law 78158
Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes 25856
Problem Solving in Industrial Design 84113
Problematic Soils and Ground Improvement Techniques 49119
Procurement and Contract Management 16423
Product Engineering 84712
Product Technology 84130
Professional Advertising Practice 58230
Professional Communication Project 57997
Professional Conduct (Intellectual Property) 77892
Professional Editing 57046
Professional Experience 1 (Commerce, Business and Economics) 013009
Professional Experience 1 (Commerce, Business Studies and Economics/Computing Studies) 013155
Professional Experience 1 (Computing Studies) 013153
Professional Experience 1 (English) 013012
Professional Experience 1 (English/History) 013011
Professional Experience 1 (Geography/Commerce, Business and Economics) 013013
Professional Experience 1 (History/Geography) 013014
Professional Experience 1 (Languages) 013016
Professional Experience 1 (Mathematics) 013023
Professional Experience 1 (Mathematics/Computing Studies) 013017
Professional Experience 1 (Mathematics/Science) 013018
Professional Experience 1 (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education) 013019
Professional Experience 1 (Science) 013021
Professional Experience 1 (Science/Computing Studies) 013020
Professional Experience 1 (Visual Arts) 013022
Professional Experience 1: Beginning Teaching 012231
Professional Experience 2 (Commerce, Business and Economics) 013024
Professional Experience 2 (Commerce, Business Studies and Economics/Computing Studies) 013156
Professional Experience 2 (Computing Studies) 013154
Professional Experience 2 (English) 013027
Professional Experience 2 (English/History) 013026
Professional Experience 2 (Geography/Commerce, Business and Economics) 013028
Professional Experience 2 (History/Geography) 013029
Professional Experience 2 (Languages) 013031
Professional Experience 2 (Mathematics) 013034
Professional Experience 2 (Mathematics/Computing Studies) 013032
Professional Experience 2 (Mathematics/Science) 013033
Professional Experience 2 (Personal Development Health and Physical Education) 013035
Professional Experience 2 (Science) 013037
Professional Experience 2 (Science/Computing Studies) 013036
Professional Experience 2 (Visual Arts) 013038
Professional Experience 2: Developing Classroom Management 012232
Professional Experience 3: Integrating Learning Technologies 012233
Professional Experience 4: Integrating Diverse Contexts in Education 012234
Professional Experience 5: Teaching Students with Special Educational Needs 012235
Professional Experience 6: Programming and Assessing in Education 012236
Professional Experience 6: Promoting Student Centred Learning 023156
Professional Experience 7: Meeting the English Language Needs of Learners 012237
Professional Experience 7: Reflection on Educational Practice 023157
Professional Experience 8: Analysing Current Issues in Australian Education 023158
Professional Experience 8: Reflecting on Educational Practice 012238
Professional Experience and Classroom Management 1 013401
Professional Experience and Classroom Management 2 013402
Professional Identity 92324
Professional Information Project 50190
Professional Internship 58999
Professional Internship (Capstone) 27350
Professional Internship for Graduates 27769
Professional Issues in Traditional Chinese Medicine 91613
Professional Learning and Practice 013160
Professional Learning Portfolio 013007
Professional Practice 16469
Professional Practice 92633
Professional Practice (BE) 48100
Professional Practice (SMD) 50838
Professional Practice 1 Human Resource Development 010074
Professional Practice 1 Language Literacy and Numeracy 010070
Professional Practice 1 Organisational Learning 010076
Professional Practice 1 Vocational and Workplace Learning 010078
Professional Practice 1 Vocational Education and Training 010072
Professional Practice 2 Human Resource Development 010075
Professional Practice 2 Language Literacy and Numeracy 010071
Professional Practice 2 Organisational Learning 010077
Professional Practice 2 Vocational and Workplace Learning 010079
Professional Practice 2 Vocational Education and Training 010073
Professional Practice and Changing Work 013115
Professional Practice for Fashion and Textile Designers 83777
Professional Practice for Interior Designers 86871
Professional Practice in Catering for Difference and Special Needs 023137
Professional Practice in Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 1 023122
Professional Practice in Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 2 023123
Professional Practice in the Secondary School 023124
Professional Practice: Photography 80033
Professional Practice: Situated/Interactive Media 80063
Professional Project Practice 15350
Professional Relationship Selling 24668
Professional Science Project 60909
Professional Service Project (4cp) 49038
Professional Service Project A 48901
Professional Service Project B 48902
Professional Service Project C 48903
Professional Service Project D 48904
Professional Services 1 96004
Professional Services 2 96005
Professional Services 3 96009
Professional Services 4 96012
Professional Studio 84906
Professional Writing Project 57034
Professionalism in Context 92325
Program Design 013954
Program Development and Evaluation in Indigenous Education and Development 010040
Program Management 15330
Programming and Assessment in Language Literacy and Numeracy 013110
Programming for Community Learning 015033
Programming for Special Effects 31104
Programming Fundamentals 48023
Programming on the Internet 31748
Programming with Patterns 31050
Programming with Patterns 32050
Project 31028
Project 31352
Project 31029
Project 92812
Project 31030
Project Appraisal and Finance 15335
Project BEngSc 48001
Project Development and Creative Practice 57179
Project Financing 25824
Project Implementation 15314
Project Management 013151
Project Management 32541
Project Management 1 16910
Project Management and the Professional 31272
Project Management in Science 60903
Project Management Integration 16307
Project Management Knowledge Areas 15316
Project Management Methodologies 15459
Project Management Practicum 15326
Project Management Principles 15315
Project Part A 92946
Project Part B 92947
Project Performance Evaluation 15339
Project Performance Improvement 15356
Project Portfolio and Program Management 15331
Project Procurement and Risk Management 15313
Project Strategy and Leadership 16919
Property Analysis 1 12525
Property and Political Economy 16232
Property Asset Management 17552
Property Cash Flow Analysis 16236
Property Cycles and Forecasting 16342
Property Development Finance 17704
Property Development Process 15142
Property Economic Issues 16991
Property Management 16231
Property Market and Risk Analysis 17551
Property Research Methods 17519
Property Taxation 17703
Property Taxation 16237
Property Title and Spatial Data Analysis 16267
Property Title and Tenure 16336
Property Transactions 12518
Property Transactions 75402
Property Trusts and Funds 16345
Proteomics 91536
Psychology and Dispute Resolution 78143
Psychology and Dispute Resolution 77850
Psychology of Secondary Students 023001
Public Economics 23022
Public International Law 76006
Public Policy in Research 95575


Qualitative Research 24667
Quality and Operations Management Systems 49306
Quality Control 35355
Quality Planning and Analysis 49309
Quality Use of Medicines in Advanced Practice 98727
Quantitative Business Analysis 25622
Quantitative Management 21742
Quantitative Management Practice 35340
Quantum Physics 68413


Radio Journalism 57156
Reading and Writing Architectural Criticism 11308
Readings and Reflecting on Management 21914
Readings for Thesis 27154
Readings for Thesis in Marketing (Honours) 24903
Readings in Administration 21780
Readings in Economics 23781
Readings in Finance 25780
Readings in Marketing 24780
Readings in Marketing 24758
Real Estate Finance and Investment 25818
Real Estate Investment Trusts 25797
Real Property 70317
Real-time Operating Systems 48450
Recent Advances in Computer Systems 32901
Recent Advances in Information Systems 32902
Recent Advances in Software Engineering 32039
Recordkeeping Fundamentals 57181
Reflective Academic Practice 010045
Reflective Practice 85604
Reflective Practice in Information Technology 32572
Reframing Fashion and Textile Practice 89016
Refugee Law and Practice 78013
Regression Analysis 35353
Regulating Communication: Law, Ethics, Politics 58202
Regulation of the Media 57012
Regulatory Economics 49706
Regulatory Issues in the Broadband Environment 78205
Regulatory Strategies and Compliance Principles 78169
Regulatory Strategies and Compliance Principles 78170
Reims Management School-Semester 1 99855
Reims Management School-Semester 2 99856
Reims Management School-Semester 3 99857
Reims Management School-Semester 4 99858
Reliability Availability and Maintainability 49678
Remedies 71116
Renewable Energy Systems 48550
Reporting and Editing for Print and Online Journalism 58112
Reporting with Sound and Image 58111
Research and Global Sustainability 95588
Research and Inquiry 013978
Research and Practice 58213
Research and Reporting for Journalism 57011
Research and Statistics for Sport and Exercise 92054
Research Based Designing 85701
Research Design 013112
Research Design and Analysis in Health Services and Practice 93004
Research Design and Data Collection Techniques 24908
Research Design and Data Collection Tools 24759
Research Dissertation 1 (Business) 28723
Research Dissertation 1 (Communication) 58723
Research Dissertation 1 (DAB) 18723
Research Dissertation 1 (Education) 018723
Research Dissertation 1 (EIT) 49723
Research Dissertation 1 (GSH) 96723
Research Dissertation 1 (International Studies) 998723
Research Dissertation 1 (Law) 78723
Research Dissertation 1 (NMH) 98723
Research Dissertation 1 (Science) 68723
Research Dissertation 1 (Sustainable Futures) 95723
Research Dissertation 2 (Business) 28724
Research Dissertation 2 (Communication) 58724
Research Dissertation 2 (DAB) 18724
Research Dissertation 2 (Education) 018724
Research Dissertation 2 (EIT) 49724
Research Dissertation 2 (GSH) 96724
Research Dissertation 2 (International Studies) 998724
Research Dissertation 2 (Law) 78724
Research Dissertation 2 (NMH) 98724
Research Dissertation 2 (Science) 68724
Research Dissertation 2 (Sustainable Futures) 95724
Research Dissertation ID 84780
Research for Communication Professionals 57028
Research for Human Movement 27155
Research Foundations for Leisure Sport and Tourism 27344
Research in Health 92612
Research in International Studies 979508
Research in Learning 012223
Research Inquiry: Processes and Practices 93003
Research Issues in Local Governance 15621
Research Literacies 023999
Research Management and Strategy Techniques 24907
Research Methodology and Data Analysis Techniques 24902
Research Methodology and Data Analysis Tools 24757
Research Methods 16238
Research Methods 80030
Research Methods and Approaches in Management and Organisations 21907
Research Methods in Integrated Product Design 84710
Research Methods, Information Retrieval and Project Proposal 11391
Research Paper 77740
Research Perspectives 013952
Research Project 32933
Research Project 32934
Research Project (Public/Community) 21792
Research Project 1 17716
Research Project 1 (PG) 777251
Research Project 2 777252
Research Project 2 17717
Research Project in e-Business Marketing 24716
Research Project Management 95571
Research Proposal Development 016714
Research Realisation: Major Project 83900
Research Seminar 023625
Research Seminar in Finance and Economics 25788
Research Seminars in Management 21786
Research Techniques in Finance and Economics 25787
Research Techniques in Management 21785
Research Thesis 76040
Research, Ethics and Indigenous Cultural Heritage 010041
Research: Fashion and Textiles Dissertation 83921
Research: Fashion Concept Lab 83923
Research: Professional Practice Identity 83922
Researching Contexts 89106
Researching Design History 85502
Researching Organisations and Management 21910
Resource Management in Nonprofit Organisations 21136
Resource Mobilisation 21778
Rethinking Media 57182
Retirement Planning (UG) 79027
Revenue Law 76212
Review of Engineering Practice 1 48120
Review of Engineering Practice 2 48140
Review of External Course 48211
Review of IT Experience 31138
Rights and Obligations in the International Legal System 78160
Rights and Obligations in the International Legal System 78159
Rights and Territories 58319
Risk and Safety Management 16317
Risk Management 16918
Risk Management in Engineering 49006
Road and Transport Engineering 48370
Road Engineering Practice 49106
Role Transition and Professional Identity 92014
Routing and Internetworks 31277
Rural Midwifery Practice 92284


Satellite Communication Systems 49223
Scanning Probe and Electron Microscopy 68320
Scholarly Teaching and Learning Project 010044
Science and Industrialisation 60908
Science and Technology Study 2: Science and Technology in Daily Life 028412
Science and Technology Study 3: Issues in Science, Technology and Society 028413
Science and Technology Study 4: Planet Earth 028414
Science in Practice 60906
Science Teaching Methods 1 013049
Science Teaching Methods 2 013061
Science Teaching Methods 3 013067
Science Teaching Methods 4 013073
Screening the Past 58322
Screenwriting 58901
Securities Markets Law 77901
Securities Regulation 78113
Securities Regulation 78112
Selected Topics (Energy Pricing) 49703
Semi-arid Ecology 91370
Seminar (Mathematics) 35391
Seminar (Statistics) 35393
Seminar A 35502
Seminar B 35503
Seminar C 35504
Seminar D 35505
Seminar In Research Methods 24740
Sensors and Signal Processing 49330
Service Operations Management 21745
Services 1 16205
Services 2 16308
Services Marketing 24306
Sex, Race and Empire 58316
Short Fiction Workshop 57122
Show and Tell: Francophone Cultures on Display 97408
Signal Theory 48541
Signals and Systems 48540
Simulation and Games 013140
Site Establishment 16138
Site Management 16912
Situated Media Culture and Context 80037
Situated Media Installation Studio 50846
Situated Media Real Time Technology 80036
Skill Acquisition 27331
Small and Medium Enterprise Management 21082
Small Business Management and Accounting 22566
Smart Design 84811
Smart Object Studio 80046
Social Analysis and Indigenous Community Organisations 21223
Social and Environmental Education 1 012215
Social and Environmental Education 2 012216
Social and Philosophical Aspects of Secondary Education 023138
Social Bodies 58223
Social Change and Community Practice 21185
Social Change Communication 58219
Social Change Design 89304
Social Context of Childhood Stress 023612
Social Informatics 58221
Social Inquiry Placement 58314
Social Planning and Development 15602
Social Sciences Honours Seminar 55073
Society, Economy and Globalisation 58123
Society, Science, Technology and the Environment 028222
Sociocultural Concepts for Leisure, Sport and Tourism 27342
Sociology of Education 012224
Software Analysis and Design 49263
Software Architecture 48433
Software Engineering Practice 48440
Software Project 32989
Software Project Management 49225
Soil Behaviour 48330
Solid-state Science and Nanodevices 68606
Sonic Art 50836
Sonology 50831
Sound and Interaction 57168
Sound and Interaction 57170
Sound Design for Interaction 50852
Sound for Time-based Media 50839
Sound Systems 50845
Soundtrack 57183
Spanish Language and Culture 1 97501
Spanish Language and Culture 10 97510
Spanish Language and Culture 2 97502
Spanish Language and Culture 3 97503
Spanish Language and Culture 4 97504
Spanish Language and Culture 5 97505
Spanish Language and Culture 6 97506
Spanish Language and Culture 7 97507
Spanish Language and Culture 8 97508
Spanish Language and Culture 9 97509
Spatial Analysis in Planning and Property 15251
Spatial Research 11520
Special Course A (2cp) 49082
Special Course A (3cp) 49083
Special Course A (4cp) 49084
Special Course A (6cp) 49086
Special Course B (2cp) 49092
Special Course B (3cp) 49093
Special Course B (4cp) 49094
Special Course B (6cp) 49096
Special Education 1: Managing Challenging Behaviours 023821
Special Education 2: Preventing and Remediating Difficulties in Reading and Spelling 023822
Special Education 3: Educating Students who have Difficulties with Written Text 023823
Special Education 4: Numeracy Instruction for Students with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities 023824
Special Education 5: Educating Students with Moderate and High Support Needs 023825
Special Education 6: Educating Students with Delayed or Disordered Communication 023826
Special Education Professional Experience 1: Assesment, Programming and Evaluation 023881
Special Education Professional Experience 2: Collaborative Participation in Inclusive Service Models 023882
Special Industry Project 86190
Special Learning Project 27620
Special Project (Communications) 11363
Special Project (Design) 11364
Special Project (Offshore) 11365
Special Project (Technology) 11362
Special Project (Theory) 11361
Special Reading Subject 69337
Specialised Valuation 16331
Specialist Journalism 57187
Specialist Project Study 15337
Specialist Reporting, Audiences and Interactivity 58211
Specialty Clinical Practice 92869
Specialty Practice 92983
Speech, Music, Sound 50833
Sport and Exercise Management Honours Dissertation 1 92057
Sport and Exercise Management Honours Dissertation 2 92058
Sport and Exercise Psychology 27160
Sport and Exercise Science Honours Dissertation 1 92055
Sport and Exercise Science Honours Dissertation 2 92056
Sport Business 27715
Sport Globalisation 27721
Sport in the Global Marketplace 27253
Sport Management 27307
Sport Marketing 27161
Sport Organisations 27732
Sport Tourism 27141
Sports Law 76002
Statistical Design and Analysis 33116
Statistical Methods for Quantitative Finance 25854
Statistics and Mathematics for Science 33290
Statistics for Quantitative Finance 35364
Statutory Valuation and Litigation 16333
Steel and Composite Design 49133
Steel and Timber Design 48366
Stochastic Calculus in Finance 35365
Stochastic Models 35363
Stochastic Processes 35361
Storing Objects and Artifacts 58315
Storytelling with Sound and Image 57151
Storytelling, Narrative and Features 58210
Strategic Asset Management 12515
Strategic Business Management 32562
Strategic Business Marketing 24707
Strategic Communication and Negotiation 57026
Strategic Competitive Advantage in the Digital Age 21853
Strategic e-Business Technologies 48721
Strategic Enterprise Management Systems 22774
Strategic Facility Planning 15343
Strategic Governance and the Business of Government 21758
Strategic Human Resource Development 013976
Strategic Human Resource Management 21407
Strategic Human Resource Management 21870
Strategic Human Resource Management 21724
Strategic Information Technology Investment 32007
Strategic International Marketing 24738
Strategic Issues in Research Management 95586
Strategic IT Project 31280
Strategic Leadership for Innovation 32005
Strategic Management 21715
Strategic Management in Leisure, Sport and Tourism Organisations 27324
Strategic Management of Nonprofit Organisations 21044
Strategic Operations Management 21837
Strategic Procurement 21877
Strategic Procurement and Contract Management 15338
Strategic Project Management 15332
Strategic Public Relations 58128
Strategic Resource Management 22744
Strategic Services Marketing 24706
Strategic Supply Chain Management 21797
Strategic Turnaround Management 21848
Strategies for Interior Design 86001
Strategy: Theory and Practice 21602
Stream and Lake Assessment 91155
Strength of Engineering Materials 48642
Structural Analysis 48349
Structural Behaviour 16315
Structural Behaviour and Design 48342
Structural Design 1 48359
Structural Design 2 48369
Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 49134
Structure, Form and Material in Industrial Design 84120
Structures 16206
Student Learning and Teaching Approaches 010042
Student Welfare: Implications for Teaching and Learning 010050
Studio Practice: Ceramics 013219
Studio Practice: Painting 013218
Studio: Bespoke Fashion 83724
Studio: Body Mapping 83722
Studio: Fashion Illustration Exploration 83721
Studio: Fashion Illustration Fundamentals 1 83622
Studio: Foundations in Patternmaking and Construction 1 83621
Studio: Men's Collection 83821
Studio: Women's Collection 83822
Succession 76517
Superannuation and Retirement Planning 77924
Superstudio 84900
Supporting Families 92637
Surface Processes 67510
Surveying 48320
Sustainability and Design 84124
Sustainability and Information Systems 42900
Sustainability, Design and Creative Futures: Being Human 89120
Sustainability, Design and Creative Futures: Critical Economies 89122
Sustainability, Design and Creative Futures: Spatio-Temporal Shifts 89121
Sustainable Building Technology 16075
Sustainable Development 15341
Sustainable Development 15141
Sustainable Enterprise 21226
Sustainable Human Futures: Residential Environments 86022
Sustainable Tourism Management 27700
Sustainable Urban Design and Development 16266
Sustainable Urban Development 15146
Synthetic Financial Products 25762
Systems Development Project 31281
Systems Engineering for Managers 49004
Systems Quality Management 32603
Systems Testing and Quality Management 31282
Systems Thinking for Managers 15336


Tailoring: New and Traditional Techniques 83885
Taxation Administration 77767
Taxation Law 79017
Taxation of Business Entities 77796
Taxation of Commercial Enterprises 78209
Taxation of Commercial Enterprises 78208
Teaching Aboriginal Studies 013981
Teaching Across the Curriculum 022603
Teaching and Learning in Practice 013977
Teaching and Learning Literacy 013118
Teaching and Learning Numeracy 013971
Teaching English for Academic Purposes 010039
Teaching English to International Students 024713
Team Building and Leadership 15617
Team Communication in the Workplace 013961
Technical Analysis 25809
Techniques in Perioperative Nursing 92882
Technology and Innovation Management 49016
Technology Enhanced Language Learning 013132
Technology Research Methods 32931
Technology Research Preparation 32144
Technology Workshop: Creative Play 89108
Technology Workshop: Experimental Media 89109
Technology Workshop: New Poetics 89173
Technology, Law and the Future of Entertainment 78036
Telecommunication Networks Management 49238
Telecommunications Engineering Review 49249
Telecommunications Industry Management 49215
Telecommunications Law and Regulations 78179
Telecommunications Law and Regulations 78178
Telecommunications Signal Processing 49203
Television and Video Journalism 57158
Text and Context 58119
Textile and Fashion Innovation 89015
Textile Lab: New Technologies 83723
Textiles: Dye Methods 88006
Textiles: Installation 88005
Textiles: Print 88004
Textiles: Surface Form 88007
The Arts in Supervision and Self Work 013949
The Biosphere 91107
The Ecology of Public Communication 58116
The Experience Economy 27733
The Financial System 25556
The Global Context of Management 21510
The Global Economy (Capstone) 23580
The Human Environment 86002
The Language Literacy and Numeracy Learner 013149
The Law and Education 78040
The Meaning of Birth 92922
The New Economy of Post-Nature 58328
The Project Organisation: A New Organisational Model 15347
The Psychology of Adolescent Learning 013001
The Psychology of Adult Development 013120
The Psychology of Adult Learning 013974
The Research Process 15463
The Scientific Method 60902
The Secondary School 013005
The Socio-cultural Contexts of Secondary Education 013008
The Sport Industry 27252
The Tourism Business 27648
The Tourist Experience 27185
Theory and Creative Writing 57134
Theory and Practice of Literacy 013117
Theory and Practice of Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages 013121
Theory of Financial Decision Making 25921
Therapeutic Interventions in Mental Health Care 92876
Therapeutic Interventions in Mental Health Care 2 92605
Thermal Design and Environmental Control 11225
Thermodynamics 48651
Thesis (Analytics) 31676
Thesis (Architecture) 13905
Thesis (Building) 14903
Thesis (Computing Science) 31675
Thesis (Design) 81821
Thesis (Doctor of Education) 019981
Thesis (Education) 016102
Thesis (International Studies) 979110
Thesis (Law) 77698
Thesis (Mathematics) 34776
Thesis (Mathematics) Honours Part A 35493
Thesis (Mathematics) Honours Part B 35494
Thesis (Quantity Surveying) 15903
Thesis Construction Management 16906
Thesis Development and Appraisal 015381
Thesis in Accounting 22906
Thesis in Accounting (BAcc) 22991
Thesis in Accounting (PT) 22909
Thesis in Economics (Honours) 23910
Thesis in Finance (Honours) 25929
Thesis in Finance and Economics (Honours) 25984
Thesis in Management (Honours) 21913
Thesis in Marketing (Honours) 1 24770
Thesis in Marketing (Honours) 2 24771
Thesis in Mathematics and Finance (Honours) 1 25230
Thesis in Mathematics and Finance (Honours) 2 25231
Thesis Proposal in Economics (Honours) 23909
Thesis Proposal in Finance (Honours) 25928
Thesis Proposal in Management (Honours) 21912
Thesis: Mathematics and Finance (Hons) A 35476
Thesis: Mathematics and Finance (Hons) B 35477
Thinking Fashion 83119
Time and Quality Management 16913
Time Series Econometrics 25573
Topics in Australian Marine Science 91146
Torts 70311
Tour Operator and Wholesaling Management 27346
Tourism and Sustainability 27327
Tourism and the Industry 27735
Tourism Marketing 27642
Tourist Attractions Management 27646
Tourist Behaviour 27767
Trade Marks Law 78192
Trade Marks Law 77889
Trade Marks Practice 77890
Trade Marks Practice 78193
Traffic and Transportation 49102
Transactional Practice 75422
Transcultural Communication in Japanese 97210
Transfusion Science 91129
Transitions to Parenthood 92634
Transmission Systems 49205
Transnational Management 21591
Transnational Media 58317
Transportation Explorations 88414
Transportation Futures 88415
Troubleshooting Converged Networks 32109
True Crime 57165
Turbomachines 49328
Twentieth Century Chinese Fiction 97110


Undergraduate Project (Research Internship) 60701
Undergraduate Project (Scientific Practice) 60700
Understanding Adult Education and Training 013122
Understanding Communication 58101
Understanding Financial Reports Prepared Under IFRS 22492
Understanding Organisations: Theory and Practice 21512
Understanding the Person: Life Transitions 92326
Understanding Three-dimensional Form 84111
UNIX Systems Administration 32520
UNIX Systems Programming 32547
Urban Analysis 15121
Urban Design 15222
Urban Design and Management 15221
Urban Economics 16235
Urban Economics and Finance 15241
Urban Planning Process 16233
Urban Simulation 17554
Urban Stormwater Design 49107
User-Centred Design 84711
User-Centred Design Methods 32405
Using Film for Critical Pedagogy 013146
Using Health Care Data for Decision Making 92917
Using Information Technology for Learning 013970


Valuation Methodology 17771
Valuation Methods 16234
Value Chain Engineering Systems 49680
Value Management 16920
VC Extensions A 87931
VC Extensions B 87932
VC Project: Self-direction 87772
VC Project: Design Practice 87555
VC Project: Sequence and Narrative 87335
VC Project: Symbols and Systems 87222
VC Project: The Community 87665
VC Project: Typography in Context 87443
VC Project: Visualising Experience 87445
VC Project: Ways of Seeing 87100
VC Special Project 87500
VC Special Project 2 87600
VC Studies: Research Dissertation 87780
VC Studies: Concepts of Professionalism 87551
VC Studies: Contexts of Visual Communication 87441
VC Studies: Histories of Visual Communication 87221
VC Studies: Image Experimentation 87118
VC Technology: Advanced Interactive Media 87649
VC Technology: Advanced Video Media 87659
VC Technology: Advanced Web Media 87639
VC Technology: Digital Photo Media 87669
VC Technology: Historical Photo Media 87569
VC Technology: Introduction to Interactive Media 87549
VC Technology: Introduction to Video Media 87559
VC Technology: Introduction to Web Media 87539
VC Technology: Motion Graphics 87447
VC Technology: Pre-press and Print Production 87007
VC Technology: Typography, Text and Form 87333
VC Technology: Visible Language 87117
Vehicle Design 49286
Venture Capital and Private Equity: Theory and Practice 25732
Venture Capital Finance 25764
Venue and Facility Management 27717
Venue Management 27216
Verbal and Body Psychotherapies 013950
Vibration Analysis 49323
Vis Arbitral Moot 76901
Visual Arts Education 012220
Visual Arts Teaching Methods 1 013050
Visual Arts Teaching Methods 2 013062
Visual Arts Teaching Methods 3 013068
Visual Arts Teaching Methods 4 013074
Visual Information Project 88913
Visualisation and Sonification Studio 50847
Visualising Research 87773
Vocational Competencies 1 15606
Vocational Competencies 2 15607
Volunteer Management 21817


WANs and Virtual LANs 31283
WANS and VLANS 32521
Waste and Pollution Management 49123
Water and Environmental Design 48881
Water Quality Management 49124
Water Quality Modelling 49113
Water Quantity and Quality Processes 48372
Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering 48840
Water Supply and Wastewater Management 49105
Wealth Management 25576
Wearable Media and e-Fashion 50853
Web Services Development 31284
Web Services Technologies and Applications 32525
Web Systems 31268
Web Technologies 49262
Wickedness and Vice 78039
Wide Area Network Implementation 32010
Wildlife Ecology 91116
Wind Engineering 49135
Wireless Networking Technologies 49048
Wireless Sensor Networks 49227
Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology and Applications 48033
Women's Collection 83886
Work and Learning 013123
Work and People 013124
Workplace Dispute Resolution 78176
Workplace Dispute Resolution 77867
Workshops for Practice Readiness (Graduate Entry) 92016
Workshops for Practice Readiness 1 92327
Workshops for Practice Readiness 2 92328
World Trade Law 76013
World Trade Organisation Law and Practice 77976
Writing for the Screen 57171
Writing for the Screen 57142
Writing Laboratory 58313
Writing Poetry 57133
Writing Project 1 57188
Writing Project 2 57189
Writing Seminar 57190
Writing Studies Honours Seminar 55066
Writing Television Drama 57154
Writing Through Genre 58902