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C04241v2 Master of Science

Award(s): Master of Science in (name of Science major) (MSc)
UAC code: 942747 (No specified major) (Autumn semester), 942750 (Forensic Science) (Autumn semester), 942753 (Physics and Advanced Materials) (Autumn semester), 942756 (Environmental Change Management) (Autumn semester), 942759 (Medical Biotechnology) (Autumn semester), 942762 (Science Management) (Autumn semester), 942765 (Mathematical and Statistical Modelling) (Autumn semester), 942770 (Marine Science and Management) (Autumn semester), 942773 (Biomedical Engineering) (Autumn semester), 945747 (No specified major) (Spring semester), 945750 (Forensic Science) (Spring semester), 945753 (Physics and Advanced Materials) (Spring semester), 945756 (Environmental Change Management) (Spring semester), 945759 (Medical Biotechnology) (Spring semester), 945762 (Science Management) (Spring semester), 945765 (Mathematical and Statistical Modelling) (Spring semester), 945770 (Marine Science and Management) (Spring semester), 945773 (Biomedical Engineering) (Spring semester)
CRICOS code: 071909M; 072904G (Accelerated)
Commonwealth supported place?: No
Load credit points: 72
Course EFTSL: 1.5


The Physics and Advanced Materials major is currently not available to international students.

This course has two CRICOS codes: 071909M (3 semesters); 072904G (accelerated 14 months).

Course aims
Career options
Admission requirements
Credit recognition
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


This course is designed to cater for two distinct groups of students: professional scientists wishing to update their industry-related skills for career advancement and students considering a research degree.

The course contains a compulsory core of professional subjects relevant to all science disciplines. The subjects in the core provide a backbone of skills important to a professional scientist; be they engaged in research, science businesses, industries or government organisations. These are the skills of communication, critical analysis, project management and innovation and commercialisation. The professional strand is complemented by a choice of major study in a specific science or mathematics discipline, or in science management. Students also have the option of undertaking a research project, subject to approval by the faculty. For students with suitable achievement levels considering a research degree, this course provides a pathway to a PhD.

Students in the Marine Science and Management major are exposed to multi-disciplinary and cross-institutional coursework, with a capstone project taught at the Sydney Institute of Marine Science (SIMS) and multiple lecture series and practical components using real-life data from the Australian Integrated Marine Observatory System.

Course aims

The course provides graduates with analytic tools and disciplinary knowledge, combined with creative, logical approaches to problem-solving and professional skills that facilitate real world application of the science such as project management, IP management and commercialisation.

Career options

Career options vary according to the major chosen, but all graduates have training in the professional attributes that employers seek. The skills learnt expand career horizons and enhance prospects for promotion in the rapidly evolving science professions. Graduates in all majors may also proceed to a career in research through entry to a PhD.

  • Graduates of the Biomedical Engineering major will be well prepared for careers in medical device and biotechnology companies, government policy and regulation, hospitals, and research organisations where the ability to combine biology and engineering knowledge and skills is required.
  • Graduates of the Marine Science and Management major can pursue careers worldwide in private and public agencies, or as private consultants in fields such as policy and conservation, fisheries, environmental sustainability and management, impact assessment, tourism, and education.
  • Graduates of the Environmental Change Management major may find management and leadership positions in government agencies, the private sector and community organisations concerned with biodiversity, coastal zone management, climate change adaptation, environmental policy, environmental remediation, environmental sustainability, fisheries, infrastructure, land and water resources, national parks and wildlife, planning, and natural resources management.
  • Forensic Science major graduates may take up positions in police forensic laboratories, state and federal law enforcement agencies, government and private forensic or drug detection laboratories, customs and border protection agencies, and environmental protection agencies.
  • Graduates of the Mathematical and Statistical Modelling major may expect to apply their logistic, statistical and modelling skills in careers in a wide range of diverse organisations and industries, including banking and finance, health, information technology, and market research.
  • Career options for Medical Biotechnology major graduates include senior positions in public health units, hospitals or government departments, or as policy analysts or consultants, providing links with bodies such as state health departments. Graduates may also pursue management positions in diagnostic medical laboratories, or in pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies.
  • Graduates of the Science Management major are focused towards careers in management of science industries and organisations. This major is specifically designed for science graduates who are making, or expect to make, the transition to management roles in their place of employment.

Admission requirements

Applicants must have completed a UTS recognised bachelor's degree, or an equivalent or higher qualification, or submitted other evidence of general and professional qualifications that demonstrates potential to pursue graduate studies.

