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C11053v5 Graduate Certificate in Local Government Management

Award(s): Graduate Certificate in Local Government Management (GradCertLGM)
Commonwealth supported place?: No
Load credit points: 24
Course EFTSL: 0.5
Location: City campus


This is an exit-only course. There is no direct admission to it. Current UTS students may be able to transfer into this course. Check with your faculty.


This course is not offered to international students.

Course duration and attendance
Course completion requirements
Exit award
Other information


Today's local government manager must have a high level of professional expertise together with a broad range of managerial skills and a sound understanding of the special characteristics of local government. The Graduate Certificate in Local Government Management is tailored to the local government environment, allowing managers to meet their differing professional needs, while keeping up-to-date with the latest issues.

Course duration and attendance

The course is offered on a one-year, part-time basis.

Course completion requirements

15608 Corporate Management and Organisational Change 6cp
15604 Local Government Management Principles and Practice 1 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
15609 Local Environmental Management6cp 
15610 Local Government Leadership: Personal and Professional Skills6cp 
15602 Social Planning and Development6cp 
15603 Integrated Strategic Planning6cp 
15606 Vocational Competencies 16cp 
15607 Vocational Competencies 26cp 
Total 24cp

Exit award

With prior approval, students who have completed 24 credit points of study in the Graduate Diploma in Local Government Management (C06033) can exit their studies with a Graduate Certificate in Local Government Management.

Other information

Further information is available from:

Gabrielle Watterson
Administration Officer
telephone +61 2 9514 1659
fax +61 2 9514 2274