Numerical list of subjects
70110 Introduction to Law
70115 Perspectives on Law
70120 Legal Method and Research
70211 Contracts
70218 Criminal Law
70311 Torts
70317 Real Property
70327 Commercial Law
70417 Corporate Law
70517 Equity and Trusts
70616 Australian Constitutional Law
70617 Administrative Law
70717 Evidence and Criminal Procedure
71116 Remedies
72104 Insolvency, Restructuring and Turnaround Management
75402 Property Transactions
75403 Commercial and Estate Practice
75411 Practical Experience
75412 Legal Skills
75413 Advocacy
75420 Ethics and Professional Conduct
75421 Civil Litigation
75422 Transactional Practice
75423 Litigation and Estate Practice
75424 Legal and Professional Skills
76001 Comparative Law
76002 Sports Law
76003 Asian Law and Legal Systems
76005 Islamic Law
76006 Public International Law
76007 International Human Rights Law
76008 Jurisprudence
76009 Introduction to Chinese Business Law
76010 Disability and the Law
76012 Criminology
76013 World Trade Law
76015 Labour Law
76016 Advanced Revenue Law
76019 Broadcasting and Telecommunications Regulation
76020 Entertainment Law
76021 Advanced Remedies
76022 Insurance Law
76023 Deceptive Trade Practices and Product Liability
76024 Environmental Law
76025 International Organisations
76027 Competition Law
76030 Genetics and the Law
76033 Animal Law and Policy in Australia
76034 Law of Slavery and Human Trafficking
76036 International Trade Law and the Environment
76037 Advanced Criminal Law
76038 Law and Mental Health
76039 Jessup International Moot
76040 Research Thesis
76041 Climate Law and Carbon Markets
76042 Electronic Communications Content Regulation
76043 Building and Construction Law
76045 Medicine and Law
76047 Advanced Contracts
76048 Citizenship and Immigration Law
76050 Commercial Trade and Transport Law
76052 Dispute Resolution Advocacy
76053 Industrial Law
76055 Mining Law and Regulation
76056 Intellectual Property Commercialisation Overview
76063 Media Law
76066 Children and the Law
76068 Indigenous Peoples and the Law
76069 Community Justice Studies
76070 Biomedical Law and Bioethics
76074 Australian Civil Liberties Law
76075 Contemporary Legal Studies 1
76076 Contemporary Legal Studies 2
76080 Finance Law
76081 Gender, Law and Sexuality
76082 International Regulation of Financial Institutions
76112 Conflict of Laws
76115 Insolvency
76212 Revenue Law
76516 Family Law
76517 Succession
76521 Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge
76703 Indigenous Peoples, the Environment and Property
76801 Exchange Subject 1
76802 Exchange Subject 2
76803 Exchange Subject 3
76804 Exchange Subject 4
76900 Moot
76901 Vis Arbitral Moot
76902 Law and Literature
76903 International Commercial Transactions
76904 Price International Media Law Moot
77688 Doctoral Dissertation (SJD)
77696 PhD Thesis: Law
77697 Higher Degree Research Seminar
77698 Thesis (Law)
77701 International Economic Law (PG)
77704 European Union Law
77715 Banking Law
77716 International Trade Law
77724 International Banking and Finance Law
777251 Research Project 1 (PG)
777252 Research Project 2
77734 Law and Medicine
77740 Research Paper
77745 Negotiation
77746 Advanced Mediation
77751 International Commercial Arbitration
77752 Commercial Arbitration (Domestic)
77760 Family Dispute Resolution
77761 Dispute Resolution in Commerce
77767 Taxation Administration
77783 International Commercial Dispute Resolution
77792 Crisis Negotiation
77794 International Environmental Law
77796 Taxation of Business Entities
77800 International Commercial Dispute Resolution
77850 Psychology and Dispute Resolution
77867 Workplace Dispute Resolution
77885 Legal Process and Legal Research
77889 Trade Marks Law
77890 Trade Marks Practice
77891 Patent Systems
77892 Professional Conduct (Intellectual Property)
77893 Designs Law and Practice
77894 Drafting of Patent Specifications
77895 Interpretation and Validity of Patent Specifications
77896 Legal Process and Intellectual Property Overview
77898 Patent Law
77900 Goods and Services Tax
77901 Securities Markets Law
77903 Copyright Law
77905 Preparing for Intellectual Property Practice
77924 Superannuation and Retirement Planning
77930 Insurance Law
77935 International Business Law
77938 Introduction to Taxation Law
77942 Legal Aspects of Contracts Administration
77945 Current Issues in Taxation
77947 Companies and Securities Law
77953 International Taxation Law
77976 World Trade Organisation Law and Practice
77980 Estate Planning and Trusts
78008 Law of the Sea
78010 International Criminal Law
78011 International Sale of Goods
78013 Refugee Law and Practice
78015 Global Aspects of Intellectual Property Law
78016 International Humanitarian Law
78021 Contemporary Issues in Constitutional Law
78023 International Trade Law and the Environment
78025 Intellectual Property: Law and Policy
78026 Business and Law in China
78029 Mediation Practice
78030 Criminal Sentencing Law
78036 Technology, Law and the Future of Entertainment
78039 Wickedness and Vice
78040 The Law and Education
78041 New Families, New Technologies
78042 Environmental Planning and Development Law
78100 Postgraduate Legal Research
78101 Postgraduate Legal Research
78102 LLM Project by Research
78103 Common Law Legal Traditions
78104 Genetics and the Law
78105 Genetics and the Law
78106 Climate Law and Carbon Markets
78107 Climate Law and Carbon Markets
78108 Globalisation and International Economic Law
78109 Globalisation and International Economic Law
78110 Banking and Finance Law
78111 Banking and Finance Law
78112 Securities Regulation
78113 Securities Regulation
