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C03046v2 Master of Business (Research)

Award(s): Master of Business (MBus)
CRICOS code: 069858B
Course EFTSL: 2
Location: City and/or Kuring-gai campuses


This is an exit-only course. There is no direct admission to it. Current UTS students may be able to transfer into this course. Check with your faculty.

Career options
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Other information


The Master of Business (Research) is for students who may be required to transfer from a Doctor of Philosophy. Students extend and deepen their knowledge through an appropriate research investigation under supervision by UTS: Business academic staff.

This program is suitable for students who may be required to transfer from a Doctor of Philosophy. Students develop critical and analytical skills and advanced research skills to enable in-depth exploration of their chosen area.

Career options

Career options include management-level positions in industry or government, and academic positions.

Course duration and attendance

The maximum course duration is two years of full-time or four years of part-time study.

Course structure

The main requirement of the degree is the preparation of a thesis of 40,000–50,000 words, which presents the results of original research of a theoretical or applied nature.

Students may be required to enrol in subjects specified by their supervisors. During their candidature, students' progress is monitored by a master's assessment and regular progress reports. For further details, refer to UTS: Business's postgraduate course information.

Course completion requirements

Select one of the following: 
      21990 Master of Business Thesis (Management) 
      22990 Master of Business Thesis (Accounting) 
      24990 Master of Business Thesis (Marketing) 
      25990 Master of Business Thesis (Finance) 
      23990 Master of Business Thesis (Economics) 

Other information

Further information is available from the UTS: Graduate Research School at: