Requisite(s): 22207 Accounting Transactions and Business Decisions OR 222070 Accounting Transactions and Business Decisions OR 22205 Accounting B OR 222050 Accounting B
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses.
There are also course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
Together with the corequisite subject, this subject deals with the application and analysis of prescribed accounting treatments and surveys the institutional and legal framework of modern Australian accounting. It refers to international accounting standards and local and overseas standards and exposure drafts and emphasises reporting. Main topics include accounting for companies including debt and equity and its restructuring, accounting for acquisition of assets including business enterprises, valuation and goodwill, consolidated accounts of complex economic entities, accounting for associate companies and joint ventures, corporate restructuring and liquidation. The subject deals with preparation of accounts to meet corporate law and professional disclosure requirements and looks at emerging issues and exposure drafts. It makes extensive use of spreadsheet programs. Students are expected to produce business-quality reports using word-processing programs.