Building ID system
Addresses and maps
UTS Student Centres
UTS: International
Postgraduate research
Faculty student offices
Other academic units
The Building ID system is a four-character code, comprising two letters describing a geographic location and two numerals that use existing building numbers. Office locations within this handbook appear as Building ID.Floor No.Room No (for example, room 10 on floor 20 in the Tower Building of City campus, Broadway, would be CB01.20.10).
The geographic location codes are:
CB City campus, Broadway
CC City campus, Blackfriars, Chippendale
CM City campus, Haymarket
CQ City campus, 10 Quay Street, Haymarket
KG Kuring-gai campus
SL St Leonards campus
For detailed maps of UTS campuses visit the Addresses and maps website at:
For further details about the University Graduate School, refer to Postgraduate research students.
Refer also to the detailed information in this handbook for the Faculty of Business.
Refer also to the detailed information in this handbook for the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building.
Refer also to the detailed information in this handbook for the Faculty of Education, or fill in the online request form at:
Refer also to the detailed information in this handbook for the Faculty of Engineering.
Refer also to the detailed information in this handbook for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Refer also to the detailed information in this handbook for the Faculty of Information Technology.
Refer also to the detailed information in this handbook for the Faculty of Law.
Refer also to the detailed information in this handbook for the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Health.
Refer also to the detailed information in this handbook for the Faculty of Science.
Refer to the Institute for International Studies in this handbook.
For information about other academic units, see the UTS: Calendar online at: