University of Technology, Sydney

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Alphabetical list of streams

Numerical list of streams

1 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | W


100-level core subjects (Journalism/Law) STM90399
100-level core subjects (Public Communication/Law) STM90448
100-level core subjects (Writing and Cultural Studies/Law) STM90450
100-level disciplinary core subjects STM90387
100-level disciplinary core subjects STM90452
100-level disciplinary core subjects (MAP/Law) STM90444


Accelerated entry (BN) STM90331
Accounting stream STM90704
Accounting stream STM90210
Advertising stream STM90715
Advertising stream STM90540
Advertising stream STM90362
Alternative to PLT STM90510
Applied International Business STM90602
Argentina Stream STM90810
Art specialisation STM90440


Biomedical sciences stream STM90779
Biomedical Technology stream STM90355
Biomedical thread STM90797
Biomedical thread STM90796
Business Studies/Economics subjects (SecEd) STM90781
Business Studies/Economics/History subjects (SecEd) STM90782
Business Studies/Economics/Legal Studies subjects (SecEd) STM90784
Business Studies/Economics/Society and Culture subjects (SecEd) STM90783


Canada (Quebec) Stream STM90806
Capstone Project STM90652
Capstone project + electives STM90068
Children's Theatre and the Creative Arts specialisation STM90441
Chile Stream STM90808
China Stream STM90800
China: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90016
Chinese Language stream STM90190
Chinese stream (LOTE) STM90005
Civil and Environmental stream STM90671
Civil stream STM90496
Civil stream STM90670
Clinical Accreditation Program (NSLHD) STM90490
Clinical Accreditation Program (SLHD) STM90489
Clinical Management STM90757
Colombia Stream STM90811
Communication Management STM90768
Community and Not-for-Profit Management STM90776
Computer Graphics and Gaming STM90472
Computer Graphics and Gaming STM90479
Computer-aided Design stream STM90354
Construction stream STM90494
Contextual Studies STM90571
Contextual Studies STM90161
Contextual Studies STM90326
Control thread STM90699
Core disciplinary subjects (Environmental Biology) STM90739
Core foundation subjects STM90751
Core masters subjects STM90769
Core stream STM90756
Core stream STM90755
Core stream STM90742
Core subjects STM90228
Core subjects STM90730
Core subjects STM90463
Core subjects STM90345
Core subjects STM90373
Core subjects STM90372
Core subjects STM90403
Core subjects STM90693
Core subjects STM90425
Core subjects STM90419
Core subjects STM90396
Core subjects STM90226
Core subjects STM90417
Core subjects STM90738
Core subjects STM90290
Core subjects STM90725
Core subjects STM90692
Core subjects STM90402
Core subjects STM90710
Core subjects STM90364
Core subjects STM90483
Core subjects STM90394
Core subjects STM90386
Core subjects STM90291
Core subjects STM90631
Core subjects STM90788
Core subjects STM90644
Core subjects STM90792
Core subjects STM90550
Core subjects STM90645
Core subjects STM90429
Core subjects STM90426
Core subjects STM90729
Core subjects STM90520
Core subjects STM90356
Core subjects STM90379
Core subjects STM90288
Core subjects STM90335
Core subjects STM90564
Core subjects STM90794
Core subjects STM90790
Core subjects STM90370
Core subjects STM90688
Core subjects STM90650
Core subjects STM90649
Core subjects STM90384
Core subjects STM90428
Core subjects STM90566
Core subjects STM90344
Core subjects STM90106
Core subjects STM90289
Core subjects STM90707
Core subjects STM90527
Core subjects STM90643
Core subjects STM90747
Core subjects STM90740
Core subjects STM90369
Core subjects STM90385
Core subjects STM90427
Core subjects STM90418
Core subjects STM90695
Core subjects STM90696
Core subjects STM90375
Core subjects STM90791
Core subjects STM90581
Core subjects STM90642
Core subjects STM90176
Core subjects STM90711
Core subjects STM90815
Core subjects STM90767
Core subjects STM90421
Core subjects STM90392
Core subjects STM90389
Core subjects STM90424
Core subjects STM90723
Core subjects STM90732
Core subjects STM90178
Core subjects STM90713
Core subjects STM90647
Core subjects STM90655
Core subjects STM90420
Core subjects STM90423
Core subjects STM90381
Core subjects STM90216
Core subjects STM90383
Core subjects STM90511
Core subjects STM90714
Core subjects STM90592
Core subjects STM90648
Core subjects STM90690
Core subjects STM90689
Core subjects STM90534
Core subjects STM90533
Core subjects STM90382
Core subjects (Accounting and Finance) STM90731
Core subjects (Accounting and Finance) STM90521
Core subjects (Accounting and Finance) STM90341
Core subjects (Accounting Information Systems) STM90709
Core subjects (Accounting Information Systems) STM90343
Core subjects (Accounting) STM90285
Core subjects (Adult Education) STM90528
Core subjects (Adult Literacy and Numeracy Teaching) STM90554
Core subjects (Adult Numeracy Teaching) STM90549
Core subjects (Advanced Diploma Entry EN) STM90563
Core subjects (Biotechnology) STM90284
Core subjects (Biotechnology) STM90274
Core subjects (Business) STM90273
Core subjects (Business) STM90108
Core subjects (Certificate Entry EN) STM90562
Core subjects (Chemistry) STM90682
Core subjects (Community and Not-for-Profit Mgmt) STM90775
Core subjects (Creative Writing) STM90816
Core subjects (Design PG) STM90405
Core subjects (e-Learning PG) STM90390
Core subjects (Economics) STM90374
Core subjects (Editing and Publishing) STM90813
Core subjects (Education PG) STM90537
Core subjects (Engineering) STM90107
Core subjects (Engineering) STM90272
Core subjects (Environmental Biology) STM90685
Core subjects (Facility Management) STM90410
Core subjects (Finance) STM90366
Core subjects (Finance) STM90334
Core subjects (Games Development) STM90726
Core subjects (Graduate Entry) STM90561
Core subjects (Health Services Management and Planning) STM90535
Core subjects (Health Services Management) STM90763
Core subjects (Honours) STM90789
Core subjects (HRM) STM90733
Core subjects (HRM) STM90525
Core subjects (HRM) STM90737
Core subjects (Industry) STM90669
Core subjects (Information and Media) STM90500
Core subjects (Information Technology) STM90651
Core subjects (Interior and Spatial Design) STM90724
Core subjects (Investigative Journalism) STM90329
Core subjects (IT) STM90567
Core subjects (IT) STM90668
Core subjects (Journalism) STM90817
Core subjects (Journalism) STM90819
Core subjects (Journalism) STM90818
Core subjects (Law UG) STM90378
Core subjects (Management) STM90734
Core subjects (Management) STM90376
Core subjects (Management) STM90735
Core subjects (Management) STM90646
Core subjects (Marketing) STM90721
Core subjects (Marketing) STM90720
Core subjects (Mathematics) STM90686
Core subjects (Media Arts and Production) STM90555
Core subjects (Medical and Molecular Biology) STM90684
Core subjects (Medical Science) STM90348
Core subjects (Medical Science) STM90349
Core subjects (Non-fiction Writing Project) STM90556
Core subjects (Non-fiction Writing) STM90557
Core subjects (Online Journalism) STM90579
Core subjects (Operations Supply Chain Management) STM90736
Core subjects (Operations Supply Chain Management) STM90752
Core subjects (Physics and Nanotechnology) STM90683
Core subjects (Planning) STM90412
Core subjects (Planning) STM90411
Core subjects (Planning) STM90413
Core subjects (PLT) STM90687
Core subjects (Property and Planning) STM90502
Core subjects (Property Development) STM90639
Core subjects (Property) STM90414
Core subjects (Property) STM90706
Core subjects (PSM + SMD) STM90580
Core subjects (Quantitative Finance) STM90318
Core subjects (Quantitative Finance) STM90317
Core subjects (Screenwriting) STM90814
Core subjects (SecEd) STM90780
Core subjects (Secondary Education) STM90640
Core subjects (SMD) STM90225
Core subjects (TESOL) STM90529
Core subjects 1 (TESOL) STM90391
Core subjects 2 (TESOL) STM90416


