Fees and costs
Student services and amenities fee
Other costs
International student fees and costs
Course and subject fees
Undergraduate fees (domestic)
In 2013 UTS offers Commonwealth-supported places to all commencing undergraduate students. Continuing students enrolled prior to 2013 in full-fee-paying places will maintain their full-fee place, as will international students who become permanent residents.
The government makes a substantial contribution towards the cost of Commonwealth-supported students' education, and the balance is paid through student contributions. Students who are eligible may access HECS-HELP. UTS determines the student contribution amount for each subject within the ranges set by the Australian Government.
Continuing full-fee-paying (non-Commonwealth-supported) domestic students must meet the full cost of their education themselves. However, students may be eligible to access the FEE-HELP loan scheme. Students who use FEE-HELP for a full-fee-paying undergraduate course incur a loan fee, to the value of 25 per cent of the loan.
Further information on fees is available at:
Postgraduate fees (domestic)
For most postgraduate courses by coursework, students are charged tuition fees. A small number of courses are offered as Commonwealth-supported places.
Approved fees for UTS postgraduate award courses are listed in the annual fees schedule. Postgraduate students enrolled in a full-fee-paying place may be eligible to access FEE-HELP.
Research degrees are offered on a sponsored, scholarship or full-fee-paying basis. Research students who qualify for a Research Training Scheme place are exempt from postgraduate course fees. Further information is available from the UTS: Graduate Research School at:
Payment amounts
All students at UTS pay tuition fees to contribute towards the cost of their studies. The exact amount depends on:
- what type of student you are
- the subjects you enrol in, and their credit-point value
- the course you are studying.
Details of all fees are available via the Tuition Fee Calculators at:
Consequences of non-payment of fees
Students who have not paid all due fees and charges by the published final date for payment are liable for a late payment fee. These students are also unable to receive examination results, change their enrolment program, access their UTS computer account or graduate. Students may also have their enrolment in a course cancelled. Students who wish to recommence their studies must then apply through the formal admissions process. Readmission is not guaranteed.
Annual fee increases
Fees increase annually and students should anticipate a fee increase each year. They are set annually by the federal government's Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education for Commonwealth-supported places and by the University for full-fee-paying places. Any projections regarding the tuition fee cost of obtaining a degree need to incorporate annual fee increases. As the University's costs increase each year, fees are adjusted annually to ensure a high standard of teaching and to enhance the student experience while keeping the cost to the student as affordable as possible.
Student services and amenities fee
In 2013 all domestic students will be required to pay a student services and amenities fee (SSAF) each semester. The SSAF contributes to the provision of amenities and non-academic services for students.
Eligible students may apply to defer this fee through SA-HELP.
Further information is available at:
Other costs
Students may incur other costs while studying at UTS. These may include books, printed sets of reading materials, photocopying, equipment hire, the purchase of computer software and hardware, and internet services.
Some subjects may incur an additional cost where travel away from the University is involved.
International student fees and costs
Course fees for international students are available from UTS International at:
Semester fees are subject to increase each academic year, usually between 4–6 per cent.
International students should be aware that, in addition to their course fees, they also need to set aside funds for living expenses. UTS estimates that an international student requires a minimum of A$14,786 to A$25,680 for living expenses for each academic year. It is a requirement of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship that, from 1 July 2012, prospective overseas students demonstrate that they have access to at least A$18,610 a year to fund their living costs in Australia.
There may also be other costs associated with their period of study, including textbooks and other course materials. International students who have school-age dependants need to take into consideration expenses for their dependants during the time they are living in Sydney, including school fees. Further information is available at:
From 2014 all international students will be required to pay a student services and amenities fee (SSAF) each semester they are enrolled. The SSAF contributes to the provision of amenities and non-academic services for students. As an estimation of the cost, in 2012 the SSAF was A$131.50 a semester for full time students (those enrolled with a study load of 18 credit points or higher a semester). SSAF is subject to annual government set indexation increase and is therefore likely to be higher in 2014.
Further information is available at: