Requisite(s): 120 credit points of completed study in C10061 Bachelor of Engineering Diploma in Engineering Practice OR 120 credit points of completed study in C10066 Bachelor of Engineering Science OR 120 credit points of completed study in C10067 Bachelor of Engineering
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses.
There are also course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
This subject deals with the behaviour of water waves and their interactions with the coastline. Topics covered include: wave generation processes and wave forecasting methods; linear and nonlinear wave theories and their limits of validity; wave characteristics in deep, intermediate and shallow water depths; wave shoaling and breaking; wave refraction and diffraction; wave scattering and radiation; full and partial standing waves; field measurements and statistical analysis of random waves, estimation of extreme waves; tides and other long-period water level fluctuations; estuarine hydraulics; coastal sedimentation; coastline management; and physical and computer models of coastal processes.
Assessment: Assignments/reports (60 per cent), examinations (40 per cent).