Requisite(s): 86872 Interior Design Seminar AND 86871 Professional Practice for Interior Designers AND 86780 Interior Design Research Dissertation
There are also course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
This subject requires the student to demonstrate self-directed learning on a project of his or her choice. Advice from academic supervisors in studio sessions helps the student select and complete his or her program of studies. Students are required to undertake the design of a complex interior design project that tests issues raised and knowledge gained throughout the course. The project allows students to develop a holistic solution demonstrative of their abilities as final-year design students, and also requires them to demonstrate a professional attitude to their work as a prelude to the practice of Interior Design after graduation. The project's assessment is based on the supervisor's assessment of the student's work methods, and a panel assessment that takes into account the stated aims of the project and the level at which they have been achieved. Preparation for this subject is carried out in earlier subjects through the completion of the major project research.
Spring semester, City campus