78114 Financial Analysis for the Transactional Lawyer
78115 Financial Analysis for the Transactional Lawyer
78116 International Regulation of Financial Institutions
78117 International Regulation of Financial Institutions
78118 Business and Law in China
78119 Commercial Arbitration (Domestic)
78121 Corporate Insolvency
78122 Corporate Insolvency
78123 Deceptive Trade Practices
78124 Dispute Resolution in Commerce
78125 Corporate Governance
78126 Corporate Governance
78127 Advanced Mediation
78128 Child Law in Australia
78129 Child Law in Australia
78130 Complex Parenting Disputes
78131 Complex Parenting Disputes
78132 Complex Financial and Property Disputes (in Family Law)
78133 Complex Financial and Property Disputes (in Family Law)
78134 Current Issues in Family Law
78135 Current Issues in Family Law
78136 Dispute Resolution
78137 Facilitation
78138 Facilitation
78139 Family Dispute Resolution
78140 International and Comparative Family Law
78141 International and Comparative Family Law
78142 New Families, New Technologies
78143 Psychology and Dispute Resolution
78144 Contemporary Issues in Health Law
78145 Contemporary Issues in Health Law
78146 Dilemmas in Biomedical Law
78147 Dilemmas in Biomedical Law
78148 Law and Medicine
78149 Law and Mental Health
78150 Law and Mental Health
78151 Human Rights Law
78152 International Commercial Transactions
78153 International Commercial Transactions
78154 International Criminal Law
78155 International Environmental Law: Policy and Implementation
78156 International Environmental Law: Policy and Implementation
78157 Private International Law
78158 Private International Law
78159 Rights and Obligations in the International Legal System
78160 Rights and Obligations in the International Legal System
78161 Global Governance and Social Justice
78162 Global Governance and Social Justice
78163 Law and Regulation
78164 Law and Regulation
78165 Media and Entertainment Law and Regulation
78166 Media and Entertainment Law and Regulation
78167 Perspectives on Regulation
78168 Perspectives on Regulation
78169 Regulatory Strategies and Compliance Principles
78170 Regulatory Strategies and Compliance Principles
78171 Crisis Negotiation
78172 Dispute Resolution in Civil Practice
78173 Dispute Resolution in Civil Practice
78174 Mediation Practice
78175 Negotiation
78176 Workplace Dispute Resolution
78177 Converging Media Industries: Regulatory Challenges
78178 Telecommunications Law and Regulations
78179 Telecommunications Law and Regulations
78180 Converging Media Industries: Regulatory Challenges
78181 Deceptive Trade Practices
78182 Human Rights Law
78183 Global Aspects of Intellectual Property Law
78184 Intellectual Property: Law and Policy
78185 Intellectual Property: Law and Policy
78186 Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge
78187 Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge
78188 Intellectual Property Commercialisation
78189 Intellectual Property Commercialisation
78190 Patent Law
78191 Patent Systems
78192 Trade Marks Law
78193 Trade Marks Practice
78194 Designs Law and Practice
78195 Copyright Law
78196 Insurance Law
78197 Corporate Finance Transactions 1
78198 Corporate Finance Transactions 1
78199 Corporate Finance Transactions 2
78200 Corporate Finance Transactions 2
78201 International Development Law
78202 International Development Law
78203 Communications and Intellectual Property Law Overview
78204 Legal Perspectives on the Internet
78205 Regulatory Issues in the Broadband Environment
78206 International Organisations
78207 International Organisations
78208 Taxation of Commercial Enterprises
78209 Taxation of Commercial Enterprises
78210 Law and Literature
78211 Law and Literature
78212 Communications and Technology: A Primer
78213 Communications and Technology: A Primer
78214 Finance Law
78215 Finance Law
78216 Competition Law in a Global Context
78217 Competition Law in a Global Context
78218 Animal Law and Policy in Australia
78219 Animal Law and Policy in Australia
78220 Commercial Equity
78221 Commercial Equity
78222 Law of Slavery and Human Trafficking
78223 Law of Slavery and Human Trafficking
78224 International Trade Law and the Environment
78225 Environmental and Sustainable Development Law of China
78226 Environmental and Sustainable Development Law of China
78227 Financial Services Law and Compliance in Australia
78228 Financial Services Law and Compliance in Australia
78229 Disability and the Law
78230 Disability and the Law
78231 Commercial Trade and Transport Law
78232 Mining Law and Regulation
78233 International Commercial Arbitration
78723 Research Dissertation 1 (Law)
78724 Research Dissertation 2 (Law)
79004 Environmental Law and Science
79006 Intellectual Property Commercialisation
79011 Marketing Law
79013 Industrial and Labour Law
79014 Applied Company Law
79015 Banking Law
79017 Taxation Law
79018 Advanced Commercial Law
79019 Corporate Environmental Responsibility
79021 International Aspects of Australian Taxation Law
79022 GST and other Indirect Taxes
79023 Environmental Forensic Law
79024 Complex Forensic Cases (Law for Chemistry)
79026 Estate Planning (UG)
79027 Retirement Planning (UG)
79028 Complex Forensic Cases (Law for Biology)
79030 Legal Aspects of Insolvency
79031 Employment and Industrial Law
79032 Competition and Consumer Law
79033 Insolvency Administration
79203 Business Law and Ethics
79371 Legal Issues in Communications
79603 International Business Transactions and the Law
79606 Advanced Taxation Law
79708 Contemporary Business Law
79771 Dispute Resolution
79794 Legal Issues for Community Managers