Requisite(s): 50169 Writing and New Media OR 50490 Information Design for Communicating OR 50300 Communicating the Social OR 50303 Online Journalism 1 OR 50151 Radio Journalism 1 OR 50150 Television Journalism 1 OR 50157 New Media Fundamentals OR 57096 Introducing Audio Production OR 57094 Film and Video 1 OR 50117 Media Arts and Production 2 OR 50248 Media Arts and Production 2
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses. See access conditions.
This is a cross-disciplinary subject for students wishing to work collaboratively to create documentary for the World Wide Web, a form which marries content development with creative digital media production. Appropriate skills in prerequisite subjects include media production and/or web publishing; skills required include research and writing, video and/or sound, stills photography, flash animation, screen design, HTML authoring and project management. Working in creative teams, students use their strengths to develop an online documentary project from concept through to realisation. The subject consolidates students' professional skills and encourages a critical and creative inquiry into the role and future of interactive online documentary at the threshold of mainstream broadband uptake.
Spring semester, City campus