This subject explores a set of fundamental issues and key models regarding change management in the new knowledge economy. Central to the design of this educational experience is the role of effective people management, communications and information technology (CIT) as important strategic drivers of change.
The subject highlights the 'big picture' issues of change management and how they have had an impact on the strategic leadership of organisational change in a global economy. The subject addresses the specific dynamics of organisational change brought about by various strategic initiatives made possible by current CIT. These initiatives include deconstruction, disintermediation, mergers, acquisitions and forms of 'creative destruction' that result in organisational change. Through a collaborative process involving students, academics and industry experts, students enhance their conceptual understanding of change management practices in current times, and apply this emergent understanding to their workplace practices through the completion of a work-based change management project. This subject challenges the candidate for higher management roles and prepares them for an overview concerning change management.