Requisite(s): 50164 Research Methods 1
Professional Strand – Social Inquiry – 200 level
This subject introduces qualitative research as an embodied way of engaging with, analysing, and writing about, social life. It builds on Research Methods 1 by extending students' knowledge of a range of research techniques appropriate for the production of different kinds of qualitative knowledge in different research situations. The subject explores qualitative research as a collection of research tools which rely on the capacities of the researcher to develop relationships and to craft spaces of understanding 'in the field'. Further, the multiple angles qualitative approaches suggest for the theorising and writing of research is also a core concern of this subject.
The subject also offers the opportunity for students to conceptualise, design, carry out, and present, a small research project. This research project follows a series of hands-on workshops in which the class works together on techniques of observation, in-depth interviewing, focus groups, analysis, and on planning thoughtful, doable research projects.
Overall, the subject draws together key issues in the philosophy of social research with practical guidance on the process of research. Taking as a starting point already existing capacities (and prejudices) as interpreters of the social world, the subject demonstrates the effectiveness of critical and self-reflexive research relationships and creative strategies of analysis.
Spring semester, City campus