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MAJ08918 Chile

Chile runs for some 5000km down the west coast mountain spine of Latin America, with the country never wider than 180km. The landscape is extremely varied, with hot deserts in the north, a fertile 'Mediterranean' heartland, and forests, lakes and fjords in the south. Because of its relatively stable pace of export-led growth, Chile is often called Latin America's 'tiger' economy, though much of the population still lives in poverty. Australia is developing strong links with Chile, and Chile is also strengthening ties with Asia through its membership of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Despite extreme political experiments during the 1970s, Chile has now recovered its earlier reputation as one of Latin America's most solid and moderate democracies. The country's traditional mestizo, creole and indigenous cultures survive alongside the rapid spread of more cosmopolitan influences.

Students spend two consecutive semesters studying social science or language, culture and humanities subjects at one or more institutions of higher education in Chile through arrangements made by UTS: International Studies. The focus of study varies each semester depending on individual student preferences and the availability of subjects at host institutions. Students are assessed on each semester separately and assessment is based on the subjects undertaken at the host institutions, as well as assessments administered by UTS: International Studies.

Students may expect that no greater costs are incurred through undertaking a period of in-country study in Chile than are involved in living away from home in Sydney.



Santiago is the capital of Chile, situated in what is sometimes called the 'Mediterranean heartland' of Chile. It was founded in 1541 on the Mapocho River, and currently has a population of about five million. Santiago is regarded as one of the more pleasant capital cities in Latin America. It has great charm, with old and beautiful buildings, quiet neighbourhoods, parks, markets, galleries and bookshops, and many cultural events of all types. It is also a busy modern city with shopping centres, skyscrapers and an efficient underground railway. On days when the air is clear the snow-capped Andes mountains are in full view. Less than two hours drive away are ski slopes to the east and beaches to the west.

Pontificia Universidad Católica (PUC) de Chile is a private university which ranks as one of the top two universities in Chile. It has a student population of nearly 20,000 and boasts a number of well-known research institutes in fields such as the arts, economics, science and medicine. The university was founded in 1888. As well as a full range of academic faculties with excellent facilities, the university also has a large and well-organised program catering for foreign students. The main faculties are in central Santiago.


Viña del Mar is best known as one of Latin America's oldest beach resorts, and for its annual music festival which attracts artists from all over Latin America. Popular with weekenders from Santiago, Viña is a small well-heeled city with some grand old buildings and parks. Its long sea-front promenade is lined with tall apartment blocks. Twenty minutes south on the coastal road is the historic commercial city of Valparaiso, Chile's principal port and naval base (population 280,000). Though poorer and less smart than Viña, Valparaiso is in many ways more interesting historically and culturally. The city is crescent shaped, following the curve of the bay, and rises up steeply into chaotic old neighbourhoods perched on hillsides and accessed by antique funiculars.

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez is a modern and prestigious private university. It began life in 1953 as a business school, acquiring an international reputation for advanced business and management studies in collaboration with universities such as Harvard and Stanford. Its MBA program is considered one of the best in Latin America. In 1989 it became a university with faculties of Humanities, and Science and Technology; schools of Psychology, Government and Journalism; Business School and Law School; and an Institute for Political Economy. Foreign students are based in the original campus located in the comfortable Recreo neighbourhood overlooking Viña del Mar and Valparaiso.

Completion requirements

976001  Foundations in International Studies  8cp
976502  Contemporary Latin(o) Americas  8cp
977520  In-country Study 1: Chile  24cp
978520  In-country Study 2: Chile  24cp
CBK90484  Spanish Language and Culture  32cp
Total  96cp