Requisite(s): 48540 Signals and Systems OR 48541 Signal Theory
Fields of practice: Electrical Engineering program
Subject coordinator: Professor Hung Nguyen
The objective of this subject is to enable students to model with validation control systems, to analyse, design and implement both analogue and digital controllers so that the controlled systems conform with given specifications. Emphasis is placed on laboratory work, the theoretical content of the subject being only that required to produce successful designs. Students are required to work on reduced scale models of actual industrial processes. The equipment is based upon experience gained with authentic control applications and is suitably modified for student use. Students follow the usual sequence adopted in industry, i.e. they start with the calibration of transducers and actuators leading on to dynamic response testing, physical modelling, model verification and finally to controller design, implementation and testing.
Topics include: linear and nonlinear modelling of control systems using Newton's rules, analogous networks or Lagragian techniques; linearisation and development of linear, time-invariant transfer functions; development of lead-lag compensators or PID controllers using classical control design techniques such as root locus, Bode gain and phase diagrams, Nyquist plots and Nichols chart; development of state-variable equations from differential equations; development of state-variable feedback controllers and state observers; open-loop pulse transfer functions and discrete-time state models; discretisation using backward difference, bilinear, step-invariance or pole-zero mapping; development of digital PID controllers, deadbeat controllers, and discrete-time state-variable feedback controllers; describing functions and limit cycles for nonlinear control systems; and the development of linear controllers for nonlinear systems using describing function techniques.
Assessment: Typically this subject is assessed through a combination of assignments, project work and a final examination.
Autumn semester, City campus
Spring semester, City campus
Autumn semester, Hong Kong
Spring semester, Hong Kong
Summer session, Hong Kong
Winter session, Hong Kong