Requisite(s): 97101 Chinese Language and Culture 1
This subject is designed for students who have successfully completed Chinese 1 or its equivalent. It continues to develop students' communicative competence in basic social interactions and their knowledge of Chinese culture. Students learn to communicate in simple and routine tasks on familiar topics and activities and handle very short social exchanges. They learn to understand phrases and vocabulary related to areas of immediate personal relevance and to catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages. They learn to use Pinyin to acquire a sound basis of Chinese pronunciation and intonation, recognise approximately 600 characters, and read short, simple texts written in characters. Students learn to write brief notes, messages, diary entries and very simple personal letters, and understand aspects of Chinese culture and society.
Assessment: This subject has a combination of continuous assessment and final examinations for speaking, listening, reading and writing. Further details are available in the subject outline distributed in class during the first week of teaching
Spring semester, City campus