Requisite(s): (72 credit points of completed study in C10040 Bachelor of Management in Tourism OR 72 credit points of completed study in C10044 Bachelor of Management in Tourism Bachelor of Arts in International Studies) AND (27344 Research for Leisure and Tourism OR 27156 Research for Leisure and Tourism)
There are also course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
In conjunction with the second tourism management project subject, this subject acts as a capstone subject for the Bachelor of Management in Tourism (C10040 or C10044), and as such brings together knowledge and skills developed throughout the course. Students select a tourism management problem of interest to both themselves and a specific client organisation, and then complete a number of preparatory tasks. Based upon this problem, a detailed proposal is prepared which then forms the basis of their work towards researching and solving the problem in the second tourism management project subject. Prior to the preparation of this document, students are required to undertake a conceptual analysis of their chosen problem, and an examination of the client and their needs in relation to the problem. Students are also required to identify and evaluate an appropriate range of approaches to problem solving, data collection and analysis. Students may work on this project either individually or in pairs.