In this subject students explore the processes of design, development and operationalisation of e-learning systems, locating such study in actual cases. Students examine ways these new cultural forms might influence and be influenced by the existing structures and functions of organisations: relationships that are fundamental to knowledge management.
They analyse possible cultural barriers to the implementation of e-learning, including deep values, principles and prejudices (particularly in relation to equity and social justice for disempowered groups, locally and globally) and how such barriers might be circumvented. Students elicit those values and principles underpinning e-learning systems that are in tune with existing organisational and cultural structures. And consider how such values and principles might be developed in organisations and cultures confronting potentially destabilising development. The subject culminates in a draft proposal for an e-learning design to address an educational problem in students' own discipline or field of professional practice. By using technological ideas to think with in these ways, students further increase their level of technological fluency.