University of Technology, Sydney

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CBK90782 Major/Two sub-majors/Electives

Select 48 credit points from the following options:  48cp
MAJ02080  Business Information Systems Management 48cp 
MAJ02081  Data Analytics 48cp 
MAJ03444  Enterprise Systems Development 48cp 
MAJ03445  Internetworking and Applications 48cp 
SMJ02064  Business Information Systems Management 24cp 
SMJ02065  Data Analytics 24cp 
SMJ02066  Computer Graphics and Animation 24cp 
SMJ03036  Enterprise Systems Development 24cp 
SMJ03037  Internetworking and Applications 24cp 
SMJ08157  Business Accounting 24cp 
SMJ09040  Introductory Economics 24cp 
SMJ08159  Employment Relations 24cp 
SMJ08160  International Management 24cp 
SMJ01010  Electronics and Computer Interfacing 24cp 
SMJ01012  Physics 24cp 
SMJ01032  Statistical Modelling 24cp 
SMJ02057  Scientific Computing 24cp 
SMJ09034  International Studies 24cp 
SMJ09035  Language other than English 24cp 
SMJ09036  Specialist Country Studies 24cp 
SMJ08188  Accounting for Small Business 24cp 
SMJ08198  Advertising Principles 24cp 
SMJ08197  Marketing Principles 24cp 
SMJ08196  Innovation 24cp 
CBK90783  Electives 24cp 
CBK90784  Electives 24cp 
SMJ01026  Quantitative Management 24cp 
Total  48cp