Data Mining STM90467
Data Mining STM90474
Design Technologies STM90519
Distributed Network Computing stream STM90203
Domestic students STM90597
Domestic students STM90595


e-Business Technology STM90470
e-Business Technology STM90477
Economics stream (Honours) STM90798
Education specialisation STM90434
Educational Computing specialisation STM90433
Electives STM90629
Electrical stream STM90672
Electronics thread STM90700
Embedded Systems thread STM90701
Energy thread STM90702
Engineering practice program STM90271
English specialisation STM90436
Enrolled Nurse Entry 1 STM90552
Enrolled Nurse Entry 2 STM90553
Entrepreneurial stream STM90568
Exchange electives STM90499
Exchange electives STM90498
Extended major STM90524


Facility Management subjects (PG) STM90409
Film and Video stream STM90093
Finance and Economics stream STM90211
Finance stream STM90705
Finance stream (Honours) STM90799
First-year subjects STM90744
Foundation stream (Life and Environmental Sciences) STM90680
Foundation stream (Mathematical Sciences) STM90681
Foundation stream (Physical Sciences) STM90679
Foundations of Law STM90559
France Regional Studies STM90666
France Stream STM90802
France: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90017
French Language stream STM90191
French stream (LOTE) STM90006


German Language stream STM90192
German stream (LOTE) STM90007
Germany Regional Studies STM90667
Germany Stream STM90804
Germany: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90018
Graduate Entry STM90551
Graduate project STM90177


Health Research Level 1 STM90761
Health Research Level 2 STM90762
Health Services Management STM90760
Health Services Management STM90759
Health Services Management (No major) STM90712
History/Legal Studies subjects (SecEd) STM90786
History/Society and Culture subjects (SecEd) STM90785
Honours STM90572
Honours subjects STM90430
Honours subjects (SpecEd) final year STM90457
Honours Thesis (Education) STM90393
Honours Thesis (PT) STM90368
Honours Thesis (three semesters) STM90206
Honours Thesis (two semesters) STM90205
Human Society and its Environment specialisation STM90437
Human-centred Design STM90473
Human-centred Design STM90466
Humanities stream STM90453
Humanities stream STM90447
Humanities stream STM90451
Humanities stream STM90445
Humanities stream STM90501
Humanities stream STM90400
Humanities stream STM90449


ICT stream STM90673
Industrial Law stream STM90085
Information and Media stream STM90517
Information Management stream STM90599
Integrated Communication STM90750
Intelligent Systems stream STM90353
International Management Field Study STM90603
International specialisation STM90435
International students STM90596
International students STM90598
IT Experience program STM90380
IT Management STM90476
IT Management STM90469
Italian Language stream STM90195
Italian stream (LOTE) STM90010
Italy Regional Studies STM90665
Italy Stream STM90805
Italy: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90020


Japan Stream STM90801
Japan: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90021
Japanese Language stream STM90196
Japanese stream (LOTE) STM90011
Journalism Research Project (PT) STM90092
Journalism stream STM90512


Key Learning Areas STM90570
Key Learning Areas STM90325
Knowledge Management stream STM90600


Languages specialisation STM90438
Latin America: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90022
Latino USA Stream STM90812
Latino USA: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90266
Latino USA: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90506
Law for Business STM90558
Law graduate entrant stream STM90542
Law graduate entrant stream STM90112
Law graduate entrant stream STM90114
Law graduate entrant stream STM90544
Law stream STM90401
Law stream STM90691
Level 1 subjects (Midwifery) STM90530
Level 2 core subjects (Planning) STM90503
Level 2 subjects (Midwifery) STM90531
Level 3 subjects (Midwifery) STM90532
Life Sciences stream STM90677
Locating Oneself in Global Learning stream STM90184


