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C11226v1 Graduate Certificate in Midwifery Studies

Award(s): Graduate Certificate in Midwifery Studies (GradCertMidSt)
CRICOS code: Pending
Commonwealth supported place?: No
Load credit points: 24
Course EFTSL: 0.5


This is an exit-only course. There is no direct admission to it. Current UTS students may be able to transfer into this course. Check with your faculty.

Transfer is for students enrolled in the Master of Midwifery (C04247).

This course is not offered to international students.

Course completion requirements
Articulation with UTS courses
Exit award
Other information


This course aims to provide registered midwives with an opportunity to develop both their practice and professional roles and to develop the skills, attitudes and knowledge needed to meet the developing role of a midwife. In addition, the course aims to provide students with an avenue through which to further their clinical, research, teaching, leadership and/or management roles.

This in an exit-only course for students enrolled in the Master of Midwifery (C04247). Direct entry is not available.

Course completion requirements

STM90530 Level 1 subjects (Midwifery) 24cp
Total 24cp

Articulation with UTS courses

This exit only course is part of an articulated program comprising the Graduate Certificate in Midwifery Studies, the Graduate Diploma in Midwifery Studies (C07121) and the Master of Midwifery (C04247).

Exit award

This exit-only course enables students enrolled in the master's course to exit after completing 24 credit points of study and gain a graduate certificate qualification.

Other information

Further information is available from:

UTS Student Centre
telephone 1300 ask UTS (1300 275 887)
or +61 2 9514 1222