The English proficiency requirement for international students or local applicants with international qualifications is: Academic IELTS: 6.5 overall with a writing score of 6.0; or TOEFL: paper based: 550-583 overall with TWE of 4.5, internet based: 79-93 overall with a writing score of 21; or AE5: Pass; or PTE: 58-64; or CAE: 58-66

Eligibility for admission does not guarantee offer of a place.

International students

Visa requirement: To obtain a student visa to study in Australia, international students must enrol full time and on campus. Australian student visa regulations also require international students studying on student visas to complete the course within the standard full-time duration. Students can extend their courses only in exceptional circumstances.

Credit recognition

Students enrolled in this course may be eligible for credit recognition of up to 24 credit points if the subjects previously studied are deemed by UTS: Science to be equivalent to those specified for their course.

To be considered for credit recognition, subjects must normally have been completed no more than five years prior to the commencement of this course.

Course duration and attendance

The standard course duration is 18 months full time, however most majors in the course may be completed in an accelerated full-time mode in 14 months.

Some subjects are offered in Summer session and in other short teaching sessions so students may fast-track their studies.

The course may also be completed in part-time mode, typically over 36 months. Part-time students must be prepared to attend some afternoon or morning classes during each teaching week.

Course structure

The course requires 72 credit points of study, comprising 24 credit points of professional stream subjects and a 48-credit-point major.

A non-specified major in which cross-disciplinary subject selection is possible is also offered.

The Physics and Advanced Materials major is not currently offered to international students.

Course completion requirements

STM90522 Professional stream 24cp
CBK90644 Major choice 48cp
Total 72cp

Course program

Example programs for the accelerated mode commencing in either Autumn or Spring semesters for all majors except Forensic Science and Biomedical Engineering are shown below.

The Forensic Science major (MAJ01123) contains a mix of subjects from different forensic disciplines and example programs are more difficult to predict because subject choices are influenced by prior study. A typical 18-month program focusing on the forensic chemistry discipline with admission in Autumn semester is shown below, as well as a typical 18-month program focusing on the forensic biology discipline with admission in Spring semester. Students with appropriate backgrounds wishing to choose a mixture of forensic chemistry and forensic biology subjects should seek advice from their program advisers.

The Biomedical Engineering major (MAJ03470) contains a mix of subjects from different science and engineering disciplines and example programs are more difficult to predict because subject choices are influenced by prior study. Typical 18-month programs for students admitted in either Autumn or Spring semester, with prior backgrounds in either biomedical or physical science are shown below. Depending on selection of electives, the number of elective credit points in a given semester may differ from that listed below.

The Marine Science and Management major (MAJ01130) requires two subjects to be chosen from external partner universities and the subject chosen may affect the course duration, depending on semester of offer of the selected subject. Example programs for the accelerated mode commencing in either Autumn or Spring semesters are shown below, however it should be noted that these are possible only if the specific optional subjects illustrated are chosen.