Major core subjects (AdEd) STM90546
Major core subjects (OrgWrkplLrn) STM90539
Major core subjects (PopEdSocChange) STM90538
Major Project stream STM90504
Management STM90772
Management core STM90771
Management stream STM90083
Management stream STM90212
Marketing Management STM90717
Marketing Research STM90719
Marketing Strategy STM90718
Marketing stream STM90213
Master's option STM90548
Master's option with project STM90777
Master's option without project STM90484
Master's option without project STM90654
Master's option without project STM90653
Mathematical Sciences stream STM90678
Mathematics foundation subjects STM90324
Mathematics specialisation STM90431
MBA stream STM90464
Mechanical and Mechatronic stream STM90675
Mechanical stream STM90674
Media Arts and Production project (two semesters) STM90096
MEM stream STM90547
MEM stream STM90465
Mexico Stream STM90809
Minor project + electives stream STM90505
Music specialisation STM90442


New Media stream STM90359
New Media stream STM90094
No specified major STM90491
No specified major STM90492
No specified major STM90770
No specified major STM90365
No specified major STM90357
No specified major (Life and Environmental Sciences) STM90694
No specified major (Physical Sciences) STM90697
No specified specialisation STM90109
Non-Common Law stream STM90560
Non-law graduate entrant stream STM90113
Non-law graduate entrant stream STM90545
Non-law graduate entrant stream STM90543
Non-law graduate entrant stream STM90115


Option 1: Project (one semester) STM90097
Option 2: Project (two semesters) STM90098
Option 3: No project STM90099
Options STM90793
Organisational Change and Communication STM90749


PDHPE specialisation STM90439
PDHPE stream STM90698
Performance Studies stream STM90141
Physical Modelling subjects STM90070
Physical sciences stream STM90778
Physical Sciences stream STM90676
PLT stream STM90458
Power Systems thread STM90703
Practical Legal Training STM90708
Practical Legal Training stream STM90102
Practicum (SpecEd) stream STM90404
Practicum stream STM90443
Practicum stream STM90395
Procurement option (Operations Supply Chain Management) STM90753
Professional stream STM90522
Professional Experience STM90328
Professional Experience STM90569
Professional Experience (SpecEd) STM90573
Professional Experience stream (LLN) STM90388
Professional Project STM90091
Programming and Design stream STM90202
Project STM90079
Project STM90082
Project STM90078
Project (Cultural Studies) (two semesters) STM90253
Project (Social Inquiry) (two semesters) STM90181
Project (three semesters) STM90607
Project (three semesters) STM90610
Project (three semesters) (FT) STM90614
Project (three semesters) (PT) STM90612
Project (two semesters) STM90090
Project (two semesters) STM90143
Project (two semesters) STM90613
Project (two semesters) STM90142
Project (two semesters) STM90100
Project (two semesters) (FT) STM90609
Project (two semesters) (FT) STM90606
Project (two semesters) (PT) STM90611
Project (two semesters) (PT) STM90608
Project + one elective STM90081
Project + two electives STM90080
Property Fundamentals subjects (PG) STM90415
Public Communication stream STM90514
Public Relations STM90748
Public Relations stream STM90363
Public Relations stream STM90716
Public Relations stream STM90541


Quebec: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90507


Records Management stream STM90513
Research project (Law PG) STM90111
Research stream STM90766
Research stream STM90728


Science and Technology specialisation STM90432
Second-year subjects STM90745
Social Inquiry stream STM90516
Social Inquiry/Law stream STM90446
Society and Culture/Legal Studies subjects (SecEd) STM90787
Software Engineering STM90468
Software Engineering STM90475
Sound stream STM90095
Spain Stream STM90803
Spain: Specialist Country Studies stream STM90023
Spanish Language stream STM90199
Spanish stream (LOTE) STM90014
Special Education stream STM90397
Special Education subjects STM90574
Standard entry (BN) STM90330
Standard option (Operations Supply Chain Management) STM90754
Standard options (Management) STM90774
Standard stream STM90523
Strategy stream STM90727
Stream STM90743
Structures stream STM90493
Subjects credited from C10206 STM90454
Subjects credited from C10207 STM90456
Sustainable Energy Systems stream STM90352
Switzerland (French): Specialist Country Studies stream STM90508
Switzerland (German): Specialist Country Studies stream STM90509
Switzerland Stream STM90807


Thesis stream STM90182
Third-year subjects STM90482
Third-year subjects STM90746
Training and Human Resource Development STM90773


Urban Design STM90518


Writing and Cultural Studies stream STM90515
Writing stream STM90360