Environmental Change Management major, Autumn Accelerated Full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
60902 The Scientific Method 6cp
91120 GIS and Remote Sensing 6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
91116 Wildlife Ecology6cp 
91118 Fisheries Resources6cp 
66513 Marine Geosciences6cp 
91309 Biodiversity Conservation6cp 
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Spring semester
91145 Environmental Protection and Management 6cp
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
91155 Stream and Lake Assessment6cp 
91551 Ecohydrology and Climate Change6cp 
91157 Marine Communities6cp 
CBK90640 Elective6cp 
91545 Environment Research Project A12cp 
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
91541 Monitoring Ecological Variability 6cp
March session
91540 Climate Change and Ecological Modelling 6cp
Environmental Change Management major, Spring Accelerated Full time
Year 1
Spring semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
60902 The Scientific Method 6cp
91145 Environmental Protection and Management 6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
91155 Stream and Lake Assessment6cp 
91551 Ecohydrology and Climate Change6cp 
91157 Marine Communities6cp 
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
91541 Monitoring Ecological Variability 6cp
Autumn semester
91120 GIS and Remote Sensing 6cp
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
91116 Wildlife Ecology6cp 
91118 Fisheries Resources6cp 
66513 Marine Geosciences6cp 
91309 Biodiversity Conservation6cp 
CBK90640 Elective6cp 
91545 Environment Research Project A12cp 
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
August session
91540 Climate Change and Ecological Modelling 6cp
Medical Biotechnology major, Autumn Accelerated Full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
60902 The Scientific Method 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
91335 Molecular Biology 26cp 
91359 Advanced Immunology6cp 
91707 Pharmacology 16cp 
91344 Medical and Diagnostic Biochemistry6cp 
91537 Biotechnology Research Project A12cp 
91369 Biobusiness and Environmental Biotechnology6cp 
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Spring semester
Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
91539 Biotechnology Research Project24cp 
CBK90640 Elective6cp 
91352 Parasitology6cp 
91705 Medical Devices and Diagnostics6cp 
91368 Bioreactors and Bioprocessing6cp 
91538 Biotechnology Research Project B12cp 
91345 Biochemistry, Genes and Disease6cp 
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
91535 Microscopy and Cytometry 6cp
March session
91536 Proteomics 6cp
Medical Biotechnology major, Spring Accelerated Full time
Year 1
Spring semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
60902 The Scientific Method 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
91537 Biotechnology Research Project A12cp 
91352 Parasitology6cp 
91705 Medical Devices and Diagnostics6cp 
91368 Bioreactors and Bioprocessing6cp 
91345 Biochemistry, Genes and Disease6cp 
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
91535 Microscopy and Cytometry 6cp
Autumn semester
Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
91335 Molecular Biology 26cp 
91359 Advanced Immunology6cp 
91707 Pharmacology 16cp 
91344 Medical and Diagnostic Biochemistry6cp 
91369 Biobusiness and Environmental Biotechnology6cp 
91539 Biotechnology Research Project24cp 
CBK90640 Elective6cp 
91538 Biotechnology Research Project B12cp 
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
August session
91536 Proteomics 6cp
Mathematical and Statistical Modelling major, Autumn Accelerated Full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
35212 Computational Linear Algebra 6cp
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
35366 Numerical Methods of Finance6cp 
35365 Stochastic Calculus in Finance6cp 
35457 Multivariate Statistics6cp 
Select one of the following: 6cp
      35252 Mathematical Statistics6cp 
      35364 Statistics for Quantitative Finance6cp 
35504 Seminar C6cp 
35112 Mathematical Research Project A12cp 
35503 Seminar B6cp 
35505 Seminar D6cp 
35502 Seminar A6cp 
35356 Design and Analysis of Experiments6cp 
35340 Quantitative Management Practice6cp 
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Spring semester
Select 30 credit points from the following options: 30cp
35322 Advanced Analysis6cp 
35231 Differential Equations6cp 
35342 Nonlinear Methods in Quantitative Management6cp 
35344 Network and Combinatorial Optimisation6cp 
35353 Regression Analysis6cp 
Select one of the following: 6cp
      35355 Quality Control6cp 
      35393 Seminar (Statistics)6cp 
35361 Stochastic Processes6cp 
35502 Seminar A6cp 
35503 Seminar B6cp 
35504 Seminar C6cp 
35505 Seminar D6cp 
35114 Mathematical Research Project24cp 
35113 Mathematical Research Project B12cp 
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
Mathematical and Statistical Modelling major, Spring Accelerated Full time
Year 1
Spring semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
35231 Differential Equations6cp 
35502 Seminar A6cp 
35503 Seminar B6cp 
35504 Seminar C6cp 
35353 Regression Analysis6cp 
35112 Mathematical Research Project A12cp 
35361 Stochastic Processes6cp 
Select one of the following: 6cp
      35355 Quality Control6cp 
      35393 Seminar (Statistics)6cp 
35344 Network and Combinatorial Optimisation6cp 
35342 Nonlinear Methods in Quantitative Management6cp 
35505 Seminar D6cp 
35322 Advanced Analysis6cp 
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
Autumn semester
35212 Computational Linear Algebra 6cp
Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
Select one of the following: 6cp
      35252 Mathematical Statistics6cp 
      35364 Statistics for Quantitative Finance6cp 
35365 Stochastic Calculus in Finance6cp 
35366 Numerical Methods of Finance6cp 
35457 Multivariate Statistics6cp 
35356 Design and Analysis of Experiments6cp 
35502 Seminar A6cp 
35503 Seminar B6cp 
35504 Seminar C6cp 
35505 Seminar D6cp 
35113 Mathematical Research Project B12cp 
35114 Mathematical Research Project24cp 
35340 Quantitative Management Practice6cp 
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Science Management major, Autumn Accelerated Full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
60905 Leadership and Teamwork in Science 6cp
60907 Managing Science-based Enterprises 6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
CBK90642 Elective12cp 
CBK90643 Elective12cp 
CBK90388 Electives12cp 
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Spring semester
60902 The Scientific Method 6cp
60906 Science in Practice 6cp
60908 Science and Industrialisation 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
CBK90642 Elective12cp 
CBK90643 Elective12cp 
CBK90388 Electives12cp 
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
CBK90642 Elective12cp 
CBK90643 Elective12cp 
CBK90388 Electives12cp 
Science Management major, Spring Accelerated Full time
Year 1
Spring semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
60906 Science in Practice 6cp
60908 Science and Industrialisation 6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
CBK90642 Elective12cp 
CBK90643 Elective12cp 
CBK90388 Electives12cp 
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
CBK90642 Elective12cp 
CBK90643 Elective12cp 
CBK90388 Electives12cp 
Autumn semester
60902 The Scientific Method 6cp
60905 Leadership and Teamwork in Science 6cp
60907 Managing Science-based Enterprises 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
CBK90642 Elective12cp 
CBK90643 Elective12cp 
CBK90388 Electives12cp 
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Forensic Science major, Chemistry strand, Autumn Full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
65034 Introduction to Forensic Science 6cp
65545 Forensic Toxicology 6cp
65342 Crime Scene Investigation 6cp
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Spring semester
60902 The Scientific Method 6cp
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
65412 Physical Evidence6cp 
65643 Chemistry and Pharmacology of Recreational Drugs6cp 
65644 Fire and Explosion Investigation6cp 
65032 Forensic Science Research Project A12cp 
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
Autumn semester
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
65544 Chemical Criminalistics6cp 
35255 Forensic Statistics6cp 
65072 Forensic Science Research Project B12cp 
Forensic Science major, Biology strand, Spring Full time
Year 1
Spring semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
65034 Introduction to Forensic Science 6cp
91402 Anatomical Pathology 6cp
60902 The Scientific Method 6cp
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
Autumn semester
65342 Crime Scene Investigation 6cp
91137 DNA Profiling 6cp
91138 Investigation of Human Remains 6cp
35255 Forensic Statistics 6cp
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Spring semester
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
91139 Complex Forensic Cases (Biology)6cp 
79028 Complex Forensic Cases (Law for Biology)6cp 
91548 Forensic Biology Research Project A12cp 
Marine Science and Management major, Autumn Accelerated Full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
91146 Topics in Australian Marine Science 6cp
91165 External Marine Study 1 6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
91118 Fisheries Resources6cp 
66513 Marine Geosciences6cp 
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Spring semester
91166 External Marine Study 2 6cp
60902 The Scientific Method 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
91156 Marine Primary Producers6cp 
91157 Marine Communities6cp 
91545 Environment Research Project A12cp 
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
91541 Monitoring Ecological Variability 6cp
March session
91540 Climate Change and Ecological Modelling 6cp
Marine Science and Management major, Spring Accelerated Full time
Year 1
Spring semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
60902 The Scientific Method 6cp
91165 External Marine Study 1 6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
91156 Marine Primary Producers6cp 
91157 Marine Communities6cp 
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
91541 Monitoring Ecological Variability 6cp
Autumn semester
91146 Topics in Australian Marine Science 6cp
91166 External Marine Study 2 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
91118 Fisheries Resources6cp 
66513 Marine Geosciences6cp 
91545 Environment Research Project A12cp 
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
August session
91540 Climate Change and Ecological Modelling 6cp
Biomedical Engineering major, Physical Science stream, Autumn
Year 1
Autumn semester
91429 Physiological Bases of Human Movement 6cp
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
48023 Programming Fundamentals 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Spring semester
49261 Biomedical Instrumentation 6cp
91239 Human Pathophysiology 6cp
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
Autumn semester
49275 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Biomedical Engineering major, Physical Science stream, Spring
Year 1
Spring semester
91400 Human Anatomy and Physiology 6cp
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
48023 Programming Fundamentals 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
Autumn semester
49275 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 6cp
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Spring semester
49261 Biomedical Instrumentation 6cp
91239 Human Pathophysiology 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Biomedical Engineering major, Biomedical Sciences stream, Autumn
Year 1
Autumn semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
60902 The Scientific Method 6cp
68316 Applied Electronics and Interfacing 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Spring semester
49261 Biomedical Instrumentation 6cp
91239 Human Pathophysiology 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
Autumn semester
Select 18 credit points of electives 18cp
Biomedical Engineering major, Biomedical Sciences stream, Spring
Year 1
Spring semester
60901 Advanced Communication Skills in Science 6cp
60902 The Scientific Method 6cp
91239 Human Pathophysiology 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Year 2
Summer session
60903 Project Management in Science 6cp
Autumn semester
68316 Applied Electronics and Interfacing 6cp
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
July session
60904 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 6cp
Spring semester
49261 Biomedical Instrumentation 6cp
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp

Other information

Further information is available from:

Science Academic Administration Office
telephone +61 2 9514 9985


Building 6 Student Centre
telephone 1300 ask UTS (1300 275 887)
or +61 2 9514 1222